Monday, June 28, 2010

(how to tell)

You just might be Jennifer if...

a) you are agonizing over mattress-buying

b) you're so very tired of working all the time

c) ....but you love feeling like you're supporting yourself

d) you value the re-used rather than buying more junk

e) all you want is an incredible vacation

f) you need to get some exercise before your mind goes crazy

g) you are in love with Dexter Morgan

h) 365s are getting kinda hard these days

i) you can't stop chewing ice

j) your enemy is a cat

k) you really need some moving boxes, or

l) you are moving in 3 days. three.

Love, Jennifer


Nat said...

only a few of these apply to me..
i suppose i am not a jennifer.
but i am to be living with one real soon.
almost as good. :]

lahve yew.

isaac said...

hey you! i dont know if you check this but lets talk one day!