Tuesday, June 02, 2009


June 2, 2009

How do I explain this?  Life is interesting, for sure.  It seems that once life begins changing, it is a downhill slope that only picks up speed as it goes.  I think of where I was one year ago, or 3 months ago and it's so incredible to me how different things become as life goes on.

Specifically, (or not so specifically, being clear is not a prominent feature of my writings/blogs) I am beginning to feel more and more as if I am the only one around me willing to enjoy the moment for what it is without rushing on to the next.  There is enough time to go around, folks.  Just slow down.  Don't force anything.  Maybe it will be better than you think?

Summer is usually a nice change of things though this one has been odd so far.  My days mostly consist of waking up way too early, working, doing a thing or two during the day, then going to sleep and starting all over.  And lots of waiting.  Waiting for weekends, for the chance to feel like I'm really living a life, for the time when I'll be able to go back, this time for good hopefully.  I've been really surprised and really happy how things have worked out so far, because I was really worried about becoming disconnected when I moved back to my parents' house.  Life works out nicely that way though.  All I want is to be able to hold onto this once things change again.

Overall, I'm happy and excited and somehow really proud of myself for nothing at all.

Love, Jennifer


Morgan said...


Roberto Lerma said...

I like to think that I'm a person that can just be calm and live the moment I'm living in right now. But I guess maybe not.

This blog makes me feel a little left behind. But I guess I have to accept that everyone is moving on to different things without me.
