Wednesday, October 08, 2008

My list.

M was telling me yesterday about one of the books she is reading in a class, where the author writes these lists of things every now and then. Just....lists. lol. And then M told me about how her class spent the day creating lists and reading them to each other. All of this made me want a list of my own, so here it is.

Things I shouldn't like, but do.
  • Drinking water that tastes just a little bit chlorine-y. It only happens occasionally, depending on where I fill my bottle, but when I get some I love it. It's almost addictive.
  • Taking a nice hot shower, then in the last fifteen seconds, turning the water cold. It's really shocking and like Ahhhhhhhhhh! Why!? but I enjoy it.
  • Wearing a swim cap. (guess what--I started trying to actually swim again. crazy, i know) It makes me look so goofy, but I love feeling like I have a bald head, hahaha
  • This really weird rubbery smell that saturates the bike room. I'm guessing it's the smell of bike tires. But I like it.
  • Freaking myself out. For instance, whenever I'm somewhere driving or walking around and I don't see people for a few minutes, I imagine that I am the last person on earth after some horrible disaster. It gives me the creepiest feeling, but I do it all the time, haha.

Well I think that's a good list for now. :)

Love, Jennifer


Roberto Lerma said...

Wow, the last thing I totally do. The super-apocalypse-only-person-left-on-earth idea has totally entertained my mind for hours now. Ditto.


Morgan said...

i used to walk around the house holding a mirror to my forehead and imagining the world was upside down... :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto Ditto. I love doing the abnormal.... or is it normal?

Victor said...

haha i love your list. I think this will make me go into another list-making stint i get into sometimes..