Blog family! I feel like i haven't blogged in 200 years....but really more like 12 or so days.
To start with, a quick rundown:
Movies you should see:
I Am Legend (Will Smith, very good)
The Painted Veil (Edward Norton, pretty dang good)
Also, Christmas was awesome! I had a really good holiday this year, even though poor Michelle Pickleface wasn't here... it was still very nice, plus my brother and Erin were in Utah this year, so that was an excellent bonus. Working with the peace house provided some really cool opportunities that I wouldn't have had otherwise, for which i am really grateful. presents rock, but so does kindness, right?
There is a small (big) project underway, and i need everyone's help! If you have any pictures from our years in high school together, you should definitely try to get them to me! i can borrow printed, old-school kinds which i will return, you can email them to me, or perhaps most convenient of all, post them on your blog and i will simply steal them with pleasure! this would be really helpful and in the end it will turn out really cool. gracias.
I got my wisdom teeth out today! It was kind of nerve-wracking, i must say--the wait at least. I had to make myself unclench my fists on the ride to PC. in hindsight, i'm not actually sure what i was nervous about. but still. they numbed my arm a bit, then put the iv in. (not nearly as big as my last encounter with a needle!) i got a nice oxygen mask, and while i was trying to tell if i could recognize any difference between pure oxygen and the air we breathe, lots of people walked in, and commented on things such as my christmas ("it was really good, yeah."), my straight, nice teeth (oh, haha, those. well thanks), and finally those "sweet babies" which turned out to be my wisdom teeth. i guess some are more fond of them than others. who knows? anyway, i was concentrating on determining the exact point when the anesthesia kicked in, and the next thing I know, the nurse and my mother are trying to wake me up. what a strange mom asked why i was staring at her like that, but her image kept floating off of the plane of her body. after a few minutes, i felt less woozy, although still wobbly, and we started to make our way to the car. morgan and her mom were in the waiting room (i realized this when she started laughing), so i stopped to "talk" or whatever would come next, but I had no rational words to say or any comments for her. i just felt really, really out of it. apparently there was gauze in my mouth, which was completely numb, but when Morgan asked, all I could say was "I don't know," and then make my way on. After I got home, i slept for awhile, then ate a little bit of pudding stuff which watching the office. and then...... hannah came over! i was very excited about this, she being the only one out of a few people who actually came to see me like they said. not that i'm bitter. lol.
anyway, that's about how my break has gone so far. see you all soon, i'm sure.
Love, Jennifer
1 comment:
of course i came to visit you. haha. i hope that i heal really quickly when i get mine out like you, rather than morgan who's taking a while. haha. and yay, christmas.
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