Monday, February 07, 2011

3 things I love.

First off, I would like to say that the following pictures do not do justice to the shocking shade of pink on my lips. Nonetheless, it--NARS lipstick in Schiap--is the first of three new things in my life that I really love. Second, my Bern helmet to protect this beautiful brain that I spend all of my time forcing chemistry and physiology information into.

Have I mentioned I have the most beautiful bike ever?? Tommaso Imola!

Love, love, love,



Holly Kathrine said...

i have a Bern snowboarding helmet that i LOVE also.

Morgan said...

One thing I love.


Ok, and maybe those luscious pink lips too ;)

Jennifer said...

bern helmets are the best of both worlds: protecting your head and not looking awful! morgan, i love you twice as much. you should try the lipstick sometime, it's pretty crazy the first time you see yourself in the mirror. it's NEON pink!

Heart Charlie said...

I LOVE Schiap!!! I wear the same shade ;) And what a great bike helmet and bike, wonderful ;)

Jennifer said...

I actually got my inspiration from you, Charlie! I'm glad I went for it and tried something new; I'm usually more of a neutral sort of girl :)