Tuesday, March 06, 2007

50 reasons why...

I know they are my best friends because...

  1. she gives me the last bite of her good chocolate cookie
  2. we can talk about things like books
  3. they are the first people i call after all of the firsts
  4. i can cry in front of them
  5. and they will beat someone up for making me cry
  6. she doesn't care when i pound away on her piano for literally over an hour trying to learn something any self-respecting musician already knows
  7. the silences feel just fine
  8. she won't lie to me...even when it would sound better and be easier and maybe make me feel "better"...she knows in the end it won't
  9. we don't even need to speak in words anymore
  10. she knows the worst of me
  11. she counts me as family
  12. she knows what's important to me
  13. they can see through my very best fake happy days
  14. they know when i say "nothing" i mean..."everything"
  15. i don't have to say that stuff outright
  16. they still like me after i act like a big jerk for no reason
  17. she believes in me
  18. she gets how the little things matter
  19. they understand just how amazing rogue wave is
  20. we can be annoyed at literally everyone at the same time together
  21. and that makes it seem a bit better
  22. she understands my irrational emotions
  23. she knows what it sounds like when i'm trying not to cry over the phone
  24. we burn things together
  25. we get sick at the same time
  26. she likes my poetry
  27. she likes my family
  28. we could talk about the most unimportant things and they're still important
  29. she brings me people, and flowers, and surprises at work
  30. we hoard things together
  31. she understands when I have to do stupid things to "fulfill my life"
  32. she's always behind me, even when i'm wrong
  33. we make up words that actually get used
  34. she helps me understand....dun dun dun....him
  35. and then she helps me understand Him
  36. she likes it when i say dumb stuff because it makes life better
  37. she will break the rules with me
  38. she will feel bad for me even when i refuse to
  39. she's the one person i can actually tell what i'm really thinking...always
  40. she's willing to go health-nut with me
  41. she makes me feel better when i suck
  42. she makes me cookies
  43. she helps me understand love
  44. she knows when i would rather be alone
  45. she understands the importance of pleasing yourself too
  46. she GETS music
  47. she would do anything for me
  48. she doesn't care what my house looks like, despite what mothers may think
  49. we can laugh at things like "charlie the unicorn"
  50. she would never, ever try to change me.

Love, Jennifer


Jennifer said...

wow, jeb, what a fantastic blog. let me take a minute to write you a nice comment since i read it, and commenting is what you should do after you read someone's blog. i love this! what good ideas you have. boy do i feel special, being the first to comment you. well, goodbye!

Jennifer said...

awww, thank you! i love valuable comments such as this one! it lets me know you care! :) <3 (:

Morgan said...

wow, jeb, what a fantastic blog. let me take a minute to write you a nice comment since i read it, and commenting is what you should do after you read someone's blog. i love this! what good ideas you have. boy do i feel special, being the second to comment you (since the second one is you replying to the first). well, goodbye!

Morgan said...

.but i really do love it.