Sunday, November 05, 2006

I hate...

Soooo, pretty much, I hate being right, I hate getting let down, I hate not knowing what to do, I hate having to pretend, I hate knowing I'll be waking up at five, I hate 'could'ves and would'ves', and I hate knowing I will forgive them. I hate that. Oh, and I also hate being rejected by dead relatives. Lol.

Love, Jeb.


Britta Nystul said...

Yeah, as we said before "Jeb = god". Hmmm. What are we going to do with you? lol

Hannah said...

i hate all of those things too. i never really thought about how i hate knowing i'm going to forgive someone for something. because it would feel good just to stay mad for a while. but its true. i hate that. and i also hate being rejected by dead relatives. ouch.
mucho love.