March 30, 2009
Here is my life as of late. My computer has stopped being useful. I have no internet, which is why I'm in a computer lab right now typing this. It's really frustrating to me because this happened for absolutely no reason at all. My little wireless button is eternally red, which is not good, and my computer tells me that it can find no networks to connect to because I have no wireless adapter. Yes I do! Or I used to! I've tried to research some solutions, but basically all I found was a lot of people (see forum) who have the same problem I do, but have no idea how to fix it because it's completely random. GAhhhhhhhh. If you want to see, here it is:
Anyway, my warranty just barely expired in December, so that's bad news. But I'm taking it to the campus store tomorrow to see if they have any ideas. In the meantime, I am seriously considering the pros of switching to a Macbook, although I would be severely depleted of cash for the rest of forever. It's awesome.
Other than this, I have been surprisingly happy about the direction my life is going, and have a newfound interest in playing cards. And getting competitive. haha.
Thanks for listening to this terribly boring rant.
Love, Jennifer
PS--I will be participating in Relay for Life on campus in a couple weeks, so if any of you feel the generous desire to donate a bit of cash for my cause, that would rock. I hope to stay up all night and play a lot of cards when I'm not walking :)
I'm sorry you having computer problems. Macs are way nice. It's worth it.
I'm on almost page 50 of FMyLife. Love it.
And I love you. :)
FML is the best thing ever. I'm about 20 pages behind from the end...almost there! haha.
Macbooks are sweet, but too expensive.
If you come see me, I'll donate.
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