So here's how this blog goes. These are the top ten movies of 2006 (by box office and whatnot). And here's what people we know thought of them (mostly me, lol).
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
I think it was okay considering how much pressure was on it to be amazing like the first. I was super disappointed with the end though. I was, however, intrigued with the little thing between Jack and Elizabeth, although it caused outrage in another certain person I saw the movie with. That swamp lady was so dang crazy. What was she saying anyway?
2. Cars
This one was kind of funny. I'm not a big fan of animated stuff most of the time, but this wasn't bad. But, if it can get that many people to quote one line to me five billion times, it must have been popular. "She only likes me for my body."
3. X-Men: The Last Stand
I liked this movie a lot! I think I watched it at Spiva's house or something, and I was surprised how good it was. Especially since I hadn't seen any of the others for like five years. But good stuff. Good action, effects, and plot. Yay.
4. The Da Vinci Code
Wow, finally I get to put my frustration into writing. I read this book, and it SUCKED. That's right. Sucked. I was so prepared to live out my life in happiness without ever having seen the movie. But, I gave in and decided to give it a chance. Surprisingly, it SUCKED. I can't even begin to tell you how ridiculously made up it is. And I know, it's supposed to be fiction and all, but there are some subjects you can make stuff up about, and some you cannot. This is one you cannot.
5. Superman Returns
Honestly, I don't remember a lot about this movie. Somehow I kept thinking, "Wow, he has a bad streamline." But, I think I did kind of like it. Not as great as say, Spiderman, but it was still pretty good. He made a cute nerd.
6. Ice Age: The Meltdown
I actually haven't seen this. The first was good though. If you have, tell us what you thought of it...
7. Happy Feet
Again, haven't seen this one. But it sounds amazing. From what Enano enthusiastically tells me, it's about penguins that find mates by using their heartsong. One penguin, however, does not have a song so he dances. How could you go wrong with a plot like that?
8. Over The Hedge
Wow, haven't seen this either. But apparently there's an animated theme this year. Besto, however, saw it, and said he doesn't really remember it. I guess it wasn't that great.
9. Talladega Nights
Open to review...
10. Casino Royale
Oh my gosh. This is the best action movie I've ever seen. The beginning scene, with the chase through the construction and all, holy crap. That guy can climb. Really cool plot. I loved the part with the defribulator. Never saw the end coming.
So. Top 10 of 'o6. Now for the best part. These are movies I saw this year that rocked for one reason or another but didn't get the recognition they deserve. Yay movies...
-Employee of the Month
-Elizabethtown (ok, i cheated. this was 'o5. but i loved it anyway)
-The Breakup
-Pink Panther
-John Tucker Must Die
-Skeleton Key
Love, Jennifer
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
_i love this week_
Merry Christmas everybody! And also, does anyone out there realize exactly how long "It's a Wonderful Life" is? lol, but I do like the movie, even if it is insanely long. I cannot believe how amazing this Christmas was. Honestly. It rocked, even though it was a little bit weird not having my brother here for the first time. But, he's doing things that make him happy so...good. lol.
Good things about this week:
-no school
-tomorrow is offically music day
-kelsey is coming!
-break from my favorite water sport
-michael and besto's birthday
-playing with all my new toys!
yes, i think that about sums it up
Love, Jennifer
Good things about this week:
-no school
-tomorrow is offically music day
-kelsey is coming!
-break from my favorite water sport
-michael and besto's birthday
-playing with all my new toys!
yes, i think that about sums it up
Love, Jennifer
Friday, December 22, 2006
my wish list.

Dear Santa,
How are things at the North Pole? I hope you're doing fine, and Mrs. Claus as well. Now then, let's get down to business. I've been pretty dang good this year. Mostly. But considering all the BAD I could've done, specifically when "H" suggested it to me, yeah, I was pretty good. On that note, I'd like to suggest a few things you could stuff in your sack for me this year.
Please bring me...
*a new heart. a bulletproof one. it is unbreakable and tough but will still allow me to feel the good in life. please wrap it in gold paper. that would be sweet.
*a videocamera that will follow me, invisible, everywhere I go. it will catch all of the amazing moments on film, to be immortalized forever in the video of my life.
*a big jar of patience. patience with myself, with my friends, with my family, and oh yeah...with myself.
*a copy of The Plan. that's right. i don't know how close you two are, but if He'd be so nice as to give you a copy to give to me that would be greatly appreciated. that way, when something happens and i stand there thinking "what the....", I could just refer to the Plan and it would all be clear. maybe you could frame it for me.
*an invisible suit. for those times i just want to disappear. (i guess if i get the unbreakable heart, i might not need this huh?) i promise to use this for good. sometimes.
*an airplane, for travel. and a copy of the Plan for all the world leaders. "duh, you idiot. this is what you should be doing."
*time, wrapped in a red bow. it's rechargable for multiple uses, and comes with the wisdom it holds. for those days i have none of it left. i will never use my extra time for homework. i promise you that.
*the friendship we used to have. you don't have to wrap it, and it doesn't even need a bow. don't try to shine it and get the imperfections out; sometimes that's what i liked best about it. when you leave this under the tree, feel free to take the awkward feelings and resentment, the heartache, and the anger with you. you can destroy those. i don't want them anymore.
*some magic eyes. the kind that can see what's good for me and ones that won't get stuck on my own opinions. they can see through excuses and have a multiple-viewpoint option. somedays i really need a new outlook on things.
*a song extractor. this would be awesome. it should be able to pull the song that's inside of me out, because i can never write it. it's incredibly hard to capture, but this thing would do it. and it would be painless. no, wait, it would only hurt just a little, because a bit of pain makes for a good song.
*love, sweet love. and while you're at it, give a box of this to the rest of the globe, too. Because, after all, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love."
Take care and thanks for the good stuff,

Jennifer N.
Monday, December 18, 2006
life is not measured by
the number of breaths we take,
but by the number of moments
that take
I know the year's not over yet, but this is me getting that melancholy feeling I start to feel every end of every year. That's just me. I can't let things go. And I know that changing our calendars doesn't mean anything, but it feels like an end to me, and I hate change. I just don't want to let any of it go, you know? I'm the person who keeps every stub to every movie I go to with friends, and I take a zillion pictures, and I keep blogs like this going. Why? Cause I want something solid I can hold onto....I guess I want proof. Proof that my life really is what I think it is, that my memories are mine. I don't want to grow up. Because I LOVE LIFE. Do you ever feel just, really unexplainably happy about everything? I'm happy. But at the same time, I always wonder what's coming next. How will 2007 change me? I've hardly had a second to catch my breath this year, because it's all come at me so fast and so wonderfully. It was full of moments that took my breath away. I know you can't live in the past, but I need to keep in touch with it, I think.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
remember when
I totally stole this idea from hannah's blog, but I liked it a lot, so here's my version.
Remember When...
We drove around the hotpot really slowly trying to figure out if "the plan" was going to work
We watched Ocean's Eleven. Haha. ..watched.
You finally kissed me and I don't even remember driving home, that's how happy I was. It was in the moonlight.
We played Pirates in the park all afternoon. Those are some of the best pictures ever.
I finally found out what it means to love someone.
We watched the sun set. We talked about Africa and birds that attack and then...that.
We found the song by accident. I have never written anything so truthful. Whether people realize what that song's about or not.
We sat on Kelsey's deck after everyone else left and just talked about what we're made of.
It all came crashing down. It was raining that morning. I lay in bed for the longest time thinking about what it meant. Neither of us could say...anything.
I checked off one of the items on my list. haha. you never even knew there was a list. I still have the wristband.
We used to go to "fairy keen" after swimming every night. Ranch burger with cheese, yours no tomato, and a slush every time. Our booth. The fishing net that held Morgan's dog.
We used to stay up late every Christmas Eve in one of our rooms, way too excited to sleep. You always woke me up.
We stopped at the far wall during one of Becka's workouts. You looked exactly like a gummybear, and I told you so.
We all realized that mothers and "My Humps" definately don't go together. lol. And erin's mom goes with "sexyback".
We sat in the basement and played Straight Up. I learned a lot, you dog.
We accidentally killed that California Condor in my car door.
And then I had a Snapple Explosion at the stoplight.
We totally used to use basketball games to get close to our crushes.
It was just the six of us. And we were tight. I really, really miss that.
You brought me a sunflower you picked on the side of the road while I was working.
All of you guys came to see me when I worked at Le Hub. I gave you all free fries. Lol. You left me a bunch of stuff. I still have it all, in a lime green envelope labeled "This is some good crap." It is good crap.
We stayed up for an hour or two in the hotel room naming all of this kind of stuff. The stuff that we miss.
You went on choir tour and called me every night. I think it was then that I started to love you.
We used to play the Question Game on MSN every time.
We invented Super Death Chess.
We first realized how much fun it is to go underwear shopping. lol.
We first hiked up the mountain to the top part. I think we talked about drugs, lol. I thought I would marry him.
You taught me how to play "blood brothers." i forgot.
We played "Sodom, South Georgia" in my room and sang. Yellow by Coldplay.
I first got my license and I totally drove into the barrier at Smith's.
"Swing Life Away" was our anthem.
We'd talked for like an hour every night on the phone. You refused to hang up.
We all played when the circus came this summer. I threw up. Lol. You took care of me. I got a new definition of love.
They gave us paper napkin roses at EFY.
We played SCUM in their hotel room.
The lady in the parking lot after Death Cab FREAKED out as I backed up. Then we got stopped in the canyon forever. I think she fell asleep.
We played on her trampoline, and lay there in blankets looking at the sky and trying to figure things out.
We filmed the first part of the "Willard" spoof.
We watched The Shining and ate like 42 otter pops.
It took a LOT of courage to give a Christmas present.
I fell in love for the first time.
I hope I never forget any of these.
Love, Jennifer
Remember When...
We drove around the hotpot really slowly trying to figure out if "the plan" was going to work
We watched Ocean's Eleven. Haha. ..watched.
You finally kissed me and I don't even remember driving home, that's how happy I was. It was in the moonlight.
We played Pirates in the park all afternoon. Those are some of the best pictures ever.
I finally found out what it means to love someone.
We watched the sun set. We talked about Africa and birds that attack and then...that.
We found the song by accident. I have never written anything so truthful. Whether people realize what that song's about or not.
We sat on Kelsey's deck after everyone else left and just talked about what we're made of.
It all came crashing down. It was raining that morning. I lay in bed for the longest time thinking about what it meant. Neither of us could say...anything.
I checked off one of the items on my list. haha. you never even knew there was a list. I still have the wristband.
We used to go to "fairy keen" after swimming every night. Ranch burger with cheese, yours no tomato, and a slush every time. Our booth. The fishing net that held Morgan's dog.
We used to stay up late every Christmas Eve in one of our rooms, way too excited to sleep. You always woke me up.
We stopped at the far wall during one of Becka's workouts. You looked exactly like a gummybear, and I told you so.
We all realized that mothers and "My Humps" definately don't go together. lol. And erin's mom goes with "sexyback".
We sat in the basement and played Straight Up. I learned a lot, you dog.
We accidentally killed that California Condor in my car door.
And then I had a Snapple Explosion at the stoplight.
We totally used to use basketball games to get close to our crushes.
It was just the six of us. And we were tight. I really, really miss that.
You brought me a sunflower you picked on the side of the road while I was working.
All of you guys came to see me when I worked at Le Hub. I gave you all free fries. Lol. You left me a bunch of stuff. I still have it all, in a lime green envelope labeled "This is some good crap." It is good crap.
We stayed up for an hour or two in the hotel room naming all of this kind of stuff. The stuff that we miss.
You went on choir tour and called me every night. I think it was then that I started to love you.
We used to play the Question Game on MSN every time.
We invented Super Death Chess.
We first realized how much fun it is to go underwear shopping. lol.
We first hiked up the mountain to the top part. I think we talked about drugs, lol. I thought I would marry him.
You taught me how to play "blood brothers." i forgot.
We played "Sodom, South Georgia" in my room and sang. Yellow by Coldplay.
I first got my license and I totally drove into the barrier at Smith's.
"Swing Life Away" was our anthem.
We'd talked for like an hour every night on the phone. You refused to hang up.
We all played when the circus came this summer. I threw up. Lol. You took care of me. I got a new definition of love.
They gave us paper napkin roses at EFY.
We played SCUM in their hotel room.
The lady in the parking lot after Death Cab FREAKED out as I backed up. Then we got stopped in the canyon forever. I think she fell asleep.
We played on her trampoline, and lay there in blankets looking at the sky and trying to figure things out.
We filmed the first part of the "Willard" spoof.
We watched The Shining and ate like 42 otter pops.
It took a LOT of courage to give a Christmas present.
I fell in love for the first time.
I hope I never forget any of these.
Love, Jennifer
So Hannah's been being really whiny lately about me not blogging soon enough, so I hope you're happy Hannah. I'm blogging, lol.
Wow. I really have nothing at all to blog about. Kind of all I do is complain and "talk" (complain) about swimming, and I'm tired of both of those.
It snowed a bunch last night! I'm actually glad for this because at least now it's not all gross and melty-snowy slushy...ugh outside. Nice and pretty and white. And I'm pretty sure Berto and all those other crazy snowboarders/skiiers are freaking out. I would too if I snowboarded.
Well, that's pretty much all I can think of right now. I hate this. This blog sucks. It's like trying to make smalltalk with someone you don't even know and you have absolutely nothing to say. And now I'll end with an amazing quote by someone I can't quite remember.
"Rice is great when you're hungry and want 2000 of something."
I think I'll go wrap Christmas presents now. Hopefully tonight doesn't suck.
Love, Jennifer
Wow. I really have nothing at all to blog about. Kind of all I do is complain and "talk" (complain) about swimming, and I'm tired of both of those.
It snowed a bunch last night! I'm actually glad for this because at least now it's not all gross and melty-snowy slushy...ugh outside. Nice and pretty and white. And I'm pretty sure Berto and all those other crazy snowboarders/skiiers are freaking out. I would too if I snowboarded.
Well, that's pretty much all I can think of right now. I hate this. This blog sucks. It's like trying to make smalltalk with someone you don't even know and you have absolutely nothing to say. And now I'll end with an amazing quote by someone I can't quite remember.
"Rice is great when you're hungry and want 2000 of something."
I think I'll go wrap Christmas presents now. Hopefully tonight doesn't suck.
Love, Jennifer
Sunday, December 10, 2006
super memorization day
Today was officially "super memorization day". It sucked. I studied presidents and the constitution for like three hours. Again, it sucked. BUT, I am now totally prepared for the Devil History final on Monday. That's always a nice feeling, when you're actually prepared for the giant test your evil professor has planned out for you. Sigh. Who decided that school had to get hard all of a sudden? It wasn't me, that's for sure.
This weekend was pretty good. On Friday I went to the Olive Garden and to A Christmas Carol at the Hale Theatre. What a good play! I actually enjoyed it, even though I had to miss out on iceskating and stuff with everyone. Then yesterday, Hannah and Morgan and I finally went to the Orchard to take black and white pictures for Morgan's secret project. I think they'll be really cute, whenever it is I get to see them. We're basically professionals when you place a camera in our hands. After that Morgan and I finally (!!) made notecards for History at her house, then I went back to Midway to my ward Christmas party. Then Morgan and I met up again and went to Kelsey's for her beeday party, which was a lot of fun. Morgan, Enano, Brady and I ended up sitting outside on the deck looking at the amazing view a just talking for awhile. It was my favorite. I love all of them mucho mucho. Later everyone watched John Tucker Must Die, finally for me, which was good. So good weekend.
See everyone tomorrow
Love, Jennifer
This weekend was pretty good. On Friday I went to the Olive Garden and to A Christmas Carol at the Hale Theatre. What a good play! I actually enjoyed it, even though I had to miss out on iceskating and stuff with everyone. Then yesterday, Hannah and Morgan and I finally went to the Orchard to take black and white pictures for Morgan's secret project. I think they'll be really cute, whenever it is I get to see them. We're basically professionals when you place a camera in our hands. After that Morgan and I finally (!!) made notecards for History at her house, then I went back to Midway to my ward Christmas party. Then Morgan and I met up again and went to Kelsey's for her beeday party, which was a lot of fun. Morgan, Enano, Brady and I ended up sitting outside on the deck looking at the amazing view a just talking for awhile. It was my favorite. I love all of them mucho mucho. Later everyone watched John Tucker Must Die, finally for me, which was good. So good weekend.
See everyone tomorrow
Love, Jennifer
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Inspiration, anyone?
So tonight I decided we could all stand to be a little more selfish. That's right, I said it. Let's break all the rules. When did we decide that everythign had to be about pleasing other people? When did I stop taking days to just paint ridiculous and pompous pictures with ridiculous, pompous names to sell on eBay? Lol. Just for a moment, let's remember ourselves, and what's important to us, and *gasp do something to make ourselves happy. Pure, unrelated-to-anyone else happy. Show yourself that you are you and that's completely perfect. Take a moment to breathe. yay. i'm me.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Take my life.
Alright, so my new favorite band of the week is officially the Weepies. I love finding good new music. Makes me mucho happy.
Here's a question, faithful blog readers. Somebody said, "You can take my life, but you will never take my freedom." What would you say? "You can take my life, but you will never take my...." I would say, "You can take my life, but you will never take my memories."
Not a lot to say, except that I'm sooo excited for Christmas and all. Yay! I love giving gifts.llllooovvve.itttt. And just a warning, I've been in a super weird mood lately, so if I seem like a psycho, just don't worry. Lol.
Much Love, Jennifer
Here's a question, faithful blog readers. Somebody said, "You can take my life, but you will never take my freedom." What would you say? "You can take my life, but you will never take my...." I would say, "You can take my life, but you will never take my memories."
Not a lot to say, except that I'm sooo excited for Christmas and all. Yay! I love giving gifts.llllooovvve.itttt. And just a warning, I've been in a super weird mood lately, so if I seem like a psycho, just don't worry. Lol.
Much Love, Jennifer
Monday, November 27, 2006
(John) Snow!

It snowed a lot today! It was so crazy, one point, while I was at work, I looked out the window and it was like this complete whiteout. So cool. And along with massive amounts of snow, there was thunder at the same time. Impressive.
So, to explain this fantastic picture. While thinking about all of the newly fallen white, I thought I'd attach a picture for your viewing enjoyment, so I googled "snow". And I got this. That's right, Secretary of the Treasury, John W. Snow. This guy's in charge of money or something, so basically he rules America. All bow down. Ha.
Well, I think that's all for now. Happy first snowfall, bloggers! Especially you Britta. Perhaps you and snow could become good friends this winter?
Sunday, November 26, 2006
The gray area
So I just spent like the last hour and a half reading about Vietnam, and now I feel all weird. Like, what is wrong with our world? ....Hmm. Wow, I don't have much else to say about that. I'm not sure how I feel about Iraq anymore. Ugh. I'm just...frustrated with everything right now, I guess. Because as nice as it is when things are black and white, that hardly ever happens. It's kind of hard to see through all of the gray. All I can do is keep reading the newspaper headlines and the articles and the views that are slanted one way or the other about our country and our leaders and the decisions that actually affect us. That's right, insurgents and armies and bombs in a desert far far away will eventually affect me in one way or another. Gray, gray, gray.
I think I need to stop being so serious. Lol.
Love, Jennifer
I think I need to stop being so serious. Lol.
Love, Jennifer
Heart is a strong word
I'm really really sad to see this week go. Looking back tonight, I realized that nice feeling I've felt all week, it's the summer feeling. You know, the summer feeling. It's been really nice, but I guess I'll have to get back to reality come monday, right?
Today we all went to Enano's to watch the BYU vs. Utah game. It was intense....I'm pretty sure certain members of certain teams' fanclubs had a few heart attacks. Lol. It was great. We were all divided on the couches according to which team you were rooting for. Britta, Tyler, Hannah, and Berto were for BYU, while, Enano, Lurpie, Randi, Erin, and Spiva were for Utah. I was kind of impartial on the matter, so I sat somewhat in the middle, and had a fun time freaking out along with everyone else. In the end, BYU won in this freak twist of events, which Britta and her followers were infinitely happy about. So that was nice. Also, we played Super Death Chess. The showdown was probably the most amazing so far in SDC history.
After that we went to Lurpie's, where we watched Anchorman. Um. Lol, that's about all I have to say about that. Lol. movie. Then we somehow got ourselves into going to make a fire at Kelsey's house. It was sooo cold, and Randi, Morgan, and I were in flipflops. Crazy us. We couldn't feel our toes after like, two minutes lol. Something called for all of us to trek into the darkness through the brush to get to the dried up pond, and when I got back, something kind of hurt on my foot, so I looked down, and found like, a million little plant spines coming out of my foot. It was a little scary.
I tried to pull them out, but there was no light outside, so I went inside to try. No go. I had like one left, but it was teeny and I didnt' want to break it, so I kind of gave up. But it hurt like no other. Everyone felt really bad cause I'm dumb and walked through brush with flipflops, but I just felt bad that they felt bad. Wasn't their fault lol. Morgan thinks they were probably poisoned. Haha. Just kidding.
After that little incident, we mostly stayed inside, doing tricks (ha), playing on the phone, and telling stories and jokes. Mucho bueno. I got to know Kelsey somewhat, which I was very happy for. She's great. I love meeting new people.
The end. So that was today, pretty much. I went swimming this morning. Lol, mostly I just played with my flippers.
Love, Jennifer
"Heart is a strong word, but I really, really, really don't love you."
Today we all went to Enano's to watch the BYU vs. Utah game. It was intense....I'm pretty sure certain members of certain teams' fanclubs had a few heart attacks. Lol. It was great. We were all divided on the couches according to which team you were rooting for. Britta, Tyler, Hannah, and Berto were for BYU, while, Enano, Lurpie, Randi, Erin, and Spiva were for Utah. I was kind of impartial on the matter, so I sat somewhat in the middle, and had a fun time freaking out along with everyone else. In the end, BYU won in this freak twist of events, which Britta and her followers were infinitely happy about. So that was nice. Also, we played Super Death Chess. The showdown was probably the most amazing so far in SDC history.
After that we went to Lurpie's, where we watched Anchorman. Um. Lol, that's about all I have to say about that. Lol. movie. Then we somehow got ourselves into going to make a fire at Kelsey's house. It was sooo cold, and Randi, Morgan, and I were in flipflops. Crazy us. We couldn't feel our toes after like, two minutes lol. Something called for all of us to trek into the darkness through the brush to get to the dried up pond, and when I got back, something kind of hurt on my foot, so I looked down, and found like, a million little plant spines coming out of my foot. It was a little scary.
I tried to pull them out, but there was no light outside, so I went inside to try. No go. I had like one left, but it was teeny and I didnt' want to break it, so I kind of gave up. But it hurt like no other. Everyone felt really bad cause I'm dumb and walked through brush with flipflops, but I just felt bad that they felt bad. Wasn't their fault lol. Morgan thinks they were probably poisoned. Haha. Just kidding.
After that little incident, we mostly stayed inside, doing tricks (ha), playing on the phone, and telling stories and jokes. Mucho bueno. I got to know Kelsey somewhat, which I was very happy for. She's great. I love meeting new people.
The end. So that was today, pretty much. I went swimming this morning. Lol, mostly I just played with my flippers.
Love, Jennifer
"Heart is a strong word, but I really, really, really don't love you."
Saturday, November 25, 2006
hap~py /~hæpi/
–adjective, -pier, -piest.
delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person.
characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy: a happy mood; a happy frame of mind.
favored by fortune; fortunate or lucky: a happy, fruitful land.
apt or felicitous, as actions, utterances, or ideas.
My heart could burst with joy...
I'm in a pretty good mood. Haha.
–adjective, -pier, -piest.
delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person.
characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy: a happy mood; a happy frame of mind.
favored by fortune; fortunate or lucky: a happy, fruitful land.
apt or felicitous, as actions, utterances, or ideas.
My heart could burst with joy...
I'm in a pretty good mood. Haha.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
...just one last thought.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Leaving a mark.
Why is it that an old person will take every possible opportunity to tell you their life story? And I'm not even talking about relatives. I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad thing, but what makes a person so desperate to make sure their stories are known, that they will be remembered, that they made their mark on the world before they died? What difference will that make? What are they afraid of? Do they (the old people) know something that I don't? It's like, the last few years of their lives (and somehow they know when those are) they realize they didn't do or say all this stuff that they needed to. I don't know. This is just really weird to me.
People in power all throughout history made sure that monuments were made to honor them, or their name got put in writing, with all their accomplishments. That was important to them; they needed to know that the world would not forget them when they were gone. Why is that? Some of the people the world remembers most did not purposely do anything with the objective of simply being remembered for it. Maybe that's it. Being remembered will depend on not what you did to be remembered, but what you did to make a difference.
On the other hand, who have we forgotten? What if they did great things? Probably so. Does the fact that we maybe didn't remember them lessen the fact that they changed the world? No. So I guess that's my point. (Here you are thinking, What?? This had a point?!) Why is everyone so concerned with being remembered? If you do good things, they will make an impact. Does it matter that you get credit? I feel like I'm missing something here.
Love, Jennifer
People in power all throughout history made sure that monuments were made to honor them, or their name got put in writing, with all their accomplishments. That was important to them; they needed to know that the world would not forget them when they were gone. Why is that? Some of the people the world remembers most did not purposely do anything with the objective of simply being remembered for it. Maybe that's it. Being remembered will depend on not what you did to be remembered, but what you did to make a difference.
On the other hand, who have we forgotten? What if they did great things? Probably so. Does the fact that we maybe didn't remember them lessen the fact that they changed the world? No. So I guess that's my point. (Here you are thinking, What?? This had a point?!) Why is everyone so concerned with being remembered? If you do good things, they will make an impact. Does it matter that you get credit? I feel like I'm missing something here.
Love, Jennifer
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
my plans
As run down as I am this week, somehow I still keep going, knowing that we only have two days of school next week. That's right! Two! After that, all I have planned are some relaxing (ha) activities with the fammy and the friends. And Turkey Day! Ahh the stuffing. And pie. Ahh the sitting around. And sleeping. Ahh the no school. And shopping for winter things. Just thinking about all of it puts me in a good mood.
Not a ton has been happening lately, so the blogs have been sort of bland. Oh well. I got promoted to Varsity, so yesterday was my first challenge set with Becka. It kind of sucked. My muscles sort of melted from the continual pulls with paddles. She's kind of a nazi. I wanted to ask to see her book. What book? she'd say. Your nazi regime handbook, I would answer. And that would be the last varsity challenge set I'd have to do. Haha. Tempting. BUT, I did make it, and it wasn't actually as bad as I had imagined it to be. So I was happy about that.
Dear people reading this blog: This week is my break week. I'm going to hang out with all of you a super lot. So if you're bored, call me, and there is a 99% chance we will then hang out. No, no, 99.99%. We will have mucho fun. Call, call, call. Because I refuse to be bored the one chance I get to have fun!
Well, that's all for now. Yay, only one event per day at the PC meet this weekend! Yay HELLOGOODBYE!!!
Much Love, Jennifer
Not a ton has been happening lately, so the blogs have been sort of bland. Oh well. I got promoted to Varsity, so yesterday was my first challenge set with Becka. It kind of sucked. My muscles sort of melted from the continual pulls with paddles. She's kind of a nazi. I wanted to ask to see her book. What book? she'd say. Your nazi regime handbook, I would answer. And that would be the last varsity challenge set I'd have to do. Haha. Tempting. BUT, I did make it, and it wasn't actually as bad as I had imagined it to be. So I was happy about that.
Dear people reading this blog: This week is my break week. I'm going to hang out with all of you a super lot. So if you're bored, call me, and there is a 99% chance we will then hang out. No, no, 99.99%. We will have mucho fun. Call, call, call. Because I refuse to be bored the one chance I get to have fun!
Well, that's all for now. Yay, only one event per day at the PC meet this weekend! Yay HELLOGOODBYE!!!
Much Love, Jennifer
Monday, November 13, 2006
Wisdom from Souza
"For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure ever moment you have and remember that time waits for no one. Happiness is a journey, not a destination." ~Souza
Sometimes, it takes another person to put into words what I can't.
Love, Jennifer
Sometimes, it takes another person to put into words what I can't.
Love, Jennifer
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
A billion billion
You know what? By the time you feel sick, you already have a billion billion bacterias invading your system. Gross. I woke up this morning to the feeling of a billion billion foreign things swimming around in me, making me feel sick. Not my favorite way to start the day.
So, I was in a pretty bad mood, and didn't feel up to any kind of workout at all at practice. I'd do a set (as well as i could), then stop, feeling all angry that my body wasn't cooperating and my system had been invaded. After awhile, my body just overheated and I felt pretty dang crappy, so I stood by the wall, and periodically stuck my face in the water, which was cool and fantastic. I looked like such a psycho, like i was searching for something under there. Hannah asked if I was okay, i said "maybe" or something like that, but really i wondered. At that moment I realized that perhaps I had reached some sort of crisis in my life, because I was pretty sure I had gotten sick from stress. My life's all crazy now. ehh. No time for anything. It's frustrating. So, I sat like that, at the end of the pool with my face in the water, and for once my life was pure and uncomplicated, and nice. Nice. lol.
Love, Jeb
So, I was in a pretty bad mood, and didn't feel up to any kind of workout at all at practice. I'd do a set (as well as i could), then stop, feeling all angry that my body wasn't cooperating and my system had been invaded. After awhile, my body just overheated and I felt pretty dang crappy, so I stood by the wall, and periodically stuck my face in the water, which was cool and fantastic. I looked like such a psycho, like i was searching for something under there. Hannah asked if I was okay, i said "maybe" or something like that, but really i wondered. At that moment I realized that perhaps I had reached some sort of crisis in my life, because I was pretty sure I had gotten sick from stress. My life's all crazy now. ehh. No time for anything. It's frustrating. So, I sat like that, at the end of the pool with my face in the water, and for once my life was pure and uncomplicated, and nice. Nice. lol.
Love, Jeb
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
what a weird week.
hey! so,its been a weird week so far...i've been kind of really annoyed over stupid stuff. sort of. little things that usually don't matter do this week, and i'm getting sort of tired of it. does God have a computer? If he does, i bet it's the most amazing computer ever. I bet it has a "smite" button. I wish I had a computer like that. If I did, I would probably hit the "escape" button right now, and I would be sent to jamaica or something. Or, it would just end the week for me. That would be way cool. also, God's computer does not need to be defragmented, which mine does, which is why i'm using dan's laptop, with these weird flat buttons. it makes for very slow typing. lots of mistakes.
so anyway, weird week. I felt i should explain about this because of my last blog entry, which i now realize was kind of emotional. and psychotic. oops. well goodnight.
so anyway, weird week. I felt i should explain about this because of my last blog entry, which i now realize was kind of emotional. and psychotic. oops. well goodnight.
Monday, November 06, 2006
In the middle, and not knowing about anything apparently.
So I've been thinking tonight how weird everything is for me right, I'm in the middle of...everything. In the middle of caring about school, I don't care, but I don't not. In the middle of liking someone. I still do, but I know it might be better to not... In the middle of being good at swimming, and sucking. Ugh. I'd like for once to be decisive. To know what I actually want. Maybe then I could be working towards it? Bleahh. I'm feeling like the people I think I know, I acually don't. How depressing is that? I find out these stupid details of their lives that shouldn't matter, but they hit me in such weird ways that they seem really important to me. And how did I not know about those kinds of things before? It's depressing. Bleahh.
Happy monday! everyone loves mondays, obviously...
Some weird emotion,
ps-it's probably best if all of you at least pretend like you don't know how nuts i am.
Happy monday! everyone loves mondays, obviously...
Some weird emotion,
ps-it's probably best if all of you at least pretend like you don't know how nuts i am.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I hate...
Soooo, pretty much, I hate being right, I hate getting let down, I hate not knowing what to do, I hate having to pretend, I hate knowing I'll be waking up at five, I hate 'could'ves and would'ves', and I hate knowing I will forgive them. I hate that. Oh, and I also hate being rejected by dead relatives. Lol.
Love, Jeb.
Love, Jeb.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Numero One-Oh-Oh
Guess what this is! Post number 100! I'm pretty excited about this, for obvious reasons. So now the question to ask myself has to be, what's changed in my life during those 100 posts? A lot. Lol.
I've been thinking a lot about what I really want nowadays, and .... I haven't found many answers. I think a lot about who I'm going to end up with. And the thing is, I know who I'd like to be with, but...doesn't always work out. Sometimes I wonder whether I should have to try at these things or not. I mean...if it was meant to be, it would just happen, wouldn't it? Too many questions.
So happy 100th post! Go celebrate and hug someone! Drop stereotypes! Do something bold! Do something to make people happy! Be yourself!
Mucho mucho love, Jennifer
I've been thinking a lot about what I really want nowadays, and .... I haven't found many answers. I think a lot about who I'm going to end up with. And the thing is, I know who I'd like to be with, but...doesn't always work out. Sometimes I wonder whether I should have to try at these things or not. I mean...if it was meant to be, it would just happen, wouldn't it? Too many questions.
So happy 100th post! Go celebrate and hug someone! Drop stereotypes! Do something bold! Do something to make people happy! Be yourself!
Mucho mucho love, Jennifer
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Well, I haven't actually blogged a real blog for awhile, so here goes.
I KNOW that swimming is incredibly boring if you don't know anything really about it, but I'll post it anyway, seeing as how it's consuming greater and greater portions of my life. So, at the PC meet today, sucked. I just didn't have a great meet, for whatever reason. I think I probably added time on all my events. Ugh. Oh well. I swam a 200 free, and surprisingly, that was probably my best event, which i've never actually swam before. Woohoo.
Tomorrow no school for Jennifer because of an FBLA thing, so that's where I'll be. Sure beats trig. Anywho, I should get back Saturday afternoon, and hopefully I'll have an amazing night after that.
And about the one thing I thought about the one girl and The one guy, I so called it. So called it. I guess I should learn to stop saying things out loud, because of my power and all, eh?
I KNOW that swimming is incredibly boring if you don't know anything really about it, but I'll post it anyway, seeing as how it's consuming greater and greater portions of my life. So, at the PC meet today, sucked. I just didn't have a great meet, for whatever reason. I think I probably added time on all my events. Ugh. Oh well. I swam a 200 free, and surprisingly, that was probably my best event, which i've never actually swam before. Woohoo.
Tomorrow no school for Jennifer because of an FBLA thing, so that's where I'll be. Sure beats trig. Anywho, I should get back Saturday afternoon, and hopefully I'll have an amazing night after that.
And about the one thing I thought about the one girl and The one guy, I so called it. So called it. I guess I should learn to stop saying things out loud, because of my power and all, eh?
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
What Sarah Said
A little bit of genius from Death Cab for Cutie's Ben Gibbard...
What Sarah Said
And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time
As I stared at my shoes in the ICU that reeked of piss and 409
And I rationed my breathes as I said to myself that I'd already taken too much today
As each descending peak of the LCD took you a little farther away from me
Away from me
Amongst the vending machines and year-old magazines in a place where we only say goodbye
It stung like a violent wind that our memories depend on a faulty camera in our minds
But I knew that you were a truth I would rather lose than to have never lain beside at all
And I looked around at all the eyes on the ground as the TV entertained itself
'Cause there's no comfort in the waiting room
Just nervous pacers bracing for bad news
And then the nurse comes round and everyone will lift their heads
But I'm thinking of what Sarah said that "Love is watching someone die"
So who's going to watch you die?..
What Sarah Said
And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time
As I stared at my shoes in the ICU that reeked of piss and 409
And I rationed my breathes as I said to myself that I'd already taken too much today
As each descending peak of the LCD took you a little farther away from me
Away from me
Amongst the vending machines and year-old magazines in a place where we only say goodbye
It stung like a violent wind that our memories depend on a faulty camera in our minds
But I knew that you were a truth I would rather lose than to have never lain beside at all
And I looked around at all the eyes on the ground as the TV entertained itself
'Cause there's no comfort in the waiting room
Just nervous pacers bracing for bad news
And then the nurse comes round and everyone will lift their heads
But I'm thinking of what Sarah said that "Love is watching someone die"
So who's going to watch you die?..
Sunday, October 29, 2006
To my blog readers
Sorry, i've been neglecting all of you, sort of. But I still love you with all I possess. I'm just lazy this week. Blog on.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
It's snowing, and that's so weird to me. So weird. It's October! Fall has a lot of time left, doesn't it? So sad. I do love Thanksgiving and Christmas however, so this might be a good sign for me. I feel better during winter.... it just has this feel-good feeling, where I'm happy for no reason at all. It's snuggly. And get to be close to people, because it's so cold outside. I love it.
There was a swim meet in Tooele yesterday, and I liked it a lot. I dropped two seconds in my 100 free, so now I'm at 1:11:98. I was soo happy about that one! coach told me it was "outstanding", and even Becca said nice things. Lol. My 100 back was painful as ever, but I pushed through it and dropped 3/4 of a second on it. so now I'm at a 1:25:something. As long as I drop time, no matter how small, I will be happy. We got to stop at Carl's Jr after for food, and it was perhaps the best food EVER.
Much Love, Jennifer
There was a swim meet in Tooele yesterday, and I liked it a lot. I dropped two seconds in my 100 free, so now I'm at 1:11:98. I was soo happy about that one! coach told me it was "outstanding", and even Becca said nice things. Lol. My 100 back was painful as ever, but I pushed through it and dropped 3/4 of a second on it. so now I'm at a 1:25:something. As long as I drop time, no matter how small, I will be happy. We got to stop at Carl's Jr after for food, and it was perhaps the best food EVER.
Much Love, Jennifer
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I am such a square...
I was a dice last night (die?) for Erin's costume party...let me tell you, it's not easy living inside a box. You can't hug anybody, you can't dance, and i bet you can't get through those spinny counter things that you have to walk through. It was way fun though...Happy late birthday Erin!
I decided today that I probably will be going to Turkey Trot, as long as there isn't some big conflict with a swim meet. I realized also that swimming eats up a LOT of time! I like it enough though, that it's worth it. Now to think of an amazing (cheap) way to ask him... it is also daunting. Could homecoming ever be topped? I doubt it. Brady was a very fun date; Michael insists that every girl is madly in love with Spiva. Lol. Random fact for you.
On Friday the most amazing thing was created...The Cream Pie song! It ROCKS. And I am not even kidding. Me, Britta, Besto, and Michael totally created a band and wrote the song at Lurpe's house. As I was sitting on the bed in the music room, playing the acoustic, with besto on drums, britta on electric, and michael doing bass, I though to myself, "my life is now complete." I was seriously sooo happy at that moment, because I love music, and I LOVE my friends. There could not be better people!
Later that night after everyone else had to go home, Michael and I went to Brady's house (we found him at work earlier when besto was there), and sat downstairs talking. Very nice. Sometimes, I really like to just do nothing. Michael called to say he was sleeping over, and I said that the idea probably wouldn't fly with my Might be fun for laughs though. :) I was pretty sleepy by then and probably said some psycho stuff... haha oh well.
Now I must go get ready for bed, including all my swimming stuff. Time to start the swimming game all over again. Meets every week from now on, pretty much. Woohoo.
Love, Jeb
I decided today that I probably will be going to Turkey Trot, as long as there isn't some big conflict with a swim meet. I realized also that swimming eats up a LOT of time! I like it enough though, that it's worth it. Now to think of an amazing (cheap) way to ask him... it is also daunting. Could homecoming ever be topped? I doubt it. Brady was a very fun date; Michael insists that every girl is madly in love with Spiva. Lol. Random fact for you.
On Friday the most amazing thing was created...The Cream Pie song! It ROCKS. And I am not even kidding. Me, Britta, Besto, and Michael totally created a band and wrote the song at Lurpe's house. As I was sitting on the bed in the music room, playing the acoustic, with besto on drums, britta on electric, and michael doing bass, I though to myself, "my life is now complete." I was seriously sooo happy at that moment, because I love music, and I LOVE my friends. There could not be better people!
Later that night after everyone else had to go home, Michael and I went to Brady's house (we found him at work earlier when besto was there), and sat downstairs talking. Very nice. Sometimes, I really like to just do nothing. Michael called to say he was sleeping over, and I said that the idea probably wouldn't fly with my Might be fun for laughs though. :) I was pretty sleepy by then and probably said some psycho stuff... haha oh well.
Now I must go get ready for bed, including all my swimming stuff. Time to start the swimming game all over again. Meets every week from now on, pretty much. Woohoo.
Love, Jeb
Friday, October 20, 2006
handicap bathrooms
So everybody knows that you can't park in handicapped spots, unless you're handicapped of course. It's just a nice, moral thing to do. So I was wondering today, does the same rule apply to bathrooms? Like, I have no idea if guys' bathrooms have handicapped stalls, but girls' definately do....can I use those? Because I like them so much more. They're not so SMALL! (haha, hannah, recall a certain incident at the movie theater?) So that's my big question for the day... lol.
Love, Jeb
Love, Jeb
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hola, mi amigo! Bonjour, mon frere. Guten Tag. Goeie dag. Sa'ida. Oki niksokowa. Ni sa bula vi naka. Konnichi wa! So I think you get it. I'm in a good mood today!
FBLA went on a fieldtrip, so I didn't have to go to school! And all I have to make up for it is one three-question quiz in Trig...hallelujah! I fell asleep during the star show at the planetarium, which i felt bad for, for some reason, but it was a good nap. and I am a swimmer, so I have an excuse. It seems like I'm always squeezing in things at inappropriate times now. I read stupid history chapters all day long during other classes, I sleep whenever possible... I'm such a pro at sleeping upright! I have a fantastic story about that, so i'll tell you later if you really want lol. Anyway, what is this about again....?
Tomorrow I'll miss all of my classes except one to take this PSAT test thing, which isn't really going to count for anything, I'm thinking. Not because I'm not smart, but because there are lots of other people out there who care about it way more than I do and spend a lot more time PREPARING for this type of stuff. Sometimes I just like to show up and see what happens, just for kicks, you know? Haha. So tomorrow will be easy, although boring.
Thursday is a swim meet! I'm excited, but very very nervous! It's like, the first REAL meet of the season. I'm swimming backstroke in the 200 medley relay (ehhh), i'm in the 400 relay (free), 100 free, and 50 free. No 100 back! thank you, whoever is responsible for that! So, i'm excited. AND, apparently we'll be back in time to make it to the last home football game! I love fb games :D
Song of the Day: "natural blues" by moby. not because i'm sad, but because it's a cool song.
Color of the Day: steel gray. it matches the sky; i love it
Quote of the Day: "Ilikka bih ba-uh pa-carn..."
Feelings of the Day: sleepiness, drive, stress, relief, accomplishment, happiness, excitement
Person(s) of the Day: Morgan and Spiva. Because of tree-hugger-day plans.
Much Love, Jeb
FBLA went on a fieldtrip, so I didn't have to go to school! And all I have to make up for it is one three-question quiz in Trig...hallelujah! I fell asleep during the star show at the planetarium, which i felt bad for, for some reason, but it was a good nap. and I am a swimmer, so I have an excuse. It seems like I'm always squeezing in things at inappropriate times now. I read stupid history chapters all day long during other classes, I sleep whenever possible... I'm such a pro at sleeping upright! I have a fantastic story about that, so i'll tell you later if you really want lol. Anyway, what is this about again....?
Tomorrow I'll miss all of my classes except one to take this PSAT test thing, which isn't really going to count for anything, I'm thinking. Not because I'm not smart, but because there are lots of other people out there who care about it way more than I do and spend a lot more time PREPARING for this type of stuff. Sometimes I just like to show up and see what happens, just for kicks, you know? Haha. So tomorrow will be easy, although boring.
Thursday is a swim meet! I'm excited, but very very nervous! It's like, the first REAL meet of the season. I'm swimming backstroke in the 200 medley relay (ehhh), i'm in the 400 relay (free), 100 free, and 50 free. No 100 back! thank you, whoever is responsible for that! So, i'm excited. AND, apparently we'll be back in time to make it to the last home football game! I love fb games :D
Song of the Day: "natural blues" by moby. not because i'm sad, but because it's a cool song.
Color of the Day: steel gray. it matches the sky; i love it
Quote of the Day: "Ilikka bih ba-uh pa-carn..."
Feelings of the Day: sleepiness, drive, stress, relief, accomplishment, happiness, excitement
Person(s) of the Day: Morgan and Spiva. Because of tree-hugger-day plans.
Much Love, Jeb
Monday, October 16, 2006
This blog sucks. Read it anyway.
Wow so today was pretty good, considering it was a monday and all. I did a lot of that thing, you know, the procrastinating thing. Funny, I realize that it's just going to make my life harder later, but still, somehow I guess I don't care.
I'm starting to realize the harder I work to try and make things go my way, the less I do. When i just sit back and stop freaking out, usually things turn out better. Hmm. Weird. Isn't this somehow backwards? Eh. Anyway, maybe if I just let things happen, they'll start to go my way. Seems like that hasn't happened for at least...ugh. Like, four months. Sick.
Sorry, blog readers. This one sucked. I love you guys anyway!
Much love, Jeb
I'm starting to realize the harder I work to try and make things go my way, the less I do. When i just sit back and stop freaking out, usually things turn out better. Hmm. Weird. Isn't this somehow backwards? Eh. Anyway, maybe if I just let things happen, they'll start to go my way. Seems like that hasn't happened for at least...ugh. Like, four months. Sick.
Sorry, blog readers. This one sucked. I love you guys anyway!
Much love, Jeb
Saturday, October 14, 2006
They don't know
Think of the person (non-family member) who loves you the most. Who cares about you the very most. Who is it? But what if you're totally wrong? What if there's someone out there who cares about you more than anyone else in the world....and you could go forever without ever knowing it. You could never know that there was always someone who loved you, nomatter what you did or said, or how bad you screwed things up. Someone who thought about you every night, and worried about you, and did everything they could to make life easier for you, you just never knew it. Wow. What if we all have one of these people? And we don't even know. What if you are one of these people? And they don't even know....
Thursday, October 12, 2006
It's Wednesday...No, Friday!
Today was Friday! In a Wednesday kind of way, anyway. I am soooooooo happy because it's UEA break starting tomorrow, so no school Thurs or Fri. Today we all hung out pretty much all day, then all went to the football game. Wasatch lost. Surprise. Somehow I'm still disappointed every time we lose, although i should be getting used to it, I guess. Crazy me. Squash that optimism. So anyway, it was a good night. I'm working on (REALLY working on) not freaking out over stuff, or reading into every single detail of things, or overanalyzing everything that happens. That stuff'll drive me nuts. Surprisingly, it's working, and things are going okay. Yay.
Hmm, what else? So I met, like, actually met, Hannah's friend T tonight, which was...interesting. Some people have weird ideas of first impressions i guess. Lol, but I'm willing to forget that happened and maybe start over. Because I did eventually get my hat back. And because eventually I choose to be a good person most of the time. ha.
Well, that's about all I've got for today. Now for an amazing quote to make you happy. And hungry for rice.
"I like rice. Rice is great if you're hungry and want 2000 of something."
-Mitch Hedberg
Love Jeb
Hmm, what else? So I met, like, actually met, Hannah's friend T tonight, which was...interesting. Some people have weird ideas of first impressions i guess. Lol, but I'm willing to forget that happened and maybe start over. Because I did eventually get my hat back. And because eventually I choose to be a good person most of the time. ha.
Well, that's about all I've got for today. Now for an amazing quote to make you happy. And hungry for rice.
"I like rice. Rice is great if you're hungry and want 2000 of something."
-Mitch Hedberg
Love Jeb
Saturday, October 07, 2006
On nights when I don't actually have to get up at five to swim, I always feel like if i don't stay up really late, i've wasted it. so i end up staying up until like two a.m., which makes it very hard to get back into "five a.m. mindset" when i have to again. it's dumb lol.
this is a blog about NOTHING!
Everything on my mind, I don't really want to post here, so there's nothing else to say. Only that i'm frustrated with everything and I don't understand why I'm freaking out about stuff so much. It's just simple stuff. Stuff that I shouldn't worry about, but I do. Bleahhhaddhadkf. Good thing I posted all that, now you guys definately understand. lol
Who reads this blog anyway? Just a little science experiment, everyone who reads this has to comment. just your name if you want, but I'm curious to know who's reading. it may affect future blogs lol.
Love, Jeb.
ohhh i forgot. Everyone went to Brady's to watch X-men tonight, which was mucho fun. I wish we could all be together every weekend.......i love it! Morgan adn I wrote an emo song for everyone, which was amazing and so fantastically emo. Michael cried. lol jk.
Love again, Jeb.
this is a blog about NOTHING!
Everything on my mind, I don't really want to post here, so there's nothing else to say. Only that i'm frustrated with everything and I don't understand why I'm freaking out about stuff so much. It's just simple stuff. Stuff that I shouldn't worry about, but I do. Bleahhhaddhadkf. Good thing I posted all that, now you guys definately understand. lol
Who reads this blog anyway? Just a little science experiment, everyone who reads this has to comment. just your name if you want, but I'm curious to know who's reading. it may affect future blogs lol.
Love, Jeb.
ohhh i forgot. Everyone went to Brady's to watch X-men tonight, which was mucho fun. I wish we could all be together every weekend.......i love it! Morgan adn I wrote an emo song for everyone, which was amazing and so fantastically emo. Michael cried. lol jk.
Love again, Jeb.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
a poem.
Here is a poem I wrote (sort of, in my head), while swimming laps and laps.
While I'm Under
I feel so slick
As I slip in again.
While I'm under
It becomes clear that
I live in two worlds now
And who could tell which one came first?
For awhile I forget
That breathing doesn't involve water.
Only rhythms now; in's and out's
Left's and Right's
And so many numbers.
Down below, it is only patience,
And impatience.
It is pain,
And glory.
The pool is my enemy,
And it is my best friend.
After awhile I start to feel like a machine,
My arms never stop moving,
And I forget that I used to like air.
As light dances and slides along the bottom,
It's like little droplets of rain on my back
And I feel weird, like I'm watching
Through a camera.
It's so quiet and so loud all at once.
A voice somewhere above
Is all distorted, like an invisible hand
Is playing with the frequency and volume knobs
It is saying, Go on, Go on
So I do.
I might want to stop...
But the water is
While I'm Under
I feel so slick
As I slip in again.
While I'm under
It becomes clear that
I live in two worlds now
And who could tell which one came first?
For awhile I forget
That breathing doesn't involve water.
Only rhythms now; in's and out's
Left's and Right's
And so many numbers.
Down below, it is only patience,
And impatience.
It is pain,
And glory.
The pool is my enemy,
And it is my best friend.
After awhile I start to feel like a machine,
My arms never stop moving,
And I forget that I used to like air.
As light dances and slides along the bottom,
It's like little droplets of rain on my back
And I feel weird, like I'm watching
Through a camera.
It's so quiet and so loud all at once.
A voice somewhere above
Is all distorted, like an invisible hand
Is playing with the frequency and volume knobs
It is saying, Go on, Go on
So I do.
I might want to stop...
But the water is
Monday, October 02, 2006
In accounting
So here I am in accounting, sitting here because we were supposed to have a test today, but the juniors had an assembly sort of thing so no test. Which has happened twice today! First, for the first time EVER, no devil quiz in ednet history! And now accounting! Makes me very happy. :) Hmmm what else? Idk. Life is kind of...boring....ish....right now, just because nothing is happening. Although I will say, I LOVE love LOVE everyone i hang out with! This year we started hanging out with mike, spiva, besto, erin, britta, and sometimes kelsey more and it rocks. I love it. I definately agree with Brady when he says this winter will be amazing, because it will.
Lately i'm getting really scared of graduating! I still have this year and next, but I really like high school....and don't want it to end! I hate change! That's my biggest thing, I definately hate change, because most of the time I love where i am, and what i'm doing. No change. Lol.
On Friday I went with "maria" to this banquet sort of thing, which was a fundraiser for an organization called "the pregnancy resource center." It was interesting, lol. But the food was delicious! It was pretty cool though, we got to see a live's soooo cool. Makes everything that happens and puts everything I see now into a different perspective. So weird.
Well.........that's mostly all i got. I am soo bored.
Love, Jeb
Lately i'm getting really scared of graduating! I still have this year and next, but I really like high school....and don't want it to end! I hate change! That's my biggest thing, I definately hate change, because most of the time I love where i am, and what i'm doing. No change. Lol.
On Friday I went with "maria" to this banquet sort of thing, which was a fundraiser for an organization called "the pregnancy resource center." It was interesting, lol. But the food was delicious! It was pretty cool though, we got to see a live's soooo cool. Makes everything that happens and puts everything I see now into a different perspective. So weird.
Well.........that's mostly all i got. I am soo bored.
Love, Jeb
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Today was one of those days when everything got put into perspective. I know, I complain a lot. And if you've read any of these, you know it too. But days like this make me realize how stupid I am sometimes, how insignificant my problems are. It's so weird when you realize that, but I guess in a good way it opens your eyes. Too bad bad things have to happen, right? Yeah.
Love, Jeb
Love, Jeb
Nothing, dentist, emo song
Hmm well not much has been happening.... This week was somewhat boring, only because I've been looking forward to the weekend pretty much since Sunday night. I got to sleep in this morning! That's the best feeling ever. :D
I had to go to the dentist, which obviously you want to hear about, but it was actually funny. I told my dentist the date which I would like to have le braces off, and he actually agreed! it was kind of a joke, lol. A hopeful joke, but still. So that was nice. and then the girl who was...doing know, working on me, was very entertaining. She was the same age as my brother, and kept talking about what she did during high school, how her group of friends taunted cheerleaders and ruled PE. Lol. It was funny. Everything in my mouth got switched around, the springs and all. Yes, I have SPRINGS in my mouth. And they're really tiny, so when Dr. O attaches them, it's all very intricate and time-consuming. While he was doing that, I just kept thinking to myself, I feel like he's building one of those tiny model villages in my mouth! I almost laughed, but I probably would've been stabbed or something. Not out of anger, but because there are lots of tools in my mouth lol. Anyway...
Spiva, Mike, and Britta are writing an emo song! I told them they should do it, and now they actually are, which is exciting. Spiva says it will be so emo, I'll cry. I can't wait.
Much love, Jennifer
I had to go to the dentist, which obviously you want to hear about, but it was actually funny. I told my dentist the date which I would like to have le braces off, and he actually agreed! it was kind of a joke, lol. A hopeful joke, but still. So that was nice. and then the girl who was...doing know, working on me, was very entertaining. She was the same age as my brother, and kept talking about what she did during high school, how her group of friends taunted cheerleaders and ruled PE. Lol. It was funny. Everything in my mouth got switched around, the springs and all. Yes, I have SPRINGS in my mouth. And they're really tiny, so when Dr. O attaches them, it's all very intricate and time-consuming. While he was doing that, I just kept thinking to myself, I feel like he's building one of those tiny model villages in my mouth! I almost laughed, but I probably would've been stabbed or something. Not out of anger, but because there are lots of tools in my mouth lol. Anyway...
Spiva, Mike, and Britta are writing an emo song! I told them they should do it, and now they actually are, which is exciting. Spiva says it will be so emo, I'll cry. I can't wait.
Much love, Jennifer
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Homecoming ROCKED
........if I may say so myself. Spiva was the best date, and we had the best group, so it ended up being really really fun. We all met at Enano's house for Brunch, which was fantastic, then drove to Provo to go to Classic skating. There was a little issue with the van and a LOG, but that's all I'll say about that! haha! Skating was awesome. There were tons of little kids everywhere, and I came pretty close to (accidentally) killing about three of them. Fun though. After that we went home and got ready. We looked hot. All of us, lol. It was great. Then we went to Lake's house to take a million (great) pictures, then had dinner. It was so cool, his house was all set up like this Italian restraunt, and there was a chocolate fountain! Mmmmmmmm.
After we left his house, we went to a couple others for more pictures, then to the dance. On the way, Michael, Hannah, Brady, and I stopped at the ATM in Days, where everyone stared and we enjoyed it. We decided to do it every weekend. Then to the dance at UVSC. Mucho waiting for pictures, but when we finally got to them, they were a lot of fun. Mine and Brady's is going to be amazing, and the group shot was good also. The dance was actually fun, surprise! Seriously, I loved our group. They were all lots of fun to dance with. So, Homecoming was amazing. THE END.
Love, Jennifer
PS: Your cheek looks LONELY. *swat!
My birthday is in two days!
After we left his house, we went to a couple others for more pictures, then to the dance. On the way, Michael, Hannah, Brady, and I stopped at the ATM in Days, where everyone stared and we enjoyed it. We decided to do it every weekend. Then to the dance at UVSC. Mucho waiting for pictures, but when we finally got to them, they were a lot of fun. Mine and Brady's is going to be amazing, and the group shot was good also. The dance was actually fun, surprise! Seriously, I loved our group. They were all lots of fun to dance with. So, Homecoming was amazing. THE END.
Love, Jennifer
PS: Your cheek looks LONELY. *swat!
My birthday is in two days!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Bowling and Being Stuck on Mountains
Friday ROCKED, all I will say is: Jun Kung Pow, Karate, Lovesac, Frozen Yogurt, Spiva drives like a crazy person, and Princess Swan. Lol.
Saturday morning I woke up and got a "somewhat depressing" text from "someone," which I won't go into detail, because hey, this is the internet, but just know it wasn't the best way to start my day. Then I go up on this mountain with my mom for a camp openhouse, where the car decides to break down, right on the top. Three hours later a towtruck finally came and got us. I got to ride in a towtruck for the first time though! lol.
That night Enano and I went bowling, which was awesome! Haha, I forgot how much fun bowling actually is, and also I forgot how bad I am! Just kidding....I'm only sort of bad. It was disappointing, Enano wanted "his" bowling shoes, which have his initials written on them, but the guy couldn't find them. He had to settle. After waiting for a few minutes, laughing at the people in sequins and pimp hats, we got our lane and worked our bowling magic lol. We played two games, and we found out I have this impressive ability to hit only the far right (single) pin. Everytime. Haha...the second go I could get some others, but that one pin, every first time...
We left and Enano wanted a burrito thing, so we went to Taco Time across the street, and had a fun time trying to get something coherent out of the drive-up order thing. Finally we did it, in English, then went to Lurpe's house to get (we thought) just Lake and Erin, who we would hang out with. We wait outside, neither of us really wanting to go to the door...I wonder WHY, then finally I call Erin and tell her we're there. They come out, with Britta (short hair!), which was fine, but then they are sort of waiting at the door, which makes me nervous. Then Lurpe and Randi come out, and both of us are like "oh crap". Lake tells us to go to Enano's to get blankets, because we're going to the "stargazing spot". GREAT. Perfect, the very day it all happens, I get to go up and watch them cuddle or ..... you know, whatever, at the stargazing spot. Enano and I decide No Thank You, so we do some strategic driving, then he takes me home, and then he goes home, I guess. Lame. Not a great plan, Lake. Geez.
So there was my weekend! Somehow, I didn't fall apart, and really, I'm feeling pretty good about things now. I'm fine! Zonino! Good feeling.
Much love, Jeb.
Saturday morning I woke up and got a "somewhat depressing" text from "someone," which I won't go into detail, because hey, this is the internet, but just know it wasn't the best way to start my day. Then I go up on this mountain with my mom for a camp openhouse, where the car decides to break down, right on the top. Three hours later a towtruck finally came and got us. I got to ride in a towtruck for the first time though! lol.
That night Enano and I went bowling, which was awesome! Haha, I forgot how much fun bowling actually is, and also I forgot how bad I am! Just kidding....I'm only sort of bad. It was disappointing, Enano wanted "his" bowling shoes, which have his initials written on them, but the guy couldn't find them. He had to settle. After waiting for a few minutes, laughing at the people in sequins and pimp hats, we got our lane and worked our bowling magic lol. We played two games, and we found out I have this impressive ability to hit only the far right (single) pin. Everytime. Haha...the second go I could get some others, but that one pin, every first time...
We left and Enano wanted a burrito thing, so we went to Taco Time across the street, and had a fun time trying to get something coherent out of the drive-up order thing. Finally we did it, in English, then went to Lurpe's house to get (we thought) just Lake and Erin, who we would hang out with. We wait outside, neither of us really wanting to go to the door...I wonder WHY, then finally I call Erin and tell her we're there. They come out, with Britta (short hair!), which was fine, but then they are sort of waiting at the door, which makes me nervous. Then Lurpe and Randi come out, and both of us are like "oh crap". Lake tells us to go to Enano's to get blankets, because we're going to the "stargazing spot". GREAT. Perfect, the very day it all happens, I get to go up and watch them cuddle or ..... you know, whatever, at the stargazing spot. Enano and I decide No Thank You, so we do some strategic driving, then he takes me home, and then he goes home, I guess. Lame. Not a great plan, Lake. Geez.
So there was my weekend! Somehow, I didn't fall apart, and really, I'm feeling pretty good about things now. I'm fine! Zonino! Good feeling.
Much love, Jeb.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Do not focus on the difficulty of the road, but the glory of the destination.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men! Do no pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for power equal to your tasks.
Phillips Brooks
Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Never, never, never give up.
Winston Churchill
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." . . . You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Although men are accused of not knowing their own weakness, yet perhaps few know their own strength. It is in men as in soils, where sometimes there is a vein of gold which the owner knows not of.
Jonathan Swift
I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
Thomas A. Edison
Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men.
— Mahatma Gandhi
Anyone can give up; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone would understand if you fell apart, that's TRUE STRENGTH.
— Unknown
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men! Do no pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for power equal to your tasks.
Phillips Brooks
Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Never, never, never give up.
Winston Churchill
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." . . . You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Although men are accused of not knowing their own weakness, yet perhaps few know their own strength. It is in men as in soils, where sometimes there is a vein of gold which the owner knows not of.
Jonathan Swift
I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
Thomas A. Edison
Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men.
— Mahatma Gandhi
Anyone can give up; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone would understand if you fell apart, that's TRUE STRENGTH.
— Unknown
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Going on
Today was just one of those freak super-bad days. Like, you only have one of these a few times a year. I hate it. It's like nothing would go right, no matter how hard I tried. It sucks. I got the worst news. The worst thing you could do to a person? Crush their hope. I was happy it rained today though, it seemed to match everything else.
I was really surprised, I guess. All of this stuff happened, all at once, but I'm still here. I'm still okay, right? Something made me finish the day, something made me keep going although I really should've given up. What is that? Everyone has it. That extra something that makes people do miraculous things in terrible circumstances. A lot of the time that miracle is just that they keep going. What is that? I'm not saying that me not giving up was anything great, but when you think of the feeling in other situations, what it does for people, it is amazing. I'm not sure anyone could survive living a life unless there was something outside of them making them go on through those terrible freak days, or months, or years.
What will tomorrow be like? I don't even know. Maybe it will be better, but maybe I'll have two freak-bad-days in a row. Maybe. But I learned a little more about myself today, how something will push me on. Good.
Love, Jeb
I was really surprised, I guess. All of this stuff happened, all at once, but I'm still here. I'm still okay, right? Something made me finish the day, something made me keep going although I really should've given up. What is that? Everyone has it. That extra something that makes people do miraculous things in terrible circumstances. A lot of the time that miracle is just that they keep going. What is that? I'm not saying that me not giving up was anything great, but when you think of the feeling in other situations, what it does for people, it is amazing. I'm not sure anyone could survive living a life unless there was something outside of them making them go on through those terrible freak days, or months, or years.
What will tomorrow be like? I don't even know. Maybe it will be better, but maybe I'll have two freak-bad-days in a row. Maybe. But I learned a little more about myself today, how something will push me on. Good.
Love, Jeb
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Long weekend...
Today was good, I went to church, which was pretty fun because my aunt and uncle and little cousin Marcus came with us. Marcus is the cutest little boy, sooo funny and smiley. Anyway, got home, and since it was my uncle lee's birthday, made him a chocolate (chock-o-lick) pie. took a nap, then when I woke up I took the pie to him. Happy birthday, lol. After that my dad took me for a ride on his motorcycle, which rocked. It was really fun...makes me want to learn how to drive it. Almost lol. I decided, though, that whoever I marry must take me on motorcycle rides :)
The weekend kind of sucked on nights, lol, but the days were fun. It was swiss days, so I got to watch hoardes of people invade midway! haha... i love it though. Even though I forgot to glue the quarter to the sidewalk, which is like a tradition for toni and i. We did start a new tradition though....haha, "every girl's dream....." Friday they cancelled the Swiss Days stomp, which was LAME. Saturday I got to hang out with Morgan for awhile, and got to meet a friend of hers, (finally!) so that was good.
And tomorrow, no school! And no labor! Lol....sleeping in!
Much love, Jennifer
The weekend kind of sucked on nights, lol, but the days were fun. It was swiss days, so I got to watch hoardes of people invade midway! haha... i love it though. Even though I forgot to glue the quarter to the sidewalk, which is like a tradition for toni and i. We did start a new tradition though....haha, "every girl's dream....." Friday they cancelled the Swiss Days stomp, which was LAME. Saturday I got to hang out with Morgan for awhile, and got to meet a friend of hers, (finally!) so that was good.
And tomorrow, no school! And no labor! Lol....sleeping in!
Much love, Jennifer
Saturday, September 02, 2006
The pool
I went swimming for the first time in forever on Thursday. It was fantastic. I got there sort of latish, so there was no one around. The lights were off, except for the pool lights, under the water. It was perfectly quiet. The water was just waiting for me, a flawless, smooth sheet of crystal clear blue. Sooo perfect. Amazing. I knew that it would be the day I finally conquered the pool, then, because I knew it had to happen on a perfect night like this, and everything would have to be just right.
I dipped in, and it was cold, but not bad, perfect once you were underwater. I pushed off the wall, and realized I could see all the way down the length of the pool, the water was still perfectly still; the ripples I created hadn't caught up to me yet. I started stroking and forgot how good it felt to swim. I thought it would be hard for me, but as I made the first fifty, then 100, then 150, it was fine. I had only planned on doing a 200, but I thought, why not 300? one hundred later my arms are starting to burn a little, and my head's starting to feel a little light. I made it to three hundred, then realized that I was going to make it to five hundred. That's like, unheard of for me. I HATE five hundreds. By now I'm getting really tired, and starting to think about how if I passed out, no one would find me in the pool before I died. I kept swimming.
Four hundred hurts a lot, four hundred fifty makes you numb, and the last fifty goes by unnoticed. The last twenty-five, I didn't even think I had the option to stop after I finished it. silly me. Like I'd be swimming, all numb like I was, forever. I did stop though, and lifted myself out of the pool. My arms felt funny. My legs felt even weirder. jelly. I thought my muscles had probably become some sort of slush. i was so proud of myself. I stood there, looking at the now unperfect water, knowing I had conquered it. For now.
After that I sprinted a little, did some backstroke and fly, then kicks. Dolphin kicks only on your back...ouch. By that time, I started to get "paranoid indian" (haha don't ask) syndrome, and started seeing people out of the corner of my eye, watching me from the pool chairs. when I'd put my head under water, I'd hear doors shutting and chairs moving. I got scaarrrred. lol. finally I left, but I swear, there were people in the empty room. lol. Crazy me.
Much love, Jennifer
I dipped in, and it was cold, but not bad, perfect once you were underwater. I pushed off the wall, and realized I could see all the way down the length of the pool, the water was still perfectly still; the ripples I created hadn't caught up to me yet. I started stroking and forgot how good it felt to swim. I thought it would be hard for me, but as I made the first fifty, then 100, then 150, it was fine. I had only planned on doing a 200, but I thought, why not 300? one hundred later my arms are starting to burn a little, and my head's starting to feel a little light. I made it to three hundred, then realized that I was going to make it to five hundred. That's like, unheard of for me. I HATE five hundreds. By now I'm getting really tired, and starting to think about how if I passed out, no one would find me in the pool before I died. I kept swimming.
Four hundred hurts a lot, four hundred fifty makes you numb, and the last fifty goes by unnoticed. The last twenty-five, I didn't even think I had the option to stop after I finished it. silly me. Like I'd be swimming, all numb like I was, forever. I did stop though, and lifted myself out of the pool. My arms felt funny. My legs felt even weirder. jelly. I thought my muscles had probably become some sort of slush. i was so proud of myself. I stood there, looking at the now unperfect water, knowing I had conquered it. For now.
After that I sprinted a little, did some backstroke and fly, then kicks. Dolphin kicks only on your back...ouch. By that time, I started to get "paranoid indian" (haha don't ask) syndrome, and started seeing people out of the corner of my eye, watching me from the pool chairs. when I'd put my head under water, I'd hear doors shutting and chairs moving. I got scaarrrred. lol. finally I left, but I swear, there were people in the empty room. lol. Crazy me.
Much love, Jennifer
Monday, August 28, 2006
New Favorite Song
"She's My Kind Of Rain"
Tim McGraw
She's my kind of rain
Like love in a drunken sky
She's confetti falling
Down all night
She sits quietly there
Like water in a jar
Says, Baby why are you
Trembling like you are
So I wait
And I try
I confess like a child
She's my kind of rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti falling down all night
She's my kind of rain
She's the sun set shadows
She's like Rembrandt's light
She's the history that's played at night
She's my lost companion
She's my dreaming tree
Together in this pre-eternity
Summer days, winter snows
She's all things to behold
She's my kind of rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti falling down all night
She's my kind of rain
So I wait
And I try
I confess all my crimes
She's my kind of rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti falling down all night
She's my kind of rain
She's my kind of rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti falling down all night
She's my kind of rain
She's my kind of rain
Oh, rain on me
She's my kind of rain
Tim McGraw
She's my kind of rain
Like love in a drunken sky
She's confetti falling
Down all night
She sits quietly there
Like water in a jar
Says, Baby why are you
Trembling like you are
So I wait
And I try
I confess like a child
She's my kind of rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti falling down all night
She's my kind of rain
She's the sun set shadows
She's like Rembrandt's light
She's the history that's played at night
She's my lost companion
She's my dreaming tree
Together in this pre-eternity
Summer days, winter snows
She's all things to behold
She's my kind of rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti falling down all night
She's my kind of rain
So I wait
And I try
I confess all my crimes
She's my kind of rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti falling down all night
She's my kind of rain
She's my kind of rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti falling down all night
She's my kind of rain
She's my kind of rain
Oh, rain on me
She's my kind of rain
Sunday, August 27, 2006
into the mountains.....
So, today Hannah and I went up on a mountain, which turned out to be really really fun. And also, I realized that I'm very out of shape. I am sooo tired right now, but i have to let limewire finish before i can sleep! so sleepy... no brain for blog.
love, Jennifer
love, Jennifer
Friday, August 18, 2006
Wow. So, last night sucked. I finally just had to leave, cause it was so hard. I am such a loser. I slept on my trampoline last night, which for some reason made me feel better. I plan on sleeping out there tonight and the next. It makes me feel like I'm away from everything, which is what I want right now. Besto said that I shouldn't expect him to stay single and whatnot after I broke up with him. He is so right. I hate people who can do the right stuff and just let things go. That's not me. I could really live by myself for like a month right now.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
A song I like
This is basically the best Nickelback song ever. Whenever I hear a song like this, which is amazing, I always get upset that I didn't write it first. Dang it. Lol.
Far Away
This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know, you know, you know
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore
On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know, you know, you know
So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know
I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Far Away
This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know, you know, you know
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore
On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know, you know, you know
So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know
I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
the rest of the blog i tried blogging earlier
I lied, I don't want to be specific! haha, just kidding. I'll probably delete this before anyone reads it, though. SO, last night I hung out with lake, enano, hannah, and neil at enano's house. we tried to get besto to come, but no luck.
I thought it would be fine, seeing as how I hadn't been around any of them, as a whole group, in like a month at least. It turned out to be so so weird though. Probably because they're all like fighting right now, except really passive-aggressively. They are all mad at each other, but pretend like they're not. Not in a girl way, though, in the boy way where they actually want to be around each other and also kill each other. But whatever. And also, because I spent like the entire day finding out how Neil was an entirely new person. Seriously, I have no idea anymore. And it sucks. I HATE IT. Because I feel like i ruined something when we broke up. I'm not sure what it is, or what I'm saying, but that's just how I feel. So yeah. And also, I think he likes Randi. Which, okay, would be fine, is what I should say. Because he's not mine, we broke up and all, so fine. But aren't there some type of rules for these things? Like, don't date in a big group then break up and switch around people? Isn't that a rule or something? And shouldn't I care a LOT less about these things by now?
So I saw them at schedule change, and later my mom asked, basically, if things were okay between me and him, because she observed (and I also thought this) that he seemed to say things (things that had changed about him, sort of) that he like purposely wanted me to hear. Which is kind of upsetting. It's like he does stuff to spite me now. And I hate that! All I wanted was to be friends and be okay with everything. I hate change so much. Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing breaking up and all, because if it's right things shouldn't be so freaking messed up, should they? Also, I miss stuff. But like I'd ever not do it. Why is it that I always have to do what's right instead of what I actually want? Why is that? It sucks, cause I'm never happy this way. Maybe I messed something up in the process. Like, it would've been okay or something, except I messed up somewhere and it changed everything around. Crap. Also, too bad this doesn't make any sense.
Maybe this is just one of those days (two days) where I hate everything. You know what's good? ...........never mind.
I thought it would be fine, seeing as how I hadn't been around any of them, as a whole group, in like a month at least. It turned out to be so so weird though. Probably because they're all like fighting right now, except really passive-aggressively. They are all mad at each other, but pretend like they're not. Not in a girl way, though, in the boy way where they actually want to be around each other and also kill each other. But whatever. And also, because I spent like the entire day finding out how Neil was an entirely new person. Seriously, I have no idea anymore. And it sucks. I HATE IT. Because I feel like i ruined something when we broke up. I'm not sure what it is, or what I'm saying, but that's just how I feel. So yeah. And also, I think he likes Randi. Which, okay, would be fine, is what I should say. Because he's not mine, we broke up and all, so fine. But aren't there some type of rules for these things? Like, don't date in a big group then break up and switch around people? Isn't that a rule or something? And shouldn't I care a LOT less about these things by now?
So I saw them at schedule change, and later my mom asked, basically, if things were okay between me and him, because she observed (and I also thought this) that he seemed to say things (things that had changed about him, sort of) that he like purposely wanted me to hear. Which is kind of upsetting. It's like he does stuff to spite me now. And I hate that! All I wanted was to be friends and be okay with everything. I hate change so much. Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing breaking up and all, because if it's right things shouldn't be so freaking messed up, should they? Also, I miss stuff. But like I'd ever not do it. Why is it that I always have to do what's right instead of what I actually want? Why is that? It sucks, cause I'm never happy this way. Maybe I messed something up in the process. Like, it would've been okay or something, except I messed up somewhere and it changed everything around. Crap. Also, too bad this doesn't make any sense.
Maybe this is just one of those days (two days) where I hate everything. You know what's good? ...........never mind.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Blog Blog Blog
Ughhh I am so bored, so here I am blogging. You know what sucks about this situation? I'm bored so I blog, but I don't actually have anything to say. So like, the TWO people who read my blog have to read this mindless rambling. Sorry buddie(s). Lol.
Sooo I had a weird night last night. I hung out with some people who I haven't in a long time, not all of them together anyway, and it was....crazy. We just watched a movie and stuff, and just hang out at someone's house, so it was almost like "old times." Yes, I will be using the phrase "old times" in this blog. and yes, I'm in a psycho mood. So yeah, just like old times, except for how EVERYTHING's changed. Seriously, everything. The bad thing is, I hate change, and don't handle it very well. Change is bad enough, but when I have to watch everyone around me (who i love) change, it's hard. I mean, much, much harder than I thought it would ever be. I don't expect everyone to always stay exactly how they are, (i constantly change), but it's still hard to check out of each other's lives for so long, then realize they're totally new people after that.
I am so tired of not being specific. Ugh. OK. well. since only hannah and besto and morgan and sometimes kelsey reads this, I'll just start talking like a normal person.......
uh oh must go. more later
Sooo I had a weird night last night. I hung out with some people who I haven't in a long time, not all of them together anyway, and it was....crazy. We just watched a movie and stuff, and just hang out at someone's house, so it was almost like "old times." Yes, I will be using the phrase "old times" in this blog. and yes, I'm in a psycho mood. So yeah, just like old times, except for how EVERYTHING's changed. Seriously, everything. The bad thing is, I hate change, and don't handle it very well. Change is bad enough, but when I have to watch everyone around me (who i love) change, it's hard. I mean, much, much harder than I thought it would ever be. I don't expect everyone to always stay exactly how they are, (i constantly change), but it's still hard to check out of each other's lives for so long, then realize they're totally new people after that.
I am so tired of not being specific. Ugh. OK. well. since only hannah and besto and morgan and sometimes kelsey reads this, I'll just start talking like a normal person.......
uh oh must go. more later
Monday, August 14, 2006
A list.
Today I:
Worked out at the FitStop doing a "low-carb" pain sandwich, wunches, and swimming dessert (haha i feel better about working out if i name it after food)
Decided what to do with my life.
Changed my schedule, which i am now happy with. Saw Enano, Neil, Kami, Garrett, and many others while there.
Came home, and made chicken salad sandwiches, which I ate and enjoyed. Yum.
Went to WFtM, where I got a present and got to create displays and whatnot. Much fun. Mostly.
Thought about stuff i should accomplish.
Came home, ate dinner.
Thought about cleaning my room. Made me want a brownie.
Made brownies. Felt useful.
Watched mucho TV and felt lazy again.
Started to write in my journal.
Got online and started talking to people.
Now I plan on finishing that journal, reading the BOM, (it's the bom haha), and going to sleep.
Sleep, and repeat. Except less planning and more doing next time.
Much love, Jennifer (Jeb)
Worked out at the FitStop doing a "low-carb" pain sandwich, wunches, and swimming dessert (haha i feel better about working out if i name it after food)
Decided what to do with my life.
Changed my schedule, which i am now happy with. Saw Enano, Neil, Kami, Garrett, and many others while there.
Came home, and made chicken salad sandwiches, which I ate and enjoyed. Yum.
Went to WFtM, where I got a present and got to create displays and whatnot. Much fun. Mostly.
Thought about stuff i should accomplish.
Came home, ate dinner.
Thought about cleaning my room. Made me want a brownie.
Made brownies. Felt useful.
Watched mucho TV and felt lazy again.
Started to write in my journal.
Got online and started talking to people.
Now I plan on finishing that journal, reading the BOM, (it's the bom haha), and going to sleep.
Sleep, and repeat. Except less planning and more doing next time.
Much love, Jennifer (Jeb)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Registration and Death Cab
I had to register for school today, which made me feel kind of weird. Really, I only feel like I've been out of school for like a week. (I guess it's been a looonnng week) Dear Hannah and Morgan: this is just for you. Cause I can already tell both of you are already freaking out. Already. SO. Here's a little note I put in the "notebook" section of my cellphone. It says "Note to self: take breaks! don't go crazy." I think, given your tendencies to go crazy, this is something you should consider putting as a reminder to yourself somewhere. Cause geez, you're both psychos.
So anyway, my schedule is.....completely wrong as of now, but hopefully i can fix that one. I think i'm in about 52 clubs and all this year. It'll be so busy! But hopefully I can focus on some different stuff than last year. Cause we all know how that turned out for me. So far I have: Swim team, FBLA (officer-reporter), spirit club (what is this??), ambassadors club, and Prom committee. I get to make sure my Junior Prom doesn't suck! You know what would really make it not suck? If someone asked me. Ahem. You know... Lol.
Tonight is......dum dum dum!...... Death Cab For Cutie!! I am sooo excited. Hammah and Norgan and I are going together...much fun. I've been waiting forever for this. Finally! I'll buy a bunch of great stuff, I'm sure. And by that I mean like a tshirt and buttons. lol. Anyway, it will be really fun. If we make it, that is, not repeating the lost-on-byu-campus episode. This will be my....third concert. Don't be too impressed. I went to the backstreet boys concert back when i planned on marrying one, if not all of the backstreet boys. I remember they did this thing where they were suspended on ropes and like, flew out over the audience. I thought they were the best thing to ever grace my life. Now, looking back, I think, exactly how desperate were the backstreet boys? Haha. Second concert was last fall, Switchfoot, which rocked. Big time. I also planned on marrying Jon, but turns out the closer I inched towards the stage, the more obvious it became that he wore a nice shiny ring on the left hand. That was sort of disappointing. I think I'm still in love with him though. Haha. Just kidding. This one, though, will be like a zillion times better cause both hannah and morgan get to go!
Love, Jennifer
So anyway, my schedule is.....completely wrong as of now, but hopefully i can fix that one. I think i'm in about 52 clubs and all this year. It'll be so busy! But hopefully I can focus on some different stuff than last year. Cause we all know how that turned out for me. So far I have: Swim team, FBLA (officer-reporter), spirit club (what is this??), ambassadors club, and Prom committee. I get to make sure my Junior Prom doesn't suck! You know what would really make it not suck? If someone asked me. Ahem. You know... Lol.
Tonight is......dum dum dum!...... Death Cab For Cutie!! I am sooo excited. Hammah and Norgan and I are going together...much fun. I've been waiting forever for this. Finally! I'll buy a bunch of great stuff, I'm sure. And by that I mean like a tshirt and buttons. lol. Anyway, it will be really fun. If we make it, that is, not repeating the lost-on-byu-campus episode. This will be my....third concert. Don't be too impressed. I went to the backstreet boys concert back when i planned on marrying one, if not all of the backstreet boys. I remember they did this thing where they were suspended on ropes and like, flew out over the audience. I thought they were the best thing to ever grace my life. Now, looking back, I think, exactly how desperate were the backstreet boys? Haha. Second concert was last fall, Switchfoot, which rocked. Big time. I also planned on marrying Jon, but turns out the closer I inched towards the stage, the more obvious it became that he wore a nice shiny ring on the left hand. That was sort of disappointing. I think I'm still in love with him though. Haha. Just kidding. This one, though, will be like a zillion times better cause both hannah and morgan get to go!
Love, Jennifer
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
So yesterday was pretty good, considering it was a Tuesday. Ever since we got back from Tennessee, Hannah and I have been trying to hang out with Colin and Casey. Lol, hard. Every time they'd ask us, or we'd ask them, one of us was always doing something or working or gone or whatever. It was crazy. So anyway, we finally planned it in advance, to hang out Tuesday, which we did. Funnnn.
Casey drove us to Bajio (he only missed one turn lane, lol), and we had a bunch of good food. It was no cafe rio, but still very good. Lol, beer beans, "sweet" rice, and tortilla gifts. How "coincidental" that i put my trash in hannah's drink and casey put his in colin's. lol funny guys. after that we went back into the car and listened to this comic on colin's iPod cause we had some time, who was really funny. I'll never look at a hot pocket the same way. "Dead pocket!" haha. I'm sure this makes no sense to anyone.
We went to see Lady in the Water. Um. It got like two stars, but we were still optimistic. Turns out those two stars were pretty generous. It was sooo bizarre, I'm not even sure I want to explain it. Basically, this lady is sent by a race of water people to give advice to the writer/genius m. night shyamalan. there are dogs covered in grass constantly trying to kill her. this hotel superintendant has to decide which hotel guests play which roles in assisting the great eagle to return her to the ocean or whatever. the dogs almost kill everyone, but luckily the grass monkey judges come and beat the grass dogs just in time. there's also a guy who only works out one side of his body. It's so intriguing. So there you go. Weeiirrrrd movie. so weird. We got to laugh a lot anyway.
Once we got back to Heber, we went to Dairy Keen and got ice cream, then sat around eating and talking. Much fun. Casey and Colin are both really funny. Hopefully it won't take us like another year to hang out with them again, lol.
Much Love, Jennifer
Casey drove us to Bajio (he only missed one turn lane, lol), and we had a bunch of good food. It was no cafe rio, but still very good. Lol, beer beans, "sweet" rice, and tortilla gifts. How "coincidental" that i put my trash in hannah's drink and casey put his in colin's. lol funny guys. after that we went back into the car and listened to this comic on colin's iPod cause we had some time, who was really funny. I'll never look at a hot pocket the same way. "Dead pocket!" haha. I'm sure this makes no sense to anyone.
We went to see Lady in the Water. Um. It got like two stars, but we were still optimistic. Turns out those two stars were pretty generous. It was sooo bizarre, I'm not even sure I want to explain it. Basically, this lady is sent by a race of water people to give advice to the writer/genius m. night shyamalan. there are dogs covered in grass constantly trying to kill her. this hotel superintendant has to decide which hotel guests play which roles in assisting the great eagle to return her to the ocean or whatever. the dogs almost kill everyone, but luckily the grass monkey judges come and beat the grass dogs just in time. there's also a guy who only works out one side of his body. It's so intriguing. So there you go. Weeiirrrrd movie. so weird. We got to laugh a lot anyway.
Once we got back to Heber, we went to Dairy Keen and got ice cream, then sat around eating and talking. Much fun. Casey and Colin are both really funny. Hopefully it won't take us like another year to hang out with them again, lol.
Much Love, Jennifer
Monday, July 31, 2006
I was at EFY all of last week, and I wish I was still there! It was such a great year, and we had tons of awesome people in our group. Plus Hannah and I were in the variety show. It rocked! Also, one of the scariest things I've ever done. But still, it was really fun. That's all.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Not much has been happening to write about. But, no matter what you people (BESTO) think, I believe in blogging no matter what! No matter what kind of boring stuff you guys have to hear about, I will still blog.
Hmmm. It's been a boring week. Ugh, everything is boring after Tennessee. I've started swimming in the morning again, so that's going ok. Today, I think, we swam....somewhere around 1200 m. I was reading these random blogs last night, and one talked about their, like, extreme, amazing, swim workout, which turned out to be 600 m. Pfft, that's all I say. I would also like to add that I am Queen of lane three. that's right. Queen! They say to me, "slow down" but no. I will swim as I wish, I am queen. lol. They're like 12. I'm evil.
So. I've been saying "I called it" for like two weeks now because of the Morgan thing, but I'm going to say it again. I called it. Awhile ago, I was talking to someone (lol you'll all get this), and I told him he would be over me before the end of summer. I'm pretty sure I was right. Which is ok. I mean, I want him to be really really unbelievably happy, and this whole undefined weird thing with me/him is not doing that, I don't think.
Welllll I'm bored. What else happened? Ohh. Last weekend Tyler Riffle was up for the air show, so we met for lunch and talked for awhile. I forgot how fun he is! It was good to see him. Summer looks good on him. :)
Hmmm. It's been a boring week. Ugh, everything is boring after Tennessee. I've started swimming in the morning again, so that's going ok. Today, I think, we swam....somewhere around 1200 m. I was reading these random blogs last night, and one talked about their, like, extreme, amazing, swim workout, which turned out to be 600 m. Pfft, that's all I say. I would also like to add that I am Queen of lane three. that's right. Queen! They say to me, "slow down" but no. I will swim as I wish, I am queen. lol. They're like 12. I'm evil.
So. I've been saying "I called it" for like two weeks now because of the Morgan thing, but I'm going to say it again. I called it. Awhile ago, I was talking to someone (lol you'll all get this), and I told him he would be over me before the end of summer. I'm pretty sure I was right. Which is ok. I mean, I want him to be really really unbelievably happy, and this whole undefined weird thing with me/him is not doing that, I don't think.
Welllll I'm bored. What else happened? Ohh. Last weekend Tyler Riffle was up for the air show, so we met for lunch and talked for awhile. I forgot how fun he is! It was good to see him. Summer looks good on him. :)
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Well, things were good...
I realized I have problems again. Ugh. Not that I want to post them all over the internet or anything, but I should've realized what I was doing before I did everything AGAIN. I'm just really mad at myself right now, cause it might be hard to fix it all again.
Also, I realized how tired I get of girls, and the stupid things they do to each other. True, I am a girl, but I like to think I've taken a step away from all of that, because it bothers me so much. Girls can be sooo mean! So much drama...I hate it, but they won't let it go, so it keeps going and going until it's out of control. So that sucks. Don't be a stupid girl.
Anyway, happier stuff... I went boating yesterday for young women's! Very very fun! I love to be on the lake, but I love to be wakeboarding on the lake even more! I'm not that great, but I can finally get up without too much trouble now, and all. I love love love that feeling though. One of my favorite parts of summer, for sure.
Love, Jennifer
Also, I realized how tired I get of girls, and the stupid things they do to each other. True, I am a girl, but I like to think I've taken a step away from all of that, because it bothers me so much. Girls can be sooo mean! So much drama...I hate it, but they won't let it go, so it keeps going and going until it's out of control. So that sucks. Don't be a stupid girl.
Anyway, happier stuff... I went boating yesterday for young women's! Very very fun! I love to be on the lake, but I love to be wakeboarding on the lake even more! I'm not that great, but I can finally get up without too much trouble now, and all. I love love love that feeling though. One of my favorite parts of summer, for sure.
Love, Jennifer
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Back From Nashville
Yesterday I got back from FBLA Nationals in Nashville, TN, which was really really really fun. And hot/humid! We stayed in this gargantuous hotel, which I'm not going to tell you the name of, because you'll only laugh, but it was an amazing building. It's like the biggest thing I've ever seen and definately the nicest hotel I've ever stayed in!
I didn't place in the top ten of my even, Principles and Procedures, but I could've told you that would happen, so I wasn't disappointed or anything. Nathan, on the other hand, took eighth in Future Business Leader, which is the hardest competition of them all. He was ecstatic. And extremely protective of his trophy wife. I mean trophy. I mean trophy wife. Haha, just kidding. It was cool though, him winning and all, because it's super hard for anyone to win anything at Nationals.
We took a tour of the city, went to the Country Music Hall of Fame (Nashville is the country music capitol of the world), went to the Grand Ole Opry, and went on a dinner riverboat cruise. Much fun. And music. Not always good. But still fun. Hannah and I hung out with Casey and Colin the whole week, which made everything that much more fun. They are very very funny, in exactly the way Hannah and I laugh at everything. Same sense of humor, which is good. And now it's hard to tell why people can't tell them apart....they look nothing alike to me now.
Here's the one thing I came home with (lol well i guess there's more, but still..): Airports SUCK. We were stuck in Chicago for five and a half hours on the trip there, and if I never see another airport again, I'll be just fine. Not that I don't like travelling, because I do, but airports suck, and so does the food. It cost me my soul for a hamburger, but it was a delicious hamburger, so I guess it was probably worth it. hahaha
I miss Nashville, and everyone! :(
Much Love, Jennifer
I didn't place in the top ten of my even, Principles and Procedures, but I could've told you that would happen, so I wasn't disappointed or anything. Nathan, on the other hand, took eighth in Future Business Leader, which is the hardest competition of them all. He was ecstatic. And extremely protective of his trophy wife. I mean trophy. I mean trophy wife. Haha, just kidding. It was cool though, him winning and all, because it's super hard for anyone to win anything at Nationals.
We took a tour of the city, went to the Country Music Hall of Fame (Nashville is the country music capitol of the world), went to the Grand Ole Opry, and went on a dinner riverboat cruise. Much fun. And music. Not always good. But still fun. Hannah and I hung out with Casey and Colin the whole week, which made everything that much more fun. They are very very funny, in exactly the way Hannah and I laugh at everything. Same sense of humor, which is good. And now it's hard to tell why people can't tell them apart....they look nothing alike to me now.
Here's the one thing I came home with (lol well i guess there's more, but still..): Airports SUCK. We were stuck in Chicago for five and a half hours on the trip there, and if I never see another airport again, I'll be just fine. Not that I don't like travelling, because I do, but airports suck, and so does the food. It cost me my soul for a hamburger, but it was a delicious hamburger, so I guess it was probably worth it. hahaha
I miss Nashville, and everyone! :(
Much Love, Jennifer
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The Most Fantastic Day Ever
Swimming was actually really fun today, not that it was easy or anything, but I enjoyed it still. I think I'm getting better, if only a little at a time, so that's probably why I don't hate it quite as much as I used to. If you don't swim, just know this, SWIMMING IS HARD. You think I'm kidding, or making it up, or exaggerating, but I promise, I'm not. I thought running and track and whatnot were hard, but an entire track workout is like swimming's warmup. Seriously. So anyway, swimming was fun, and hopefully I'll start to actually use flipturns from now on, or at least most of the time, or some of the time..... or.....
Hannah and I bought Death Cab tickets! It'll be our little surprise for Morgan when she gets home, cause she's coming with us, we've decided, and bought a ticket for. SO, hopefully she'll be able to go, cause holy cow, we have Death cab tickets :D! Anyway, we go to Smith's in Heber because we don't exactly WANT to have to drive to PC to get them, and it's like an endless pit in front of the store, so for a minute it seems like we won't be able to go inside. You know, endless pit. Anyway, turns out we do go inside, and get tickets, which they make me sign, which i thought was odd, but by now i'd do anything to get my hands on those tickets! Probably I was signing my soul over it, but I don't care.........Death Cab! Then, as we're standing there, we think, too bad we didnt' have to go to PC, cause then we could've gone to Cold Stone for ice cream! That makes us really really want ice cream, so we go to PC. For the ice cream, of course.
We park, in a place that says it's only sixty minute parking, and this lady pulls in next to me. As we're walking away she yells at me adn asks me if that's my car. Why, yes. Then we spend a minute talking about what kind of gas mileage it gets and how it's working out for me and everything. Hahaha. Very nice, thank you. At least she didn't yell something mean, like we were expecting.
So we go in to Cold Stone, and this lady's working, who is always working when we go in, except apparently I've never looked closely at her until today. SHE HAD A BEARD! and a very manly voice. Also, she had no....girly features. I'm fairly sure she could've been a man. At least at one point in her life. Weeirrrrd. So we sit in the back corner, out of sight, and the "girl" starts singing in some weird language. It sounds like a man! We were laughing our heads off, as quietly as we could. We were ALMOST done with our ice cream, and hannah and i had traded flavors cause we were tired of our own, and I found a beard hair! In my (hannah's) ice cream! We left very quickly and quietly.
After we dumped our ice cream (mine watermelon sensation and hannah's strawberry shortcake, both in waffle bowls of course), we decide we need to go to Walmart and go on a $1 shopping spree. It's a very fun game, it is a game, and here's how it goes in case you ever want to play. You go to walmart and split up, you each have like ten or fifteen minutes to buy the other person a present (the weirder the better) for $1 or less. Except ours turned into a $2 shopping spree. It's ok though, this game is very flexible and user-friendly. When we got into the car and gifted, I got a light up tiara, and a foam baguette or french bread loaf or something. I loved it. Hannah got play dough, with sprinkles. It's not edible though, we found out. haha, jk. But it's not edible.
Hannah's texting Randi about the "girl" and the beard hair in the ice cream, and she's trying to type...ahem. Well, a descriptive word in T9, and it comes up as "conclers"! hahahhahahahha. Don't ask me what the word was and don't ask me what conclers means because I don't think i'll tell anyone ever! hahaha.
Then we went home, and I wore my light-up tiara the whole way. I think it added to my obvious air of importance and seeing it, people obviously had a deeper respect for me. Obviously. Hannah made things with her sprinkle play dough.
So there was our fantastic day! It was amazing. And now we only have 7 days until we get to go to Tennessee!!
Hannah and I bought Death Cab tickets! It'll be our little surprise for Morgan when she gets home, cause she's coming with us, we've decided, and bought a ticket for. SO, hopefully she'll be able to go, cause holy cow, we have Death cab tickets :D! Anyway, we go to Smith's in Heber because we don't exactly WANT to have to drive to PC to get them, and it's like an endless pit in front of the store, so for a minute it seems like we won't be able to go inside. You know, endless pit. Anyway, turns out we do go inside, and get tickets, which they make me sign, which i thought was odd, but by now i'd do anything to get my hands on those tickets! Probably I was signing my soul over it, but I don't care.........Death Cab! Then, as we're standing there, we think, too bad we didnt' have to go to PC, cause then we could've gone to Cold Stone for ice cream! That makes us really really want ice cream, so we go to PC. For the ice cream, of course.
We park, in a place that says it's only sixty minute parking, and this lady pulls in next to me. As we're walking away she yells at me adn asks me if that's my car. Why, yes. Then we spend a minute talking about what kind of gas mileage it gets and how it's working out for me and everything. Hahaha. Very nice, thank you. At least she didn't yell something mean, like we were expecting.
So we go in to Cold Stone, and this lady's working, who is always working when we go in, except apparently I've never looked closely at her until today. SHE HAD A BEARD! and a very manly voice. Also, she had no....girly features. I'm fairly sure she could've been a man. At least at one point in her life. Weeirrrrd. So we sit in the back corner, out of sight, and the "girl" starts singing in some weird language. It sounds like a man! We were laughing our heads off, as quietly as we could. We were ALMOST done with our ice cream, and hannah and i had traded flavors cause we were tired of our own, and I found a beard hair! In my (hannah's) ice cream! We left very quickly and quietly.
After we dumped our ice cream (mine watermelon sensation and hannah's strawberry shortcake, both in waffle bowls of course), we decide we need to go to Walmart and go on a $1 shopping spree. It's a very fun game, it is a game, and here's how it goes in case you ever want to play. You go to walmart and split up, you each have like ten or fifteen minutes to buy the other person a present (the weirder the better) for $1 or less. Except ours turned into a $2 shopping spree. It's ok though, this game is very flexible and user-friendly. When we got into the car and gifted, I got a light up tiara, and a foam baguette or french bread loaf or something. I loved it. Hannah got play dough, with sprinkles. It's not edible though, we found out. haha, jk. But it's not edible.
Hannah's texting Randi about the "girl" and the beard hair in the ice cream, and she's trying to type...ahem. Well, a descriptive word in T9, and it comes up as "conclers"! hahahhahahahha. Don't ask me what the word was and don't ask me what conclers means because I don't think i'll tell anyone ever! hahaha.
Then we went home, and I wore my light-up tiara the whole way. I think it added to my obvious air of importance and seeing it, people obviously had a deeper respect for me. Obviously. Hannah made things with her sprinkle play dough.
So there was our fantastic day! It was amazing. And now we only have 7 days until we get to go to Tennessee!!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Dave Barry
Enjoy these six million Dave Barry quotes.... :D
"In some versions of my original contest column I had proposed, in a lighthearted manner, that we reduce the deficit by 'selling unnecessary states such as Oklahoma to the Japanese.' This caused a number of Oklahomans to send in letters containing many correctly spelled words and making the central lighthearted point that I am a jerk. They also sent me official literature stating that Oklahoma has enormous quantities of culture in the form of ballet, Oral Roberts, etc., and that the Official State Reptile -- I am not making this up -- is something called the 'Mountain Boomer.' So I apologize to Oklahoma, and as a token of my sincerity I'm willing to sell my state, Florida, to the Japanese, assuming nobody objects to the fact that Japan would suddenly become the most heavily armed nation on Earth."
"I probably should never have been there anyway, and it served me right when the two alert police officers fired up their siren, pulled me over, and pointed out that my car's registration had expired. I had not realized this, and as you can imagine I felt like quite the renegade outlaw as one of the officers painstakingly wrote out my ticket, standing well to the side of the road so as to avoid getting hit by the steady stream of passing unlicensed and uninsured motorists driving their stolen cars with their left hands so that their right hands would be free to keep their pit bulls from spilling their cocaine all over their machine guns. Not that I am bitter."
"I hate rap music, which to me sounds like a bunch of angry men shouting, possibly because the person who was supposed to provide them with a melody never showed up."
"There are many silly superstitions about lightning, and as a result many people - maybe even you - are terrified of it. You shouldn't worry. Thanks to modern science we now know that lightning is nothing more than huge chunks of electricity that can come out of the sky, anytime, anywhere, and kill you."
"The only flaw in the Hinckley trial is that it left a lot of people with the impression that psychiatrists are just a bunch of bearded voodoo doctors who espouse confusing and wildly contradictory theories that have nothing to do with common sense. This is totally unfair. Many psychiatrists are clean-shaven."
"Back in the old days, most families were close-knit. Grown children and their parents continued to live together, under the same roof, sometimes in the same small, crowded room, year in and year out, until they died, frequently by strangulation."
"Thus the metric system did not really catch on in the States, unless you count the increasing popularity of the nine-millimeter bullet."
"Snowboarding is an activity that is very popular with people who do not feel that regular skiing is lethal enough."
"Puns are little plays on words that a certain breed of person loves to spring on you and then look at you in a certain self-satisfied way to indicate that he thinks that you must think that he is by far the cleverest person on Earth now that Benjamin Franklin is dead."
"Buying the right computer and getting it to work properly is no more complicated than building a nuclear reactor from wristwatch parts in a darkened room using only your teeth."
"Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing."
Turbulence: This is what pilots announce that you have encountered when your plane strikes an object in midair. You'll be flying along, and there will be an enormous, shuddering WHUMP, and clearly the plane has rammed into an airborne object at least the size of a water buffalo, and the pilot will say, "Folks, we're encountering a little turbulence." Meanwhile they are up there in the cockpit trying desperately to clean water buffalo organs off the windshield.
If you're apprehensive about flying, let me assure you, as a frequent flier, that few experiences are more enjoyable than being seven miles above the Earth's surface in a crowded aging piece of machinery held aloft by principles of physics that you do not even dimly grasp while giant invisible gravity rays pound relentlessly on the roof.
In summary, then, we see that, because of the location and nature of their respective organs, women tend to have a more serious, thoughtful, and responsible attitude towards relationships than men do. I realize this is an absurd generalization, but my feeling is that if we can't have absurd generalizations, we might as well not even bother to write books.
New York is in fact a major tourist destination, drawing millions of visitors each year, the majority of whom are never robbed and stabbed and left on the sidewalk to bleed to death while being stepped over by enough people to populate the entire state of Montana. Their secret? They follow certain common-sense New York City safety rules, such as:
-Always walk at least 30 miles per hour.
-Always keep your money and other valuables in a safe place, such as Switzerland.
-Avoid unsafe areas, such as your hotel bathroom.
-Never make eye contact. This is asking to be mugged. In the New York court system, a mugger is automatically declared not guilty if the defense can prove that the victim has a history of making eye contact.
The French are not rude. They just happen to hate you. But that is no reason to bypass this beautiful country, whose master chefs have a well-deserved worldwide reputation for trying to trick people into eating snails. Nobody is sure how this got started. Probably a couple of French master chefs were standing around one day, and they found a snail, and one of them said: "I bet that if we called this something like `escargot,' tourists would eat it." Then they had hearty laugh, because "escargot" is the French word for "fat crawling bag of phlegm."
Poland has experienced a tremendous amount of history due to the fact that it has no natural defensible borders, which makes it very easy to conquer. Many times the other nations didn't even mean to invade Poland; one night they'd simply forget to set the parking brakes on their tanks, and they'd wake up the next morning to discover that, whoosh, they had conquered Poland.
I'm an experienced South Florida driver, and almost getting hit is *nothing*. It's routine. It happens *every day*. I'm so used to it that I don't even bother to honk at motorists who almost kill me. Generally it's a bad idea to honk down here anyway, inasmuch as the South Florida motoring public is as heavily armed as Iraq, but not as peace-loving.
I disapprove of the F-word, not because it's dirty, but because we use it as a substitute for thoughtful insults, and it frequently leads to violence. What we ought to do, when we anger each other, say, in traffic, is exchange phone numbers, so that later on, when we've had time to think of witty and learned insults or look them up in the library, we could call each other up:
You: Hello? Bob?
Bob: Yes?
You: This is Ed. Remember? The person whose parking space you took last Thursday? Outside of Sears?
Bob: Oh yes! Sure! How are you, Ed?
You: Fine, thanks. Listen, Bob, the reason I'm calling is: "Madam, you may be drunk, but I am ugly, and ..." No, wait. I mean: "you may be ugly, but I am Winston Churchill and ..." No, wait. (Sound of reference book thudding onto the floor.) S-word. Excuse me. Look, Bob, I'm going to have to get back to you.
Bob: Fine.
ENGLISH: This involves writing papers about long books you have read little snippets of just before class. Here is a tip on how to get good grades on your English papers: Never say anything about a book that anybody with any common sense would say. For example, suppose you are studying Moby-Dick. Anybody with any common sense would say that Moby-Dick is a big white whale, since the characters in the book refer to it as a big white whale roughly eleven thousand times. So in *your* paper, *you* say Moby-Dick is actually the Republic of Ireland. Your professor, who is sick to death of reading papers and never liked Moby-Dick anyway, will think you are enormously creative. If you can regularly come up with lunatic interpretations of simple s tories, you should major in English.
PHILOSOPHY: Basically, this involves sitting in a room and deciding there is no such thing as reality and then going to lunch. You should major in philosophy if you plan to take a lot of drugs.
June 14: Eight concerned parents in rural Georgia sue the local school district for teaching their children the alphabet, which can be used to form dirty words.
Computers are getting smarter all the time: scientists tell us that soon they will be able to talk to us. (By "they" I mean "computers": I doubt scientists will ever be able to talk to us.)
In most nations, when people say "football", they mean "soccer", which is a completely different game in which smallish persons whiz about on a field while the spectators beat each other up and eventually overthrow the government. I don't know why the other nations call soccer "football," but I suspect it has something to do with the metric system and I say the (heck) with it.
To understand the importance of financial planning for your retirement years, let's consider the famous true Aesop's fable about the grasshopper and the ant.
It seems that many years ago, there lived a lazy grasshopper and a hardworking ant. All summer long, while the ant was busily networking with other ants and gathering food, the grasshopper sat around drinking vodka gimlets and watching "General Hospital." When winter came, the grasshopper had nothing to eat, while the ant was snug and warm in his cozy little house filled with putrefying chunks of road-kill raccoon. Finally the grasshopper, starving, came to the ant's door and said, "Can I have some food?" And the ant said: "Well, I suppose GAACCKK," and they were both crushed by rocks dropped on them by Boy Scouts on a nature walk. This was a very poor financial decision, when you think how much money these boys could have gotten for a pair of talking insects.
Socially prominent people are very fond of disease, because it gives them a chance to have these really elaborate charity functions, and the newspaper headlines say, "EVENING IN PARIS BALL RAISES MONEY TO FIGHT GOUT" instead of "RICH PEOPLE AMUSE THEMSELVES."
The presidential race heats up as George W. Bush proposes an idea that he came up with recently while reading an index card, which is to allow younger workers to take some of their Social Security money and, as the governor puts it, "investisize in the stocks market or professional baseball teams or whatever and thusly enjoy the labors of their fruits." Vice President Al Gore immediately criticizes this plan as a "risky scheme" that could result in "millions of dead senior citizens," which in turn "could impact global warming." Polls show that this is a hot-button issue with the public, with 50 percent of likely voters wishing they had two other candidates to choose from, and the other 50 percent agreeing. Quotes/Modern_World/Dave_Barry.html
"In some versions of my original contest column I had proposed, in a lighthearted manner, that we reduce the deficit by 'selling unnecessary states such as Oklahoma to the Japanese.' This caused a number of Oklahomans to send in letters containing many correctly spelled words and making the central lighthearted point that I am a jerk. They also sent me official literature stating that Oklahoma has enormous quantities of culture in the form of ballet, Oral Roberts, etc., and that the Official State Reptile -- I am not making this up -- is something called the 'Mountain Boomer.' So I apologize to Oklahoma, and as a token of my sincerity I'm willing to sell my state, Florida, to the Japanese, assuming nobody objects to the fact that Japan would suddenly become the most heavily armed nation on Earth."
"I probably should never have been there anyway, and it served me right when the two alert police officers fired up their siren, pulled me over, and pointed out that my car's registration had expired. I had not realized this, and as you can imagine I felt like quite the renegade outlaw as one of the officers painstakingly wrote out my ticket, standing well to the side of the road so as to avoid getting hit by the steady stream of passing unlicensed and uninsured motorists driving their stolen cars with their left hands so that their right hands would be free to keep their pit bulls from spilling their cocaine all over their machine guns. Not that I am bitter."
"I hate rap music, which to me sounds like a bunch of angry men shouting, possibly because the person who was supposed to provide them with a melody never showed up."
"There are many silly superstitions about lightning, and as a result many people - maybe even you - are terrified of it. You shouldn't worry. Thanks to modern science we now know that lightning is nothing more than huge chunks of electricity that can come out of the sky, anytime, anywhere, and kill you."
"The only flaw in the Hinckley trial is that it left a lot of people with the impression that psychiatrists are just a bunch of bearded voodoo doctors who espouse confusing and wildly contradictory theories that have nothing to do with common sense. This is totally unfair. Many psychiatrists are clean-shaven."
"Back in the old days, most families were close-knit. Grown children and their parents continued to live together, under the same roof, sometimes in the same small, crowded room, year in and year out, until they died, frequently by strangulation."
"Thus the metric system did not really catch on in the States, unless you count the increasing popularity of the nine-millimeter bullet."
"Snowboarding is an activity that is very popular with people who do not feel that regular skiing is lethal enough."
"Puns are little plays on words that a certain breed of person loves to spring on you and then look at you in a certain self-satisfied way to indicate that he thinks that you must think that he is by far the cleverest person on Earth now that Benjamin Franklin is dead."
"Buying the right computer and getting it to work properly is no more complicated than building a nuclear reactor from wristwatch parts in a darkened room using only your teeth."
"Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing."
Turbulence: This is what pilots announce that you have encountered when your plane strikes an object in midair. You'll be flying along, and there will be an enormous, shuddering WHUMP, and clearly the plane has rammed into an airborne object at least the size of a water buffalo, and the pilot will say, "Folks, we're encountering a little turbulence." Meanwhile they are up there in the cockpit trying desperately to clean water buffalo organs off the windshield.
If you're apprehensive about flying, let me assure you, as a frequent flier, that few experiences are more enjoyable than being seven miles above the Earth's surface in a crowded aging piece of machinery held aloft by principles of physics that you do not even dimly grasp while giant invisible gravity rays pound relentlessly on the roof.
In summary, then, we see that, because of the location and nature of their respective organs, women tend to have a more serious, thoughtful, and responsible attitude towards relationships than men do. I realize this is an absurd generalization, but my feeling is that if we can't have absurd generalizations, we might as well not even bother to write books.
New York is in fact a major tourist destination, drawing millions of visitors each year, the majority of whom are never robbed and stabbed and left on the sidewalk to bleed to death while being stepped over by enough people to populate the entire state of Montana. Their secret? They follow certain common-sense New York City safety rules, such as:
-Always walk at least 30 miles per hour.
-Always keep your money and other valuables in a safe place, such as Switzerland.
-Avoid unsafe areas, such as your hotel bathroom.
-Never make eye contact. This is asking to be mugged. In the New York court system, a mugger is automatically declared not guilty if the defense can prove that the victim has a history of making eye contact.
The French are not rude. They just happen to hate you. But that is no reason to bypass this beautiful country, whose master chefs have a well-deserved worldwide reputation for trying to trick people into eating snails. Nobody is sure how this got started. Probably a couple of French master chefs were standing around one day, and they found a snail, and one of them said: "I bet that if we called this something like `escargot,' tourists would eat it." Then they had hearty laugh, because "escargot" is the French word for "fat crawling bag of phlegm."
Poland has experienced a tremendous amount of history due to the fact that it has no natural defensible borders, which makes it very easy to conquer. Many times the other nations didn't even mean to invade Poland; one night they'd simply forget to set the parking brakes on their tanks, and they'd wake up the next morning to discover that, whoosh, they had conquered Poland.
I'm an experienced South Florida driver, and almost getting hit is *nothing*. It's routine. It happens *every day*. I'm so used to it that I don't even bother to honk at motorists who almost kill me. Generally it's a bad idea to honk down here anyway, inasmuch as the South Florida motoring public is as heavily armed as Iraq, but not as peace-loving.
I disapprove of the F-word, not because it's dirty, but because we use it as a substitute for thoughtful insults, and it frequently leads to violence. What we ought to do, when we anger each other, say, in traffic, is exchange phone numbers, so that later on, when we've had time to think of witty and learned insults or look them up in the library, we could call each other up:
You: Hello? Bob?
Bob: Yes?
You: This is Ed. Remember? The person whose parking space you took last Thursday? Outside of Sears?
Bob: Oh yes! Sure! How are you, Ed?
You: Fine, thanks. Listen, Bob, the reason I'm calling is: "Madam, you may be drunk, but I am ugly, and ..." No, wait. I mean: "you may be ugly, but I am Winston Churchill and ..." No, wait. (Sound of reference book thudding onto the floor.) S-word. Excuse me. Look, Bob, I'm going to have to get back to you.
Bob: Fine.
ENGLISH: This involves writing papers about long books you have read little snippets of just before class. Here is a tip on how to get good grades on your English papers: Never say anything about a book that anybody with any common sense would say. For example, suppose you are studying Moby-Dick. Anybody with any common sense would say that Moby-Dick is a big white whale, since the characters in the book refer to it as a big white whale roughly eleven thousand times. So in *your* paper, *you* say Moby-Dick is actually the Republic of Ireland. Your professor, who is sick to death of reading papers and never liked Moby-Dick anyway, will think you are enormously creative. If you can regularly come up with lunatic interpretations of simple s tories, you should major in English.
PHILOSOPHY: Basically, this involves sitting in a room and deciding there is no such thing as reality and then going to lunch. You should major in philosophy if you plan to take a lot of drugs.
June 14: Eight concerned parents in rural Georgia sue the local school district for teaching their children the alphabet, which can be used to form dirty words.
Computers are getting smarter all the time: scientists tell us that soon they will be able to talk to us. (By "they" I mean "computers": I doubt scientists will ever be able to talk to us.)
In most nations, when people say "football", they mean "soccer", which is a completely different game in which smallish persons whiz about on a field while the spectators beat each other up and eventually overthrow the government. I don't know why the other nations call soccer "football," but I suspect it has something to do with the metric system and I say the (heck) with it.
To understand the importance of financial planning for your retirement years, let's consider the famous true Aesop's fable about the grasshopper and the ant.
It seems that many years ago, there lived a lazy grasshopper and a hardworking ant. All summer long, while the ant was busily networking with other ants and gathering food, the grasshopper sat around drinking vodka gimlets and watching "General Hospital." When winter came, the grasshopper had nothing to eat, while the ant was snug and warm in his cozy little house filled with putrefying chunks of road-kill raccoon. Finally the grasshopper, starving, came to the ant's door and said, "Can I have some food?" And the ant said: "Well, I suppose GAACCKK," and they were both crushed by rocks dropped on them by Boy Scouts on a nature walk. This was a very poor financial decision, when you think how much money these boys could have gotten for a pair of talking insects.
Socially prominent people are very fond of disease, because it gives them a chance to have these really elaborate charity functions, and the newspaper headlines say, "EVENING IN PARIS BALL RAISES MONEY TO FIGHT GOUT" instead of "RICH PEOPLE AMUSE THEMSELVES."
The presidential race heats up as George W. Bush proposes an idea that he came up with recently while reading an index card, which is to allow younger workers to take some of their Social Security money and, as the governor puts it, "investisize in the stocks market or professional baseball teams or whatever and thusly enjoy the labors of their fruits." Vice President Al Gore immediately criticizes this plan as a "risky scheme" that could result in "millions of dead senior citizens," which in turn "could impact global warming." Polls show that this is a hot-button issue with the public, with 50 percent of likely voters wishing they had two other candidates to choose from, and the other 50 percent agreeing. Quotes/Modern_World/Dave_Barry.html
Swimming thoughts
So here's what I thought as I was swimming today. You know, I kind of suck at this swimming thing. Well, I don't need to exaggerate, I guess. There are just some aspects, such as stroking, kicking, breathing, and you know...propelling yourself through the water in a timely and comfortable way. So there I was, Australian crawling my way through yet another lap (and I emphasize the crawling part), when I thought, I hate you, pool. I hate you. Then I made up my mind to do everything in my power to take control over all that water, because this was obviously not working. I will conquer you, pool. *much fist shaking. About 300 m later, I was dead tired and ready to give myself over to the evil force I call the Junior High pool. You got me.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Almost an emergency...
Man, it's been a weird week, but kind of good in a way, I guess. Everyone's always gone somewhere, so I'm left sitting around at home reading WEIRD books. Lots of thinking time, haha. I don't know if that's always a good thing for me.
Saturday....I think it was.... me, besto, hannah, lake, enano, and randi went to see The DaVinci Code in PC. I read the book, and it angered me, I guess you could say, but I decided to give the movie a chance and kept an open mind. So....pretty much it turned out to be quite a bit like the book, and also would've angered me, except i was in a good mood and not ready to be angry at anything, so I just sat and watched, pretending like i was just watching a story someone was telling or something. Which, I guess, is exactly what it was, but still. It was kind of entertaining anyway, except just a little bit long.
After the movie, we went to Cold Stone, where we got ice cream, went outside to eat it, then realized it was kind of cold, actually. And also there was this drunk guy stumbling around. Kind of entertaining, but in a creepy, somebody-hold-me! kind of way. Hahaha. So we tried to go back into Cold Stone to eat, but the manager comes and kicks us out, in a sort of nice way, because apparently she thinks we're going to rob her! Why would she think that?! We're not crappy PC hoodlums! (lol good word). So we just left. After somebody freaked out, that is.
Hannah, besto, and I were driving home, and we were almost there, when this deer comes MEANDERING OUT IN FRONT OF US!!! Meandering!! I slam on the brakes, but we're going pretty fast, and we still slide a bit before we really start to stop. We barely missed the deer. i was SCARED, and so were they, I think. emergency avoided, though! Good thing, I'm kind of attached to my car. And hannah and besto. lol.
I'm IN LOVE with the new snow patrol CD!! i also got the goo goo dolls CD, KT Tunstall, and Ben Harper. Yay for good music!
Saturday....I think it was.... me, besto, hannah, lake, enano, and randi went to see The DaVinci Code in PC. I read the book, and it angered me, I guess you could say, but I decided to give the movie a chance and kept an open mind. So....pretty much it turned out to be quite a bit like the book, and also would've angered me, except i was in a good mood and not ready to be angry at anything, so I just sat and watched, pretending like i was just watching a story someone was telling or something. Which, I guess, is exactly what it was, but still. It was kind of entertaining anyway, except just a little bit long.
After the movie, we went to Cold Stone, where we got ice cream, went outside to eat it, then realized it was kind of cold, actually. And also there was this drunk guy stumbling around. Kind of entertaining, but in a creepy, somebody-hold-me! kind of way. Hahaha. So we tried to go back into Cold Stone to eat, but the manager comes and kicks us out, in a sort of nice way, because apparently she thinks we're going to rob her! Why would she think that?! We're not crappy PC hoodlums! (lol good word). So we just left. After somebody freaked out, that is.
Hannah, besto, and I were driving home, and we were almost there, when this deer comes MEANDERING OUT IN FRONT OF US!!! Meandering!! I slam on the brakes, but we're going pretty fast, and we still slide a bit before we really start to stop. We barely missed the deer. i was SCARED, and so were they, I think. emergency avoided, though! Good thing, I'm kind of attached to my car. And hannah and besto. lol.
I'm IN LOVE with the new snow patrol CD!! i also got the goo goo dolls CD, KT Tunstall, and Ben Harper. Yay for good music!
Monday, June 05, 2006
To airsoft or not to airsoft...
What a really hot day! It's so hot, but I love it, cause hey, it's finally summer! Yesterday I fell asleep outside on my trampoline, and now i have this disgusting ring around my neck where my shirt was, and my face is all red as well. Gross!
I'm still trying to decide if I want to play airsoft with everyone or not....s-c-a-r-y! I'm afraid to get hurt, I think hahahaha. I'm such a baby, but seriously. Paintball was nervewracking enough! Going to go play my guitar now... :D
Much love, Jennifer
I'm still trying to decide if I want to play airsoft with everyone or not....s-c-a-r-y! I'm afraid to get hurt, I think hahahaha. I'm such a baby, but seriously. Paintball was nervewracking enough! Going to go play my guitar now... :D
Much love, Jennifer
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Back From Wyoming
I'm back from Youth Conference in Wyoming! It was really fun, actually, but hard like everyone said it would be. It kind of makes you a little more grateful for everything they did....
Summer's here.....oh man, that is so weird. I was out in the middle of Wyoming, where there's NOTHING, and I suddenly realized it was June finally felt like summer, officially. It was so weird! I do love summer, though, and I'm thinking this one will be amazing.
Let's see.....oh. I broke up with Neil a couple weeks ago. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, for many reasons, but I'm still trying to work everything about it out. It's frustrating because people don't understand it, and hard as I might try, I can't explain it to them. Even to the ones who deserve most to know! I'll just say this, and hopefully it'll be just a little more understandable....I love Neil. Still. And I don't want to never see him again, or let go of everything we had, I just want to let things happen. Whatever that may be. We're supposed to talk soon, and I think it'll all just be ok. really. really, really.
Morgan has a blog! Zonino!
Ahh. I feel very good right now, because everything's just...slow. I have time to think now! I need that :D. Well, must go get ready....
Much Love,
Summer's here.....oh man, that is so weird. I was out in the middle of Wyoming, where there's NOTHING, and I suddenly realized it was June finally felt like summer, officially. It was so weird! I do love summer, though, and I'm thinking this one will be amazing.
Let's see.....oh. I broke up with Neil a couple weeks ago. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, for many reasons, but I'm still trying to work everything about it out. It's frustrating because people don't understand it, and hard as I might try, I can't explain it to them. Even to the ones who deserve most to know! I'll just say this, and hopefully it'll be just a little more understandable....I love Neil. Still. And I don't want to never see him again, or let go of everything we had, I just want to let things happen. Whatever that may be. We're supposed to talk soon, and I think it'll all just be ok. really. really, really.
Morgan has a blog! Zonino!
Ahh. I feel very good right now, because everything's just...slow. I have time to think now! I need that :D. Well, must go get ready....
Much Love,
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