Friday, June 16, 2006

Swimming thoughts

So here's what I thought as I was swimming today. You know, I kind of suck at this swimming thing. Well, I don't need to exaggerate, I guess. There are just some aspects, such as stroking, kicking, breathing, and you know...propelling yourself through the water in a timely and comfortable way. So there I was, Australian crawling my way through yet another lap (and I emphasize the crawling part), when I thought, I hate you, pool. I hate you. Then I made up my mind to do everything in my power to take control over all that water, because this was obviously not working. I will conquer you, pool. *much fist shaking. About 300 m later, I was dead tired and ready to give myself over to the evil force I call the Junior High pool. You got me.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

haha! wow. i defiantely know how you feel with the pool thing. i gave up trying to conquer the pool long, long ago. the pool is just far too powrful. and i like al the dave barry quotes. haha!