Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Lettering, and returning to normal (somewhat)

Sooo, here I am, feeling just a little bit better about life, and school, and boys, and, well, pretty much just everything in general. Which is good. Really good! For the past, oh, week, it's been so so crazy and it feels good to get back to normal. And even though I still have projects to present and tests to take, I've at least gained a little bit of control after learning that I passed the practice permit test, i've taken the algebra 2 final test, and (thankfully!) finished the projects.

And I got some great news on Monday! I lettered in track! As a freshman! Woohoo, pretty amazing, I'd say. That's probably been the best part of this entire week so far. I really want a letterman's jacket, but I've heard they're really expensive, so who knows. Also, I would really like an iPod. And oh yeah, a new computer to go with it. Take notes, Hannah. Lol, jk. Why is it that I always say that to you? About the iPod and everything?

So anyway, paintballing (uh, painballing) was amazing. Hurt something fierce (lol, Pearl Harbor), but it was still really really fun. Met some cute guys too, lol! Haha, I wonder who reads this? And I've decided, I will forgive Nathan for killing (well, almost) that poor little frog, or "water-dweller" as hannah puts it. I guess guys just do stuff like that, shoot paintballs into the pond.

Well, I should probably go now, seeing as how I am in urgent need of sleep these days. Wish me luck on the Driver's Ed final! (now just why is that the most important test to me?! hahaha)

1 comment:

Roberto Lerma said...

cute guys???i need names. names!!! i wasnt one of them thats for sure. and i think that nathan actuallly killed the "water-dweller"