Monday, July 31, 2006


I was at EFY all of last week, and I wish I was still there! It was such a great year, and we had tons of awesome people in our group. Plus Hannah and I were in the variety show. It rocked! Also, one of the scariest things I've ever done. But still, it was really fun. That's all.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Nothing Here

I got really mad today. Kind of a final thing though, so that could be good. Hmm.


Not much has been happening to write about. But, no matter what you people (BESTO) think, I believe in blogging no matter what! No matter what kind of boring stuff you guys have to hear about, I will still blog.

Hmmm. It's been a boring week. Ugh, everything is boring after Tennessee. I've started swimming in the morning again, so that's going ok. Today, I think, we swam....somewhere around 1200 m. I was reading these random blogs last night, and one talked about their, like, extreme, amazing, swim workout, which turned out to be 600 m. Pfft, that's all I say. I would also like to add that I am Queen of lane three. that's right. Queen! They say to me, "slow down" but no. I will swim as I wish, I am queen. lol. They're like 12. I'm evil.

So. I've been saying "I called it" for like two weeks now because of the Morgan thing, but I'm going to say it again. I called it. Awhile ago, I was talking to someone (lol you'll all get this), and I told him he would be over me before the end of summer. I'm pretty sure I was right. Which is ok. I mean, I want him to be really really unbelievably happy, and this whole undefined weird thing with me/him is not doing that, I don't think.

Welllll I'm bored. What else happened? Ohh. Last weekend Tyler Riffle was up for the air show, so we met for lunch and talked for awhile. I forgot how fun he is! It was good to see him. Summer looks good on him. :)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Well, things were good...

I realized I have problems again. Ugh. Not that I want to post them all over the internet or anything, but I should've realized what I was doing before I did everything AGAIN. I'm just really mad at myself right now, cause it might be hard to fix it all again.

Also, I realized how tired I get of girls, and the stupid things they do to each other. True, I am a girl, but I like to think I've taken a step away from all of that, because it bothers me so much. Girls can be sooo mean! So much drama...I hate it, but they won't let it go, so it keeps going and going until it's out of control. So that sucks. Don't be a stupid girl.

Anyway, happier stuff... I went boating yesterday for young women's! Very very fun! I love to be on the lake, but I love to be wakeboarding on the lake even more! I'm not that great, but I can finally get up without too much trouble now, and all. I love love love that feeling though. One of my favorite parts of summer, for sure.

Love, Jennifer

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Back From Nashville

Yesterday I got back from FBLA Nationals in Nashville, TN, which was really really really fun. And hot/humid! We stayed in this gargantuous hotel, which I'm not going to tell you the name of, because you'll only laugh, but it was an amazing building. It's like the biggest thing I've ever seen and definately the nicest hotel I've ever stayed in!

I didn't place in the top ten of my even, Principles and Procedures, but I could've told you that would happen, so I wasn't disappointed or anything. Nathan, on the other hand, took eighth in Future Business Leader, which is the hardest competition of them all. He was ecstatic. And extremely protective of his trophy wife. I mean trophy. I mean trophy wife. Haha, just kidding. It was cool though, him winning and all, because it's super hard for anyone to win anything at Nationals.

We took a tour of the city, went to the Country Music Hall of Fame (Nashville is the country music capitol of the world), went to the Grand Ole Opry, and went on a dinner riverboat cruise. Much fun. And music. Not always good. But still fun. Hannah and I hung out with Casey and Colin the whole week, which made everything that much more fun. They are very very funny, in exactly the way Hannah and I laugh at everything. Same sense of humor, which is good. And now it's hard to tell why people can't tell them apart....they look nothing alike to me now.

Here's the one thing I came home with (lol well i guess there's more, but still..): Airports SUCK. We were stuck in Chicago for five and a half hours on the trip there, and if I never see another airport again, I'll be just fine. Not that I don't like travelling, because I do, but airports suck, and so does the food. It cost me my soul for a hamburger, but it was a delicious hamburger, so I guess it was probably worth it. hahaha

I miss Nashville, and everyone! :(

Much Love, Jennifer