Sunday, March 05, 2006

I love Cantaloupe :D

Ahh it's been a really good weekend. Possibly the best ever, lol. I won't go into detail because, well, that's not cool, anyone could read this, but we'll just say I was very very happy with Friday night. I called in sick to work, and hung out with Neil, Hannah, Jake, Nathaniel and Randi, since Neil will be on choir tour half of next week and next weekend. I'm sad just thinking about it! Ugh, at least I have good memories to get me through, lol.

Soooo I'm excited. On tuesday I'll probably be going preference dress shopping with my mom! I'm excited! haha, Neil hasn't actually answered yet, but i'm pretty sure he'll say yes, so i'll take the chance and get the dress anyway. and if he says no, I'll have a very pretty dress to wear around the house! haha jk. I'm sure it'll be ok either way. bleahh I wish Hannah could go though. Me, Hannah and Morgan planning a date.....ohhh man, that would be awesome.

so that's about all for today. yay..........i get to see neil tomorrow :)

Love, Jennifer

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