Hello BlogWorld,
This has been the most bizarre weekend ever. And I kid you not. I had a (bunch of) weird moment(s) last night, which I don't really want to blog about, and, well...yeah. But the thing is, they didn't upset me nearly as much as they should have. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
So I thought about life a lot last night. About how you always hear the cynical side of things in generalizations about life. How bad it is. How many crappy things happen. And I've always considered myself to be quite optimistic, and usually I see the best in things and people. But i kind of realized that, sigh.............they were right. The things people say about life, they're kind of true. Life really is that bad. Lots of crap really does happen. But no worries, I have not crossed over to the cynical side. I'm optimistic as ever, just now I have a lot more to try and be hopeful about.
Last night we all went to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Redstone, which is, by far, my favorite movie theater ever. Why? Because it has a boatload of memories attached, including many in the Coldstone next door. Like that time we got kicked out, and she actually told us this, because the owner thought we were going to rob the ice cream shop. Or when we watched Nacho Libre and all had to visit a chiropractor later because we got stuck in the front row, our necks at odd angles for an hour and a half. Or the meandering deer, or suicidal van lady. Or any of it. All of last summer. Everything that we were back then. And everything we are now, which is just as fantastic! So I love that place.
Today I am happy about: "special looks", hope, the hannalysis bed, getting homework done on time (for once), knowing i will get asked (phew), ice cream, nice weather, and finally getting to sing.
I am worried about: catching up on work this week, having no money, and my brother moving.
bad news: my hair is being horrible, i won't see my dad for like a week, and things could be changing.
good news: i got a free paintball gun today, I just may have found a song i finally want to write, and there's still an infinite amount of hope left in me.
Love, Jennifer
dear jeb. this was a good blog. i'm very glad for the hannalysis bed. it makes life a little more bearable sometimes. haha. i'm off to write a blog dedicated to you!
My dearest Jeb:
Never lose sight of the good things in life, mkay? Because as many crappy things that seem to happen, there is double that amount of amazing things out there just waiting for you to notice them.
Britta Marie
I hope you know that you have a major affect on me, so i'm quite relieved that you've decided to stay optimistic. your mood affects my mood, honey, you jump, i jump, right? I'm kind of curious about what could be changing
yay paintballing. we'll have to go so you can shoot me again. lol.
P.S. i think we got kicked out of Coldstone because of my dark skin.
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