New idea. I'm terrible at explaining things in words, so I'll let the magic of my camera phone do it for me. Here's an update of how things look in my life right now, through my favorite medium of photography.
my new favorite thing! yummy yummy dino buddies! 5 pounds of them; thank you costco :)

This is Don! it's midnight, and it's his birthday. it was a good time; he was like a little kid waiting for his present :) Now that he has it, he is quite content.

This is a dummy. M and I left it in someone's room. And, I quote, we are "creepers! i almost peed my pants!" best idea ever.

This is where I study. And watch movies. And am eaten by the free squirrel couch.

This is my room! Perpetually unmade bed and the macbook i am addicted to. and a pile of books i swear i'll get to when i have time. over there on the wall is my 8 pages of reading assignments for this term. completion rate: around 20%. boo me.

Sep. birthday! i'm old! donald took me shopping: he's a man-purse (as he likes to say.)

i also went to homecoming with him, which was excellent

And that is my life in pictures.
Love, Jennifer
Dino buddies?!?
This is me being very jealous.
That dummy... might be the best thing we've ever done :)
haha yeah, it really was.
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