Friday, July 24, 2009

thoughts of a dying...adventurist?

July 24, 2009

I just had the strangest dream.  It was one of those that affects you so deeply that you can't shake the feeling even after you've woken.  In a bid for adventure I mistakenly catapulted myself off this gigantic church-type roof on a bicycle.  Absolutely the tallest building ever.  The next thing I knew I was sitting contemplating my life because I knew that I'd suffered internal injuries that couldn't be fixed and I had a few days at most to live.  Pieces of my body kept detaching themselves from inside as I slowly faded.  I cannot even begin to explain the way I felt.  The most surprising thing was how much fear I felt.  I feared the idea of death so much.  Like a thief taking away the single most important thing, death waited for me on the sidelines while I struggled to soak in what little I could with what time I had left.  I felt so much regret, and at the same time had a much clearer view of what life really meant.  I was so sad for the person I would never come, the fact that I would never be married or have children, graduate college, decide what to do with my life, nothing.  It seemed so ridiculous to me, the things I used to worry about.  Careers and school schedules absolutely paled in comparison to what I now faced.  I felt so terrible for my parents and my brother, who would have to watch me die, and really jealous of those who still had a future ahead of them.  Despite all of this, I wasn't angry or bitter, I just knew that it was my destiny to end this way.  In a way it was a calm thought, although underneath I still wanted so much.

I'm think I know why I dreamt this, and I'm glad to have felt what I did.  My subconscious knew what I did not.  Even as I type this, the feeling is fading, but I hope to hold on to as much of it as I possibly can.  I am so grateful to be alive right now, to have endless days ahead of me, but still I know that time waits for no one.

Love, Jennifer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. that's all i have to say...
