Look! Here i am, posting again. I'm not really sure why, cause I'm kind of tired, but I will definitely fight the feeling. So to expound...
Tyler's bee-day party. It was very interesting! I got the feeling that my previous assumptions on relationships were somehow wrong, and I was okay with that. I had some tasty seven-layer bean dip. That is correct, seven layers. Tyler tried to slap me with the giant fish, but luckily he and Hannah became engaged in an all-out power struggle (literally this time) and I avoided the hit. Mostly I sat around hoping hannah would win. I played his birthday guitar for awhile, and when Spiva came he and Besto were sitting around with me, and spiva suggested I write a song, title of his choosing. "okay," i said, unwittingly. The title turned out to be something close to "Ode to the small green lump of putty i found in my armpit one midsummer's morning." although it disgusted even me, I took on the task of writing this masterpiece. And masterpiece it was. It was deep and most likely life-changing for everyone involved. Also, I think (no ego intended here) I am tyler's little sister's new idol. I taught her a guitar chord. Oh. I also got a nice valentine message, which goes something like, "be good, my lady." one 'word'....shhh. lol, don't ask.

I worked today, and it was really funny to me. 90% of the customers that came in were guys. You know what they all wanted? Take one look into their desperate, quickly searching eyes and it's clear: last minute V-day gifts. Luckily, I quickly became expert gift-helper and sent many-a-man away feeling like he was prepared for this ruthless holiday. The cutest was like this twelve year old kid buying earrings for someone. Aw. Also, these two guys came in, one who I previously quoted on a different blog, but nevermind. Anyway, he had a friend this time, who definitely does not go to our school, I will say. He was interesting, probably the complete opposite of me (in appearance, not necessarily anything else), but I liked him a lot. He was just one of those instantly likeable people. So they looked around for a bit, and I got to laugh some and talk to them. It was great, one of the best parts of the day for sure. Too bad I'll never see friend again. hm.
Well, I have a smallish headache now, and I should probably sleep some, so goodbye for now.
i love those people that just instantly interest you. I wonder why that happens with some people and not others. i mean, a lot of the time a person doesn't really have to do anything profound or out of the ordinary for that to happen... its just them.
you might get to see him again...maybe...as for people commenting? yeah 'what the heck is commenting a blog?' is what they ask themselves. it doesn't do much for encouraging me to write a blog. hem hem.
I love those people too. That's the best part about working at the mall in the summer. I see a ton of people walk by everyday and some of them can just walk by without me thinking twice about them, but every once in a while, there is someone...like the coffee guy who works like 100 feet away...that are just different to me somehow. and my eyes follow them down the crowded mall hallway until i can't see them anymore because of all the other people...and i feel like some strange but wonderful opportunity just walked away.
i totally meant that is different to me somehow...i'm too sick for grammar
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