Sunday, November 26, 2006

The gray area

So I just spent like the last hour and a half reading about Vietnam, and now I feel all weird. Like, what is wrong with our world? ....Hmm. Wow, I don't have much else to say about that. I'm not sure how I feel about Iraq anymore. Ugh. I'm just...frustrated with everything right now, I guess. Because as nice as it is when things are black and white, that hardly ever happens. It's kind of hard to see through all of the gray. All I can do is keep reading the newspaper headlines and the articles and the views that are slanted one way or the other about our country and our leaders and the decisions that actually affect us. That's right, insurgents and armies and bombs in a desert far far away will eventually affect me in one way or another. Gray, gray, gray.

I think I need to stop being so serious. Lol.

Love, Jennifer

1 comment:

Roberto Lerma said...

Buck Fush. and Iraq is one of the reasons i say that...why are we over there again? "All your oil are belong to U.S." that's why. democracy my foot.
