Sunday, September 14, 2008


Here is a thought from an essay I read in my writing class. M and I discussed this, and I've been thinking about it a lot...

"After learning that thousands of people with failing kidneys die each year while waiting for a transplant, he contacted a Philadelphia hospital and donated one of his kidneys to a complete stranger.
...he says that the chances of dying as a result of donating a kidney are about one in four thousand. For him this implies that to withhold a kidney from someone who would otherwise die means valuing one's own life at four thousand times that of a stranger, a ratio Kravinsky considers 'obscene.'"

From "What Should a Billionaire Give?" by Peter Singer

So that's a big enough concept to keep one occupied for a bit of time considering. I know I have. Anyway, that's all for now.

All the love I could possibly give,


Roberto Lerma said...

That is definitely an interesting thought. and it's always nice to hear people doing that kind of thing. Maybe I'll give my kidney? except I'm terrified of the thought of surgery *shudder*


Roberto Lerma said...

P.S. was this festival thing by my church by any chance?

Nat said...

such nice thoughts!
jennifer. i miss your soul.

Jennifer said...

yeah, the festival was adjacent to the Catholic church in Heber. Good times :) I miss you a lot too, Natalie. Times pi. haha.

Hannah said...

Its this kind of thing that makes me feel guilty for my fear of needles and not even being able to bring myself to give blood. does that make me a bad person? probably. haha.