Sunday, June 24, 2007

"I get by with a little help from my friends..."

This week has been insanely random and really really fun...

On Thursday, I went to the Farmer's Market and found Jake, Besto, Michael, and Derek. We sat directly in front of the stage and listened to this crazy classic rock band, that I think was called Dr. Bob. Dr. something, anyway... I got really hungry, and realized that it wasn't a great place for food, so I found Besto, Joy, Brigette, and Krystal, who were also looking for food, and we all went to Subway. When we got there, Besto and I decided that I was taking him on a date, so I bought him a sandwich, and for the rest of the night we enjoyed our date. lol. we went back to the park, and listened to some more Dr. Bob, then after awhile Hannah came. Hoorah! Later we went to Britta's and paid her a "suprise" "hypothetical" visit. We all walked around emo lane, then kind of just laid on the sidewalk and laughed and took pictures and looked at the stars.

Friday, Black and Tan Nation was basically born. And as you are asking yourselves right now, "Is that a gang?" well yes, it is. We had what was the first of many trips to Borders, where we perused to our hearts' delight for about two hours, then made our way to Jamba Juice and the abandoned pizza hut. All of this is simply too amazing for words...

On Saturday Michael took me on an amazing date...that morning, he picked me up and took me to breakfast, all early, which was extra nice I thought. I had to work after that until two, but around four, he, tyler, and randi came by and picked me up. we went to days and bought lunchables, naked juice, snapple, and bread, then went to the duck pond in midway (which an insane amount of people know about now!). We ate our lunchables, and tyler definitely got his tiny mustard packet all over michael, and I mean ALL OVER. good thing Michael is a blue, or tyler would be dead. haha. after that we fed the ducks, and he and i decided that the bottom of the pond is most likely made of bread...which seems more and more true the more you think about it. then we played on the playground sort of thing until tyler had to go home to pack. they dropped michael and i off at my house, where we got in my car, then drove to the bridge in midway and then a stream where we made wishes. it was pretty amazing. after that we began a secret operation which i cannot speak of here. mmhmm. after, we went to besto's house and played on his computer until i had to go. whew. it was a lot of fun.

today, I had a family picnic sort of thing for my grandma's (g unit!) birthday. My family is nuts, I just have to say. after I went to see hannah, since I havent' seen her in forever, and we talked and laughed and just had an all-around fabulous time. "I don't want to listen to you!" "ice lollies." hahahaha

Love, Jennifer

ps. holy amazing guitarness. i've never wanted to play anything so badly as this...


Hannah said...

can i be inititated into black and tan nation? i'll kill a person if i have to.

Michaelface said...

That was a pretty exciting date I must say :) You are so amazing. I cant even handle it. we need to talk and stuff more... for sure. Im going to miss you!!!

Roberto Lerma said...

ah...Ocean...*smiles* i must get some kind of cool points for showing you that, right?
