Well hello.
I have slacked and it has been pointed out to me. So this is my repentance, I suppose. Also, I kind of miss this because it used to mean more to me than it has recently. However, I have no more to say than ever before, so...yeah. Lol.
My life now consists of......lots of naps. LOTS of reading. The occasional social event. Driving people all over Salt Lake. It kind of reminds me of my sophomore year of high school, driving people everywhere, which I actually don't mind at all. It's strange to think this way, but I've finally moved out of my house in my mind. I'll be living in Midway during the summer, working and all, but that will probably be the last time. And when I think of being there, it's kind of like I'll just be staying there for a couple months until things begin again. BUT nobody likes to hear someone talk about themselves (themself is not a word.), so I'll try to move on. Haha.
Here's a thought I had the other day. I think people need opposition. Everyone always complains about the problems in their lives, but I think if removed, they would hate their existence as well. It's like...having a purpose I guess. If everyone had a perfect life, there would be no movement, and no struggle to get to a better place. People would feel purposeless. This is troubling to me. If this is true, do people unconsciously create barriers to happiness because they know it gives them a reason to live?
That is all.
Love, Jennifer
I'd like to think that I don't create my own barriers to happiness. Don't you think that we can remain in a state of happiness if there isn't some outside factor, and just rejoice in existence? I hope so, but I suppose I can't be too sure...
That's something to think about, but I think so. People need opposition to feel accomplished. If life is easy, they may be complacent but that doesn't always mean happiness...
I agree with both you and Morgan.
I think we can just rejoice in existence, but I also think that most people choose not to. All of us have the ability to be rid of the majority of our problems.
It's all about balance, I say!
Neigh! I agree with Jen. While you may be able to derive some sort of short pleasure your existence the long term will become dull and rather horrible.
We do NEED opposition. We are all fighters and we all need something to fight. Whether it be on an actual battlefield with another country, or in a social situation with a friend we need to help we always fight for something. Do you Morgan want nothing in your life to fight for? Is there nothing you'd defend to the end? Would you have an entirely peaceful existence where everything always went your way?
And Erin is also very correct, life is boring without any sort of outside conflict.
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