So Prom was last weekend, and I must say, I had a lot of fun. I'm not sure exactly what it was....Garrett was a fantastic, and we had a really fun date, good food, excellent DJ (for once!), lots of dancing....but I've been on a lot of others that had some or all of these things but didn't leave quite the same impression. I think I'm finally figuring out what this whole high school thing is about, which things I want to remember, which things don't matter at all, the memories I want to have, all of that good stuff. It took me 4 years to decide! But I guess what they say about only appreciating what you have when it's gone is probably true. I can feel time ticking away and it kind of makes me nervous sometimes. I am absolutely ready for the next stage of my life, but I've been happy. I've had so many good memories and met so many good people, it's hard to accept the moving on part of it all.
Anyway, there's my little sappy thought for today.
Today was an exciting milestone for me. I actually turned on the AC in my car! The weather was pristine and warm and wonderful. It gave me hope that there is spring after winter and summer after spring.
I had an interesting dream the other night. I dreamt that I fell in love with someone I know, someone who I never would have really thought about like that, but somehow it still made perfect sense in this dream. Absolutely perfect. It wasn't an especially profound dream, but it kind of made me think about life and how unpredictable it is. How sometimes what it serves is absolutely unexpected but can be better than you would've imagined. It makes me think of "sound of settling" by death cab when it says "...all the loves that could've been, if I'd only thought of something charming to say..." That's all.
wow. why do I kept slipping into this sappy, deep thought process? I am annoying even myself. Haha. Better stop.
Love, Jennifer
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
San Francisco and my many Adventures!
Post #250! I'm very excited about that. So San Francisco was ridiculously fantastic, and thanks to super long bus rides, here are some notes from my adventures... (sorry about the crappy cell phone camera died. sad stuff.)
April 17, 2008 Thursday
Wow, I am so tired! We drove all through the night to get here in a day, and I'm still trying to adjust for that lack of sleep. The bus seats were really uncomfortable and awkward to sleep in--and somehow Morgan and I didn't realize they could recline until the stop right before we got here! As we were driving past the Great Salt Lake, the sun was setting, and I was listening to Sun Kil Moon. It was just one of those amazing moments where everything feels absolutely and perfectly right. What a fantastic way to start the trip!
At around 9:30 we stopped at a rest stop and realized we were right next to the Salt Flats. I was so excited because I've never been there, and also because it's just so impressive.
Lots of gas and bathroom stops later, we got to Sparks, NV at 2:00 a.m. where we got a new bus driver, a non-sleepy one.
Finally at around 6:30 a.m. I woke up to Mr. Reynolds talking about Hooters and his wife (?!), and saw palm trees and a sunrise. California! Warmth! Everyone stopped at Starbucks or Walmart to get breakfast (and brush our teeth in the bathroom haha), then on we went. Again.
The best surprise was how beautiful and lush and green California is! I was expecting smoggy cities, but for a good 2 or 3 hours, we drove through hills and orchards. I absolutely fell in love with it, with California. :)
We stopped at this Methodist church (gorgeous!) where we had a clinic with the publisher of a concert choir song. She was really good--technical and precise.
Lunch today at In-n-Out burger, which was kind of epic in itself. And pretty good food too.
After lunch, another clinic at a college with Robin Williams! No, not really, but this conductor was so exuberant, he definitely resembled him. His style was much different--really intuitive and emotional instead of technical. A nice change, I thought.
We checked into our hotel, then had a couple hours of free time. M and I walked around outside, where the "ocean" (=mud) comes up to the hotel. Chad and Enano had tried to walk out to the water, but sank knee-deep into the mud.
We found a sign that said, "Warning! When flooded, water may contain sewage." It was hilarious, but maybe not for C&E. Ha.
A cozy cupboard at the hotel :)

Tonight we went to this Baritone performance in San Francisco. It's such an amazing city! We were in the University of California-Berkeley district, where there are a million things going on at once. Street performers, food shops, music, everywhere. It was nearly unbearable to sit in a theater full of old people in stuffy clothes while there was so much outside just screaming my name.
We got these crepes from a tiny shop for dinner, and they were fantastic. On the bus ride back to the hotel, I told Mr. Reynolds what happened to Chad, and he couldn't control the laughter. It was a good moment. Chad said he lost all his dignity, but I'm sure he found it at least a little bit funny.
Long day, but amazing. I love it here.
April 18, 2008 Friday
Today was really nice because I didn't have anything to do besides have fun. We went to Pier 39/Fisherman's Wharf, which is kind of like Navy Pier in Chicago, but way better. It's right on the bay, and just to be next to the ocean was fantastic! I love the water. And the smell. And all of it.
Mr. Reynolds in his little kids' "Cars" sunglasses. What a great guy.

We took this cruise around the bay first. At the end of the dock there were tons and tons of seals just lying there, being happy. It was so cool!
We first sailed over to the Golden Gate Bridge, which is really impressive and huge up close. It was so foggy you couldn't even see the top, and kind of cold, but fantastic anyway.

After the bridge we went around Alcatraz. I loved this part so much! It's such a beautiful, creepy place. It looks so abandoned and grown over, I hated that we couldn't actually stop and tour it.

After the cruise, we had like two hours to go on our own and explore the shops on the wharf, get lunch, and go to the aquarium, etc. Hannah, Morgan, Kami, and I went around together and had a really good time in the photo booth! Four people definitely don't fit in a photo booth, but somehow we did.
We met up with the rest of the group to catch the bus to the exploratorium. Except every bus just drove by because there were way too many of us. A hobo lady yelled at us for laughing too loud. Eventually Mr. Reynolds just made us start walking, up all of these huge steep hills. Definitely San Francisco style. I was absolutely in love with the houses there. I could see myself living in this city. Finally a bus picked us up and took us to the Exploratorium. It was a lot of fun--so many cool sciency things there.
Drinking fountain at the Exploratorium....really hard to use!
Chamber Choir and Advanced Ladies were singing at Milpitas High School tonight. The girl announcing everything was the most annoying girl on earth! And kind of incompetent... She kind of sounded like a seductive recording and repeated her speech like four times because she kept getting it wrong.
Eventually I had to go to the bathroom so I tried to follow the signs but just ended up wandering around on the lawn. The awkward kids at the doors noticed and then escorted me to the bathroom, which was kind of (really) awkward. So that was the adventure of the day. Ha.
April 19, 2008 Saturday
Today was so much fun! We went to Great America, which is a theme park kind of like Lagoon. I forgot how much I love rollercoasters! We were there for like eight hours, and spent the entire time on rides.
I got a henna tattoo of a tiny tree! It's so fantastic, probably my favorite souvenir. Haha. Come to think of it, my only souvenirs are this tattoo, a t-shirt that has nothing to do with san francisco, and some chocolate cigarettes. haha.
My henna tree...kind of light, but it got darker. Hooray!
After we left we drove for a few hours to Reno, where we'll spend the night until we leave in the morning for home.
I am absolutely and completely in love with San Francisco. Seriously. I hate to leave.
April 20, 2008 Sunday
Really long busride. Lots and lots of movies. We did start a fund called "Beards for Bells," where the choir is going to donate $100 to the bell fund if Mr. Reynolds doesn't shave his beard for two weeks. He will probably look like a mountain man. A very young mountain man.
I'm excited to get home, and have a real bed to sleep in. :D
And there you have it. My new favorite city, San Francisco.
Love, Jennifer
April 17, 2008 Thursday
Wow, I am so tired! We drove all through the night to get here in a day, and I'm still trying to adjust for that lack of sleep. The bus seats were really uncomfortable and awkward to sleep in--and somehow Morgan and I didn't realize they could recline until the stop right before we got here! As we were driving past the Great Salt Lake, the sun was setting, and I was listening to Sun Kil Moon. It was just one of those amazing moments where everything feels absolutely and perfectly right. What a fantastic way to start the trip!
At around 9:30 we stopped at a rest stop and realized we were right next to the Salt Flats. I was so excited because I've never been there, and also because it's just so impressive.
Lots of gas and bathroom stops later, we got to Sparks, NV at 2:00 a.m. where we got a new bus driver, a non-sleepy one.
Finally at around 6:30 a.m. I woke up to Mr. Reynolds talking about Hooters and his wife (?!), and saw palm trees and a sunrise. California! Warmth! Everyone stopped at Starbucks or Walmart to get breakfast (and brush our teeth in the bathroom haha), then on we went. Again.
The best surprise was how beautiful and lush and green California is! I was expecting smoggy cities, but for a good 2 or 3 hours, we drove through hills and orchards. I absolutely fell in love with it, with California. :)
We stopped at this Methodist church (gorgeous!) where we had a clinic with the publisher of a concert choir song. She was really good--technical and precise.
Lunch today at In-n-Out burger, which was kind of epic in itself. And pretty good food too.
After lunch, another clinic at a college with Robin Williams! No, not really, but this conductor was so exuberant, he definitely resembled him. His style was much different--really intuitive and emotional instead of technical. A nice change, I thought.
We checked into our hotel, then had a couple hours of free time. M and I walked around outside, where the "ocean" (=mud) comes up to the hotel. Chad and Enano had tried to walk out to the water, but sank knee-deep into the mud.
We found a sign that said, "Warning! When flooded, water may contain sewage." It was hilarious, but maybe not for C&E. Ha.
A cozy cupboard at the hotel :)

Tonight we went to this Baritone performance in San Francisco. It's such an amazing city! We were in the University of California-Berkeley district, where there are a million things going on at once. Street performers, food shops, music, everywhere. It was nearly unbearable to sit in a theater full of old people in stuffy clothes while there was so much outside just screaming my name.
We got these crepes from a tiny shop for dinner, and they were fantastic. On the bus ride back to the hotel, I told Mr. Reynolds what happened to Chad, and he couldn't control the laughter. It was a good moment. Chad said he lost all his dignity, but I'm sure he found it at least a little bit funny.
Long day, but amazing. I love it here.
April 18, 2008 Friday
Today was really nice because I didn't have anything to do besides have fun. We went to Pier 39/Fisherman's Wharf, which is kind of like Navy Pier in Chicago, but way better. It's right on the bay, and just to be next to the ocean was fantastic! I love the water. And the smell. And all of it.
Mr. Reynolds in his little kids' "Cars" sunglasses. What a great guy.

We took this cruise around the bay first. At the end of the dock there were tons and tons of seals just lying there, being happy. It was so cool!
We first sailed over to the Golden Gate Bridge, which is really impressive and huge up close. It was so foggy you couldn't even see the top, and kind of cold, but fantastic anyway.

After the bridge we went around Alcatraz. I loved this part so much! It's such a beautiful, creepy place. It looks so abandoned and grown over, I hated that we couldn't actually stop and tour it.

After the cruise, we had like two hours to go on our own and explore the shops on the wharf, get lunch, and go to the aquarium, etc. Hannah, Morgan, Kami, and I went around together and had a really good time in the photo booth! Four people definitely don't fit in a photo booth, but somehow we did.
We met up with the rest of the group to catch the bus to the exploratorium. Except every bus just drove by because there were way too many of us. A hobo lady yelled at us for laughing too loud. Eventually Mr. Reynolds just made us start walking, up all of these huge steep hills. Definitely San Francisco style. I was absolutely in love with the houses there. I could see myself living in this city. Finally a bus picked us up and took us to the Exploratorium. It was a lot of fun--so many cool sciency things there.
Drinking fountain at the Exploratorium....really hard to use!

Chamber Choir and Advanced Ladies were singing at Milpitas High School tonight. The girl announcing everything was the most annoying girl on earth! And kind of incompetent... She kind of sounded like a seductive recording and repeated her speech like four times because she kept getting it wrong.
Eventually I had to go to the bathroom so I tried to follow the signs but just ended up wandering around on the lawn. The awkward kids at the doors noticed and then escorted me to the bathroom, which was kind of (really) awkward. So that was the adventure of the day. Ha.
April 19, 2008 Saturday
Today was so much fun! We went to Great America, which is a theme park kind of like Lagoon. I forgot how much I love rollercoasters! We were there for like eight hours, and spent the entire time on rides.
I got a henna tattoo of a tiny tree! It's so fantastic, probably my favorite souvenir. Haha. Come to think of it, my only souvenirs are this tattoo, a t-shirt that has nothing to do with san francisco, and some chocolate cigarettes. haha.
My henna tree...kind of light, but it got darker. Hooray!

After we left we drove for a few hours to Reno, where we'll spend the night until we leave in the morning for home.
I am absolutely and completely in love with San Francisco. Seriously. I hate to leave.
April 20, 2008 Sunday
Really long busride. Lots and lots of movies. We did start a fund called "Beards for Bells," where the choir is going to donate $100 to the bell fund if Mr. Reynolds doesn't shave his beard for two weeks. He will probably look like a mountain man. A very young mountain man.
I'm excited to get home, and have a real bed to sleep in. :D
And there you have it. My new favorite city, San Francisco.
Love, Jennifer
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Really knowing.
I was thinking yesterday. I had a really good experience with a person. I had completely misjudged her, expected things with she and I to go badly, and then was pleasantly surprised when they didn't. And as I drove home, marveling at this experience, I realized that the reason we can misjudge people like this is because we don't really know them, we don't really know what's important to them, who they are, all that. And if we took the time and effort to truly know the people we know, how much better our lives would be, and how much better the world would be. I can only think of four people that I truly know. How disappointing. I feel like I have to try harder; this is important. Anyway, my thought for today. Have a good one.
Love, Jennifer
Love, Jennifer
Monday, April 14, 2008
G is for
For diamonds,
For money,
For food in the
Starving mouth,
For black and shining oil.
For more, for more, for more.
G is for
For grasping
The minutes and seconds
In a slippery grip.
For want,
For desperation.
For more, for more, for more.
G is for
You and I.
For the lacquered past,
For the seeping present,
For the dangerous future.
My bread, your water,
Food for these starving lives.
For more. For more. For more.
Does anyone know what it is?
Love, Jennifer
Sunday, April 13, 2008
10 places
So I'm definitely stealing this idea from Travis. These are ten of my very favorite (close) places to go when I want to think, or be amazed, or calm, or have a good time, or anything in between. I have a hard time putting them in order though, so these will just be in random order.
Haha, well, by the end of this, I just ended up sort of alluding to memories I've had at these places. But that's okay; it's what I like best about them.
I hope I can get through school for the rest of the year. Suddenly it seems so hard.
Love, Jennifer
- The Duck Pond: I love this place for no reason at all! It's just a pond with some picky ducks, but I never get tired of it. I've made some really important decisions here, and had some really good talks with people. I love going with Hannah. And by myself. And everyone else. When we were younger, T and I used to ride our bikes here on nice spring sundays after church, and eat lunch, or just bask. Good memories here.
- The Grassy Grass Hill: The day I discovered it was kind of a melancholy day, and it was exactly what I needed to cope with the inevitable end of summer that was approaching. It was a fantastic day, really warm, kind of breezy. And there was the hill, like a gift to me. I still go there and sit whenever possible. The three of us belong there.
- The Hot Pots: Alright, they smell horrible, but are a lot of fun anyway. I remember the first time I saw them, with my dad. And having some interesting conversations there with people I hardly knew. Two words: truck tubbing!
- The Hill: It has the most amazing view at night! And during sunsets. I played ninjas here one day, and go to collect my thoughts. And most importantly, the most honest conversation I have ever had with anyone in my entire life (and the moment when i felt most free) took place here. It's so good for Straight Up.
- A certain secret hiking spot: It's ours, and ours alone. It's definitely a rule that no one is allowed to go here but us. Big Foot lives along the trail somewhere, probably. And his cousin Yeti. It's fantastic for taking pictures in the fall. And in the summer, we hike to the (almost?) top, and sit, and talk about life and drugs and marriage. I love it.
- JR Smith: The ultimate summer hangout spot! That intense night of hide-and-seek is filed away in the coveted "favorite summer memories" part of my brain. Britta and I buried our wish pennies in the ground here, for the rest of forever. Running through the midnight sprinklers with Morgan. Swinging :D
- Deer Creek: The "beach," where Brady karate chops a watermelon every time and we write songs, and float around on rafts. All we do is just be together here, and that's why I love it. In winter, it's all iced-over and ready for burning things (haha...) and if you go on a really clear, dark night, it looks like Alaska or something. It's impressive and beautiful.
- Well, I can't name this one: Sorry. We went here last summer to cross off an item on the list. And it was kind of cold, but really freeing. And really fun. Kind of an adrenaline rush. Getting there is half the fun. With the three of us, we told our secrets to each other. And I will never live mine down.
- The Park: Swinging! And pirate day (Tarkshooth?)! Skipping the last period of the day and going here on sunny spring days with Brady and Britta, lying on the grass. Watching people, or traffic, or nothing. It's even good in the winter, although you'll get some weird looks.
- The driving place: It's more of a route. But when I feel especially frustrated, I drive this way. It's perfect on golden fall days around 4:00. I've never gone all the way, but one day I will. By the end, I feel so much better.
Haha, well, by the end of this, I just ended up sort of alluding to memories I've had at these places. But that's okay; it's what I like best about them.
I hope I can get through school for the rest of the year. Suddenly it seems so hard.
Love, Jennifer
Friday, April 11, 2008
Good News
1) The Graduation trip is basically final. And so much more fantastic than I could've imagined.
2) Finished the last of the AP English essays today, and now I am FREE.
3) I love you all.
4) A lot.
Love, Jennifer
2) Finished the last of the AP English essays today, and now I am FREE.
3) I love you all.
4) A lot.
Love, Jennifer
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
prom 'o8
So, as for news in Jennifer's life, today was the great day of answering Garrett for Prom. :)
When he asked me on Friday, there was this huge box on my lawn with my name spray painted all over it, and when I opened it up, there was a slightly smaller box inside. This went on for like 6 boxes. Anyway, in the very last one, a tiny box by comparison, was a paper that said, "Prom?" and "Garrett" on the other side.
To answer him, I kind of needed to find his house, but had no idea where that was. I got Kyle to go with me, since he knows, but when we got there, no one was home to answer the door! I was a little bit worried, but Kyle called Garrett to ask for the house code (so much for secrecy, haha...) and we went inside and left this pillow case over his pillow...

And left this sign with it...

Hooray! So that was my excitement for today. It's no giant bucket of pudding, but hey...
Love, Jennifer
When he asked me on Friday, there was this huge box on my lawn with my name spray painted all over it, and when I opened it up, there was a slightly smaller box inside. This went on for like 6 boxes. Anyway, in the very last one, a tiny box by comparison, was a paper that said, "Prom?" and "Garrett" on the other side.
To answer him, I kind of needed to find his house, but had no idea where that was. I got Kyle to go with me, since he knows, but when we got there, no one was home to answer the door! I was a little bit worried, but Kyle called Garrett to ask for the house code (so much for secrecy, haha...) and we went inside and left this pillow case over his pillow...

And left this sign with it...

Hooray! So that was my excitement for today. It's no giant bucket of pudding, but hey...
Love, Jennifer
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Spring Break!
I am so in love with spring break, and it doesn't even "officially" begin until tomorrow. Last night was one of the best nights I have had in a long, long time! I went bowling with Erin, Britta, Brady, and Enano. And wow, I am not really good at bowling. But we had a really good time anyway making up names (mine: "Love and War" and "Mushu"). We broke the bowling lane like five times, but hey. We had fun.
After bowling, we picked up Randalynn and went geocaching. Google it. It's a lot of fun. We found one by the cemetery in Midway, but couldn't find the one at Memorial Hill (at this point, we tried to steal enano's car, but they drove away), and didn't really want to tromp through the snow to find the one at the grove.
We went to Erin's house (just girls now) and watched "Paris, Je T'aime," which is a little bit odd, but one of my favorite films ever! I was really happy because i think everyone else liked it too.

That's about it, but it was a really really fantastic night.
And p.s.---enano and I are having the ultimate Monopoly night tiebreaker to determine Monopoly Champion this week. We'll let you know; spectators are welcome. Warning: it gets personal and intense. lol.
Love, Jennifer
After bowling, we picked up Randalynn and went geocaching. Google it. It's a lot of fun. We found one by the cemetery in Midway, but couldn't find the one at Memorial Hill (at this point, we tried to steal enano's car, but they drove away), and didn't really want to tromp through the snow to find the one at the grove.
We went to Erin's house (just girls now) and watched "Paris, Je T'aime," which is a little bit odd, but one of my favorite films ever! I was really happy because i think everyone else liked it too.

That's about it, but it was a really really fantastic night.
And p.s.---enano and I are having the ultimate Monopoly night tiebreaker to determine Monopoly Champion this week. We'll let you know; spectators are welcome. Warning: it gets personal and intense. lol.
Love, Jennifer
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
The Great Adventure
So, here I am back at home from State FBLA. Finally. Because I am really behind on homework from being gone but hate doing it, I'm blogging instead. So, FBLA was good, really fun. In case you wanted to hear about the past three days, here it is.
On Monday we left after school for Ogden. We got to our hotel, which is unconveniently like five miles away from the conference center. That kind of sucks. I'm rooming with morgan, jenny, and natalie, which I am really excited about. As we're getting all our stuff situated, Tyler texts me and says that we're still playing the hotel game. (Anytime either of us stay in a hotel, we always have to steal something creative to bring back for the other person.) I tried to look around for stuff in our room, but like almost every hotel room, everything is bolted down. They know about people like me.
Those of us who have to use the computer for presentations have to go over to the conference center to check out the rooms and practice setting up and stuff. the rest of the people take the bus to go find a walmart. M and I practice our presentation; it goes really well. After, we're sitting in the hall and this guy comes up to us. I remember him from other FBLA things; he's a really fantastic (crazy) dancer and really...I don't even know. I just know that I really want to know him. Anyway, he asks us what event we're competing in (Community Service) and it turns out he's in the same. Hmm.
The bus is late picking us up to go back to the hotel, and M and I are getting worried because we want to go swimming really badly before the pool closes at 10:00! We had a ridiculously hard time finding our way back. The bus driver didn't really know, and we were just going off some kid's GPS on his cellphone. We got lost a lot. Eventually we ended up on this forest road going off into nowhere, and had to make a U-turn on the tiniest road ever. Quote of the night: "I see a ravine! I see a ravine!" By the time we wandered our way back to the hotel, it was like 9:55 and we couldn't swim. It was really disappointing. I wanted to have a tub party instead, but that never happened; also disappointing.
That night was uneventful (I'll explain "uneventful" later). Tuesday morning, had to wake up at 6:30 to be on the bus by 7:30. First test was at 10:00 with Jordoun (Banking and Finance, if you'd like to know), and both of us had no idea what any of it was. Completely guessed. At 10:45 was our Community Service presentation. We were ridiculously, ridiculously nervous. But it went really well, and the judges seemed to like it. It was such a relief to have finished it. After was the Banking and Finance performance part, which Jordoun and I actually felt good about despite having no idea what we were doing. After, M and i walked around so I could take pictures for my photo assignment. We were standing on the sidewalk, me trying to take pictures of this building's side, and some guy walks up and starts examining M! I kind of freaked out...turns out he was looking at her little badge thing. So then he just stands there and talks to us, telling us the history of Ogden. So strange.
After pictures, we went back inside the conference center, but still had like two hours to wait until our next test. We found this tiny little couch in the lobby, and both laid opposite ways on it, and set the alarm on my phone so we could take a nap. I'm sure it was really funny looking, considering that we had on matching suits because of the presentation. I could hear all these people walking by, and mostly all the girls had disapproving comments. The guys were funny though...many laughed, one said, "I've been trying to find somewhere to do that for two hours!" I felt much better after sleeping for like an hour.
After the nap, Business Communication test, then back to the hotel to (hooray!) change clothes. Felt so good to be out of heels. :D Tyler gave me my stolen hotel gifts. The first was a fake flower from the conference center, and the second I will never be able to top. He somehow got the little spyhole from the door! It's like having a mini pirate spyglass. It's so fantastic I can't even believe it. We met up with Hannah and the rest of the chapter, and drove to Olive Garden for dinner, where I ate a lot of food. After that, Morgan, Hannah, Besto, Michael, Natalie, and I went to the dance at the conf. center while the rest of the chapter went back to the hotel. Saw that coming. The dance was kind of disappointing. I don't know, it just lacked something it usually has. I tried to find the crazy dancing rival kid, but strangely enough, he was not even into it like usual, so didn't really get to dance with him. That was extra disappointing. I started to feel soooo sick because it was so hot in there, and I was dancing, and really full of food. Sick.
When we got back to the hotel, I just wanted to drink lots of water and sleep, so I did. In the morning Natalie told me the bad news. I have this horrible way of being a jerk after I fall asleep if I wake up for any reason. She said she had gotten out of the shower (I'd been asleep), and as soon as she walked out, I sat up really quickly in the bed and demanded, "WHAT!?" which she believed could have been "SLUT!" She was really freaked out and just stared at me for like thirty seconds, and said, "What?" and basically that was the end of the exchange. And I just seemed like a really big jerk. This has happened before. And all I can say is "WHAT!?" in the meanest way you could imagine. I feel pretty bad. Anyway...
This morning (Wednesday) I had two more tests, then nothing. We caught a shuttle back to the hotel to pack so we could check out by 11:00. After checking out, back to the conference center, where I gave Tyler his gifts. The first was some fake leaves off of a plant in the lobby that look exactly like pot leaves. ha. The second, a spring out of the couch in our hotel room.
We had a couple hours till the awards ceremony, and had M's laptop, so morgan, natalie, besto, michael and I found this empty stairwell, and plugged in the laptop to watch "Watership Down." It's possibly the most horrible cartoon ever. So sad. It was kind of just a funny situation.

At the awards ceremony, Morgan and I were kind of disappointed that we got 6th with our project, but she was still happy because our rival (dancing kid) was in 7th place. She really did not like him at all.
Then we got on the bus to go home. I felt so sad. I'd never see my rival again, and never even got to know him, which is what I wanted anyway. And this was my last FBLA event ever. It kind of sucked. But I've had some good times, so I suppose it all works out okay anyway.
Tired, but glad to be home. Bored with this post yet? It was kind of long and pointless.
Love, Jennifer
So, here I am back at home from State FBLA. Finally. Because I am really behind on homework from being gone but hate doing it, I'm blogging instead. So, FBLA was good, really fun. In case you wanted to hear about the past three days, here it is.
On Monday we left after school for Ogden. We got to our hotel, which is unconveniently like five miles away from the conference center. That kind of sucks. I'm rooming with morgan, jenny, and natalie, which I am really excited about. As we're getting all our stuff situated, Tyler texts me and says that we're still playing the hotel game. (Anytime either of us stay in a hotel, we always have to steal something creative to bring back for the other person.) I tried to look around for stuff in our room, but like almost every hotel room, everything is bolted down. They know about people like me.
Those of us who have to use the computer for presentations have to go over to the conference center to check out the rooms and practice setting up and stuff. the rest of the people take the bus to go find a walmart. M and I practice our presentation; it goes really well. After, we're sitting in the hall and this guy comes up to us. I remember him from other FBLA things; he's a really fantastic (crazy) dancer and really...I don't even know. I just know that I really want to know him. Anyway, he asks us what event we're competing in (Community Service) and it turns out he's in the same. Hmm.
The bus is late picking us up to go back to the hotel, and M and I are getting worried because we want to go swimming really badly before the pool closes at 10:00! We had a ridiculously hard time finding our way back. The bus driver didn't really know, and we were just going off some kid's GPS on his cellphone. We got lost a lot. Eventually we ended up on this forest road going off into nowhere, and had to make a U-turn on the tiniest road ever. Quote of the night: "I see a ravine! I see a ravine!" By the time we wandered our way back to the hotel, it was like 9:55 and we couldn't swim. It was really disappointing. I wanted to have a tub party instead, but that never happened; also disappointing.
That night was uneventful (I'll explain "uneventful" later). Tuesday morning, had to wake up at 6:30 to be on the bus by 7:30. First test was at 10:00 with Jordoun (Banking and Finance, if you'd like to know), and both of us had no idea what any of it was. Completely guessed. At 10:45 was our Community Service presentation. We were ridiculously, ridiculously nervous. But it went really well, and the judges seemed to like it. It was such a relief to have finished it. After was the Banking and Finance performance part, which Jordoun and I actually felt good about despite having no idea what we were doing. After, M and i walked around so I could take pictures for my photo assignment. We were standing on the sidewalk, me trying to take pictures of this building's side, and some guy walks up and starts examining M! I kind of freaked out...turns out he was looking at her little badge thing. So then he just stands there and talks to us, telling us the history of Ogden. So strange.
After pictures, we went back inside the conference center, but still had like two hours to wait until our next test. We found this tiny little couch in the lobby, and both laid opposite ways on it, and set the alarm on my phone so we could take a nap. I'm sure it was really funny looking, considering that we had on matching suits because of the presentation. I could hear all these people walking by, and mostly all the girls had disapproving comments. The guys were funny though...many laughed, one said, "I've been trying to find somewhere to do that for two hours!" I felt much better after sleeping for like an hour.
After the nap, Business Communication test, then back to the hotel to (hooray!) change clothes. Felt so good to be out of heels. :D Tyler gave me my stolen hotel gifts. The first was a fake flower from the conference center, and the second I will never be able to top. He somehow got the little spyhole from the door! It's like having a mini pirate spyglass. It's so fantastic I can't even believe it. We met up with Hannah and the rest of the chapter, and drove to Olive Garden for dinner, where I ate a lot of food. After that, Morgan, Hannah, Besto, Michael, Natalie, and I went to the dance at the conf. center while the rest of the chapter went back to the hotel. Saw that coming. The dance was kind of disappointing. I don't know, it just lacked something it usually has. I tried to find the crazy dancing rival kid, but strangely enough, he was not even into it like usual, so didn't really get to dance with him. That was extra disappointing. I started to feel soooo sick because it was so hot in there, and I was dancing, and really full of food. Sick.
When we got back to the hotel, I just wanted to drink lots of water and sleep, so I did. In the morning Natalie told me the bad news. I have this horrible way of being a jerk after I fall asleep if I wake up for any reason. She said she had gotten out of the shower (I'd been asleep), and as soon as she walked out, I sat up really quickly in the bed and demanded, "WHAT!?" which she believed could have been "SLUT!" She was really freaked out and just stared at me for like thirty seconds, and said, "What?" and basically that was the end of the exchange. And I just seemed like a really big jerk. This has happened before. And all I can say is "WHAT!?" in the meanest way you could imagine. I feel pretty bad. Anyway...
This morning (Wednesday) I had two more tests, then nothing. We caught a shuttle back to the hotel to pack so we could check out by 11:00. After checking out, back to the conference center, where I gave Tyler his gifts. The first was some fake leaves off of a plant in the lobby that look exactly like pot leaves. ha. The second, a spring out of the couch in our hotel room.
We had a couple hours till the awards ceremony, and had M's laptop, so morgan, natalie, besto, michael and I found this empty stairwell, and plugged in the laptop to watch "Watership Down." It's possibly the most horrible cartoon ever. So sad. It was kind of just a funny situation.

At the awards ceremony, Morgan and I were kind of disappointed that we got 6th with our project, but she was still happy because our rival (dancing kid) was in 7th place. She really did not like him at all.
Then we got on the bus to go home. I felt so sad. I'd never see my rival again, and never even got to know him, which is what I wanted anyway. And this was my last FBLA event ever. It kind of sucked. But I've had some good times, so I suppose it all works out okay anyway.
Tired, but glad to be home. Bored with this post yet? It was kind of long and pointless.
Love, Jennifer
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