Saturday, March 22, 2008

When you know you're dreaming...

So my little goal lately has been to become a lucid dreamer. So lucid is:

1.easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible: a lucid explanation.
2.characterized by clear perception or understanding; rational or sane: a lucid moment in his madness.
3.shining or bright.
4.clear; pellucid; transparent.

....and so, lucid dreaming is simply the state of being completely aware in dreams. Knowing that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. The idea is that once you become aware, you can make your dreams go in whichever direction you'd like. It's kind of this ultimate freedom thing.

I remember learning about this a few years ago, and really wanting to and trying, but it never really happened. And here I am again. My plan is this: several times a day, simply ask myself if I am dreaming. I kind of feel like a crazy person when I do this, but it's about all I can go with. So far it hasn't really been working too well. I forget to ask myself during the day, and definitely when I dream. I've been waking up remembering that I'm supposed to have asked myself and forgot. Kind of disappointing.

This afternoon, after my lovely day of being a Ring Ceremony Food Guru (haha!), I came home and took a good nap. I can't remember really what I dreamt of, but I woke up and had this strange feeling. I realized that I didn't actually get to ask myself if I was dreaming, but the question had been there, just kind of in the murky shadows on the edges of consciousness. The vague impression of the question was floating around. I couldn't actually think of it through the haze, but the question was there, somewhere as I dreamt. I'm really excited about this development. I'm that much closer, you know?

Love, Jennifer

PS--- Love, love, LOVE August Rush.


isaac said...

that is really interesting, to have entire freedom in your mind would be a powerful tool.

-Travis Moulton- said...

this is a really interesting blog. i am intrigued by the concept of dreaming. it is fascinating yet somewhat mysterious.