Tuesday, June 26, 2007

au revoir

Well, I've gotta say, I'm insanely excited to leave for Chicago tomorrow. True, I will miss everyone more than you all could imagine, and I'm not sure I'll be able to handle leaving BTN, but...I'm still really excited. And if I have time and find some cool (hopefully free) stuff, I'll totally bring you all something amazing. And oh yeah, pumpkins memorobilia :D

So, have a fantastic week. We'll be back on the second sometime. Mucho Love to all.

Love, Jennifer


Anonymous said...

you better take something for me haha
with love, ty ty

Kelsey said...

umm yeah i will definitely see you ladies. we will set up a day and time for us to do something exciting. ill let you know the days ill be out there and then we'll set something up! :)

Roberto Lerma said...

don't forget the Metro! haha.
