Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And I would walk on water...

I've been evolving. Lol.

I don't know what's been going on really....not so much anyway. But I'll post some highlights for you...

First sickness of the season! Haha, yay. I told my mom that I didn't believe in western medicine, but she gave me a pill anyway.

I found a book. Yes, and it's quickly moved up to one of my top five books ever. It's called The Tao of Pooh (as in, winnie the pooh), and it's ridiculously good. I have no idea how to explain Tao, (which, oddly enough, is Tao in action), so I won't try. Just take my word that it's good and maybe go out and read it yourself.

I've been thinking A LOT. And having some good conversations because of it. For instance, I have decided that the root of every decision ever (and I mean every one) is to make yourself happy. It makes sense. And also, I've come to the conclusion that most dreams are never realized, and I'm still in the process of trying to figure out why. Maybe dreams aren't forgotten or unachieved, they simply evolve into other dreams? I don't know.

My whole freaking college plan collapsed. I'm serious. I was thinking Westminster would be fantastic, but it turns out that it's....well, not so much. It's a big party school, and that's a turn off. And also....all of the sudden, it just feels wrong. Each time I think about it, it seems weirder and more wrong to me, so I suppose that's my answer. Also, I was sort of planning on eventually making it to Washington or Oregon for school. Found out those are ridiculously expensive places to live. Combined with out of state tuition, and I'm screwed. So hmm. Back to square one for me.

Good season for music and concerts and just plain happiness.

New Healthy plan with Morgan has gone into effect. Sweet.

Also, I appreciate all of you times a billion. Really.

Love, Jennifer

1 comment:

Roberto Lerma said...

hmm...the Tao of Pooh sounds like a book about Philosophy that I found called "Plato and a Platypus walk into a bar..." which explains philosophical concepts through jokes. haha. anyway. I appreciate you too Jebby. A lot.

and yes, my college planned collapsed too. twice.
