So, here I am back at home from State FBLA. Finally. Because I am really behind on homework from being gone but hate doing it, I'm blogging instead. So, FBLA was good, really fun. In case you wanted to hear about the past three days, here it is.
On Monday we left after school for Ogden. We got to our hotel, which is unconveniently like five miles away from the conference center. That kind of sucks. I'm rooming with morgan, jenny, and natalie, which I am really excited about. As we're getting all our stuff situated, Tyler texts me and says that we're still playing the hotel game. (Anytime either of us stay in a hotel, we always have to steal something creative to bring back for the other person.) I tried to look around for stuff in our room, but like almost every hotel room, everything is bolted down. They know about people like me.
Those of us who have to use the computer for presentations have to go over to the conference center to check out the rooms and practice setting up and stuff. the rest of the people take the bus to go find a walmart. M and I practice our presentation; it goes really well. After, we're sitting in the hall and this guy comes up to us. I remember him from other FBLA things; he's a really fantastic (crazy) dancer and really...I don't even know. I just know that I really want to know him. Anyway, he asks us what event we're competing in (Community Service) and it turns out he's in the same. Hmm.
The bus is late picking us up to go back to the hotel, and M and I are getting worried because we want to go swimming really badly before the pool closes at 10:00! We had a ridiculously hard time finding our way back. The bus driver didn't really know, and we were just going off some kid's GPS on his cellphone. We got lost a lot. Eventually we ended up on this forest road going off into nowhere, and had to make a U-turn on the tiniest road ever. Quote of the night: "I see a ravine! I see a ravine!" By the time we wandered our way back to the hotel, it was like 9:55 and we couldn't swim. It was really disappointing. I wanted to have a tub party instead, but that never happened; also disappointing.
That night was uneventful (I'll explain "uneventful" later). Tuesday morning, had to wake up at 6:30 to be on the bus by 7:30. First test was at 10:00 with Jordoun (Banking and Finance, if you'd like to know), and both of us had no idea what any of it was. Completely guessed. At 10:45 was our Community Service presentation. We were ridiculously, ridiculously nervous. But it went really well, and the judges seemed to like it. It was such a relief to have finished it. After was the Banking and Finance performance part, which Jordoun and I actually felt good about despite having no idea what we were doing. After, M and i walked around so I could take pictures for my photo assignment. We were standing on the sidewalk, me trying to take pictures of this building's side, and some guy walks up and starts examining M! I kind of freaked out...turns out he was looking at her little badge thing. So then he just stands there and talks to us, telling us the history of Ogden. So strange.
After pictures, we went back inside the conference center, but still had like two hours to wait until our next test. We found this tiny little couch in the lobby, and both laid opposite ways on it, and set the alarm on my phone so we could take a nap. I'm sure it was really funny looking, considering that we had on matching suits because of the presentation. I could hear all these people walking by, and mostly all the girls had disapproving comments. The guys were funny though...many laughed, one said, "I've been trying to find somewhere to do that for two hours!" I felt much better after sleeping for like an hour.
After the nap, Business Communication test, then back to the hotel to (hooray!) change clothes. Felt so good to be out of heels. :D Tyler gave me my stolen hotel gifts. The first was a fake flower from the conference center, and the second I will never be able to top. He somehow got the little spyhole from the door! It's like having a mini pirate spyglass. It's so fantastic I can't even believe it. We met up with Hannah and the rest of the chapter, and drove to Olive Garden for dinner, where I ate a lot of food. After that, Morgan, Hannah, Besto, Michael, Natalie, and I went to the dance at the conf. center while the rest of the chapter went back to the hotel. Saw that coming. The dance was kind of disappointing. I don't know, it just lacked something it usually has. I tried to find the crazy dancing rival kid, but strangely enough, he was not even into it like usual, so didn't really get to dance with him. That was extra disappointing. I started to feel soooo sick because it was so hot in there, and I was dancing, and really full of food. Sick.
When we got back to the hotel, I just wanted to drink lots of water and sleep, so I did. In the morning Natalie told me the bad news. I have this horrible way of being a jerk after I fall asleep if I wake up for any reason. She said she had gotten out of the shower (I'd been asleep), and as soon as she walked out, I sat up really quickly in the bed and demanded, "WHAT!?" which she believed could have been "SLUT!" She was really freaked out and just stared at me for like thirty seconds, and said, "What?" and basically that was the end of the exchange. And I just seemed like a really big jerk. This has happened before. And all I can say is "WHAT!?" in the meanest way you could imagine. I feel pretty bad. Anyway...
This morning (Wednesday) I had two more tests, then nothing. We caught a shuttle back to the hotel to pack so we could check out by 11:00. After checking out, back to the conference center, where I gave Tyler his gifts. The first was some fake leaves off of a plant in the lobby that look exactly like pot leaves. ha. The second, a spring out of the couch in our hotel room.
We had a couple hours till the awards ceremony, and had M's laptop, so morgan, natalie, besto, michael and I found this empty stairwell, and plugged in the laptop to watch "Watership Down." It's possibly the most horrible cartoon ever. So sad. It was kind of just a funny situation.

At the awards ceremony, Morgan and I were kind of disappointed that we got 6th with our project, but she was still happy because our rival (dancing kid) was in 7th place. She really did not like him at all.
Then we got on the bus to go home. I felt so sad. I'd never see my rival again, and never even got to know him, which is what I wanted anyway. And this was my last FBLA event ever. It kind of sucked. But I've had some good times, so I suppose it all works out okay anyway.
Tired, but glad to be home. Bored with this post yet? It was kind of long and pointless.
Love, Jennifer
sounds like you had a tremendous time, also, i think your one of the most creative girls i know.
I guess it was a bit pointless, since I was there and all, but it was entertaining nonetheless. I left a comment on the "summer memories" blog by the way, if you want to check it out. Jebby! You're awesome! okay.
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