Dear Santa,
How are things at the North Pole? I hope you're doing fine, and Mrs. Claus as well. Now then, let's get down to business. I've been pretty dang good this year. Mostly. But considering all the BAD I could've done, specifically when "H" suggested it to me, yeah, I was pretty good. On that note, I'd like to suggest a few things you could stuff in your sack for me this year.
Please bring me...
*a new heart. a bulletproof one. it is unbreakable and tough but will still allow me to feel the good in life. please wrap it in gold paper. that would be sweet.
*a videocamera that will follow me, invisible, everywhere I go. it will catch all of the amazing moments on film, to be immortalized forever in the video of my life.
*a big jar of patience. patience with myself, with my friends, with my family, and oh yeah...with myself.
*a copy of The Plan. that's right. i don't know how close you two are, but if He'd be so nice as to give you a copy to give to me that would be greatly appreciated. that way, when something happens and i stand there thinking "what the....", I could just refer to the Plan and it would all be clear. maybe you could frame it for me.
*an invisible suit. for those times i just want to disappear. (i guess if i get the unbreakable heart, i might not need this huh?) i promise to use this for good. sometimes.
*an airplane, for travel. and a copy of the Plan for all the world leaders. "duh, you idiot. this is what you should be doing."
*time, wrapped in a red bow. it's rechargable for multiple uses, and comes with the wisdom it holds. for those days i have none of it left. i will never use my extra time for homework. i promise you that.
*the friendship we used to have. you don't have to wrap it, and it doesn't even need a bow. don't try to shine it and get the imperfections out; sometimes that's what i liked best about it. when you leave this under the tree, feel free to take the awkward feelings and resentment, the heartache, and the anger with you. you can destroy those. i don't want them anymore.
*some magic eyes. the kind that can see what's good for me and ones that won't get stuck on my own opinions. they can see through excuses and have a multiple-viewpoint option. somedays i really need a new outlook on things.
*a song extractor. this would be awesome. it should be able to pull the song that's inside of me out, because i can never write it. it's incredibly hard to capture, but this thing would do it. and it would be painless. no, wait, it would only hurt just a little, because a bit of pain makes for a good song.
*love, sweet love. and while you're at it, give a box of this to the rest of the globe, too. Because, after all, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love."
Take care and thanks for the good stuff,

Jennifer N.
this is a good chrismas list. i would agree that all of those things would be perfect presents. maybe i'll get them for chrismas and stuff. i can only hope.
Hurray for symbolic Christmas.
I hope you get all those things. :)
lol that is the best signature ever. that's all i have to say.
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