Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Not much has been happening to write about. But, no matter what you people (BESTO) think, I believe in blogging no matter what! No matter what kind of boring stuff you guys have to hear about, I will still blog.

Hmmm. It's been a boring week. Ugh, everything is boring after Tennessee. I've started swimming in the morning again, so that's going ok. Today, I think, we swam....somewhere around 1200 m. I was reading these random blogs last night, and one talked about their, like, extreme, amazing, swim workout, which turned out to be 600 m. Pfft, that's all I say. I would also like to add that I am Queen of lane three. that's right. Queen! They say to me, "slow down" but no. I will swim as I wish, I am queen. lol. They're like 12. I'm evil.

So. I've been saying "I called it" for like two weeks now because of the Morgan thing, but I'm going to say it again. I called it. Awhile ago, I was talking to someone (lol you'll all get this), and I told him he would be over me before the end of summer. I'm pretty sure I was right. Which is ok. I mean, I want him to be really really unbelievably happy, and this whole undefined weird thing with me/him is not doing that, I don't think.

Welllll I'm bored. What else happened? Ohh. Last weekend Tyler Riffle was up for the air show, so we met for lunch and talked for awhile. I forgot how fun he is! It was good to see him. Summer looks good on him. :)

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Yes,yes, you did call it. I have one thing to say... vegetarian pizza is the best invention ever! It is absolutely amazing. Next time I get it, you and Hannah are definitely coming over and eating some. Speaking of, we need to hang out soon before I die of fammy deprivation. Not a good thing. At all.