Thursday, July 14, 2005

Waterfight, and My Pretty Band-Aids

So, listen, I'm not one of those sissy fru-fru people who pass out when they have to get a shot. I just don't exactly enjoy them, you know? But here's the problem with today's vaccination. I had been mentally preparing for ONE shot, not three. So that sucked, big time. They were for hepatitis a, b, and a tetanus. Those hurt, by the way. But I did survive, and now I have two pretty blue and yellow bandaids on my arms. What a reward. Lol, oh wait, I suppose the award is not getting the disease, right? However you want to look at it!

Also, the fammy and I decided that 'surprise visits' are pretty good things. Stupid me, I picked, literally, the hottest point of the day to bike a couple of miles to Morgan's house. Oops. But again, I also survived that. It was worth it, though. We had a 'waterfight' which was actually just me, Morgan, and Hannah jumping on her trampoline while her brothers squirted us with the hose. Hey, it was really hot, okay? Hahaha! So we plan on doing stuff like that more often. Woohoo. And also, I got a good amount of exercise to balance out all of those fruit snacks. Lol, good thing...


Hannah said...

HAHA! Who are you calling sissy fru-fru huh? Just because you pass out when you get shots.... :) lol. So yeah, our "water fight" was fun. We should do it more often huh?

Roberto Lerma said...

sissy fru-fru? lol. hey all of us should hang out sometime. oh wait hannah over here is miss busy all summer. i like pretty band-aids and fruit snacks. no fair. well you did get shots. 3! dang i probably would faint. lol since im a sissy fru-fru