So I'm feeling slightly a lot sad. I found out tonight that my brother is leaving on Thursday. Like, this is it. This is THE move. He won't really live here anymore. He'll be in another state, and sure, he'll be back in a few months, but he won't live here anymore. You know? You know? And then it's just me. And despite how annoying he is, and the dumb stuff he does, and how he take all the hot water when he showers, he'll be gone. And I feel like I'm going crazy inside. It's hard to explain...
I wish I could have some kind of rational thought, but I just can't get my head around this. I just keep thinking, this is it. This is it.

Love, Jennifer
I totally understand. My family has gone from 6 or 7 of us at home to about 3 or 4. And its hard to let go of somebody when you've lived with them for 17 years. because, it just happens so fast. but... this is not it. lol. even though it might seem that way. it all ends up okay.
I'm so sorry. I can't really know how this is...I'll be the first to leave. Life is kind of about the "this-is-it's" don't you think?
ya id have to agree with morganism
im the oldest so ya
but even though i hate my sister at times {and she takes the hot water too haha} i would really miss her. id probably start talking to myself and stuff. weird.
Amor Siempre {Love Forever}
yeah, what Hannah said. i know exactly how that's like. try going through it 3 times and having 2 of your siblings live more than 1000 miles away.
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