Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Home Sick

Welll I am sooo tired of doing nothing! I felt like crap when i woke up this morning and decided to stay home from school. good thing, too. but it was really (really) boring. watch tv, read magazines, sleep, watch tv, drink 7-up (which, in this case, isn't really breaking 'the rule' is it hannah?), sleep, read magazines, stare at things. I hate being sick. It's the worst. Hopefully i'll be completely better tomorrow, seeing as how i have to work and all. but it's UEA! Number one, why do i have to work over uea? and number two, why should i have to be sick over uea??

So mostly I sat around wishing I were at school....wait, no, not that. Wishing I weren't home sick, I guess, reading random blogs. Man, there are people with really messed up lives. Lol. Makes me feel slightly better...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm pretty confused today, but what else is new? I had to work earlier, and man was it busy! I hate it when it's so messed up and crazy that you don't even have time to stop and breathe. Oh well....I guess i survived, didn't I? Anyway, it's been a dumb weekend so far.
I did have a really weird dream about....people. haha...never mind.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

No, I did not die.

Despite what you may think, I am not dead. I have simply been too lazy to blog lately. Lazy or busy? I don't know. Haha.... well. Not too much has happened. The 'fammy's' still awesome. I even got to meet clawface's boyfriend! He was really cool....i'm just sad he lives in idaho and all of the guys in 'wosatch' are stupid.

Hannah is at a swimmeet today....kind of makes me wish i would've been on the swim team. but right now that's not really the best thing...I'm focused on going to Europe this summer! If I can convince my dad to let me go, and earn the money...that would be sooo good. anyway, maybe this will satisfy you, Heb? it better, or else...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


It's been soooo cold today! And it was kind of a sucky day anyway. I "everything". JK, Heb. I just want to have fun for like, one whole week without having issues with people or homework or anything. That would be really good.
well, that's all i really have to say.