Ahhhhhhhhhh. You know what today is? Spring Break. You know how I feel about that? Ahhhhh. Here I am, eating easter candy adn doing nothing when I would usually be in something ridiculous like Trig.
And I'm excited for today. If Britta Marie (my one true love) gets home from being a Wave Slave, we're going to have a supermusicsession, and finish writing the song we so magically discovered on Saturday night. Britta's all over acoustic guitar, and oddly enough, i'm on the keyboard. So it's new, and i'm not used to it, but that's why it will be amazing!
Also, I get to go Prom dress choosing with Hannah! I'm very excited for this! Because I love dress shopping if I'm not the one under pressure to choose one, lol. Other than that, I don't have too many plans. So if anyone wants to hang out tonight, I'm all open. :D
Love, Jennifer
supermusicsession didn't happen today :( sad for you guys. i had a good Monday, hope you did too.
mmmmm yay for easter candy!
ok so as far as im concerned, last night.....with shalena.....um, yeah, that was a mistake, haha. ill explain later. but yeah, that didnt happen.
i think im going to get more easter candy now actually haha
haha i didnt know you guys were all hanging out. haha so were we. hahaha nice. id call you... but its not monday anymore. wanna hang on saturday? {which is tomorrow when i wrote this...}
<3 randalynn
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