I am extremely excited about this. As you have hopefully realized, my Blog has had a major makeover! Pretty sweet, right? I thought so.
So. Today's funny story...
I got a parking ticket last week, and had to go to the justice court to pay it, so after school today my mom and I went. We walked up and down this flight of stairs a bunch (it seemed like) until we found the lady. So we give her the ticket, and she punches in a bunch of stuff on her computer while chatting (and i emphasize chatting here) on the phone with her relatives or something. So then we have to go back downstairs to actually pay it, which we do (twenty-five dollars, I'll have you know). On the way out, I'm looking at the receipt we got, and I found it kind of odd that it said $370-$25=$345 balance. Odd. Lol, I don't remember my father owing over three hundred dollars to the heber city justice court.
So we go back inside, and ask the lady downstairs what that's all about. She puts on her best puzzled frowny face, and decides to "look it up." Bigger frowny face. She says "Oh, they have you down here for "selling over two liters of alcohol." I literally burst out laughing, and my mom kind of giggles, but the lady only keeps her frowny face on. I say, "I hope I got a lot of money for that." And then it's sort of an awkward silence while Mrs. Frowny Face figures out what to do. She prints some papers up, which we must tote back upstairs to Lady-still-on-the-phone, who is still on the phone with her relatives. When we explain what happened to my parking ticket, she gets an "oopsie" frowny face on, and prints some more papers, which we must then tote downstairs, in addition to the first set of papers we had, and once again, pretend like we're paying for the ticket we already paid for like fifteen minutes before.
In all of our trompings up and down staircases, I found it necessary to say that it would be good for kicks if they left me a parking ticket while we were in the building. That was before the alcohol fiasco. Later I realized that being blamed for pushing booze around the city was much more entertaining, if good exercise due to all the stairs.
Love, Jennifer and her Shiny New Blog.
hahahaha thats funny.
jeeze could you stop selling alcohol... cause i know your just the person do to so... actually...not really. haha love ya!
Love always and forever
ps. this made me smile...:D hehe
hahaha! "i hope i got a lot of money out of that." i wish i would have been there. no joke. haha. well you have fun tonight at the stop while i'm shipping papers. :)
mucho love.
and of course by "at the stop" i mean at the "stomp."
hahaha and now we all know who ends up selling us the booze for our raves....dang secrets out. :D hahaha you have to love the justice system...bwahahahahahahha
i blogged jeb! guess what? we have an amazing day planned :) i can't wait
aw, dang it, you got busted...no more secret alcohol trades for us...
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