Thursday, February 01, 2007

and for tomorrow...

So, what are your plans for tomorrow? What's that? You're going to school? Ohhhh right, school. I guess you would have to go to that, wouldn't you? Well HA! I'm not. You'd think I were excited about this or something.

Tomorrow is Region FBLA (fuh-bluh), and after that Hannah and I will drive over to BYU to watch State Swimming. You would not believe how ridiculously hard it is to get a paper signed in the high school. Honestly. We walked around, fuming, for like an hour today, and still didn't even get the stupid signature to drive ourselves tomorrow. We finally had to find a loophole, which is the current plan. "Extreme frustration!" was said many times. Lol. Anyway, I am very excited for this, because it's sounding like it will all amount to an amazing weekend.

Hmmm. I guess that's about all. Have a fantastic Friday. I will.

Love, Jennifer

1 comment:

Hannah said...

today was, in fact, amazing. every little bit. despite yesterday's "intense frustration," it turned out to be even better than i thought it would! i love days like this. four is a good number.