So here's how this blog goes. These are the top ten movies of 2006 (by box office and whatnot). And here's what people we know thought of them (mostly me, lol).
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
I think it was okay considering how much pressure was on it to be amazing like the first. I was super disappointed with the end though. I was, however, intrigued with the little thing between Jack and Elizabeth, although it caused outrage in another certain person I saw the movie with. That swamp lady was so dang crazy. What was she saying anyway?
2. Cars
This one was kind of funny. I'm not a big fan of animated stuff most of the time, but this wasn't bad. But, if it can get that many people to quote one line to me five billion times, it must have been popular. "She only likes me for my body."
3. X-Men: The Last Stand
I liked this movie a lot! I think I watched it at Spiva's house or something, and I was surprised how good it was. Especially since I hadn't seen any of the others for like five years. But good stuff. Good action, effects, and plot. Yay.
4. The Da Vinci Code
Wow, finally I get to put my frustration into writing. I read this book, and it SUCKED. That's right. Sucked. I was so prepared to live out my life in happiness without ever having seen the movie. But, I gave in and decided to give it a chance. Surprisingly, it SUCKED. I can't even begin to tell you how ridiculously made up it is. And I know, it's supposed to be fiction and all, but there are some subjects you can make stuff up about, and some you cannot. This is one you cannot.
5. Superman Returns
Honestly, I don't remember a lot about this movie. Somehow I kept thinking, "Wow, he has a bad streamline." But, I think I did kind of like it. Not as great as say, Spiderman, but it was still pretty good. He made a cute nerd.
6. Ice Age: The Meltdown
I actually haven't seen this. The first was good though. If you have, tell us what you thought of it...
7. Happy Feet
Again, haven't seen this one. But it sounds amazing. From what Enano enthusiastically tells me, it's about penguins that find mates by using their heartsong. One penguin, however, does not have a song so he dances. How could you go wrong with a plot like that?
8. Over The Hedge
Wow, haven't seen this either. But apparently there's an animated theme this year. Besto, however, saw it, and said he doesn't really remember it. I guess it wasn't that great.
9. Talladega Nights
Open to review...
10. Casino Royale
Oh my gosh. This is the best action movie I've ever seen. The beginning scene, with the chase through the construction and all, holy crap. That guy can climb. Really cool plot. I loved the part with the defribulator. Never saw the end coming.
So. Top 10 of 'o6. Now for the best part. These are movies I saw this year that rocked for one reason or another but didn't get the recognition they deserve. Yay movies...
-Employee of the Month
-Elizabethtown (ok, i cheated. this was 'o5. but i loved it anyway)
-The Breakup
-Pink Panther
-John Tucker Must Die
-Skeleton Key
Love, Jennifer
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
_i love this week_
Merry Christmas everybody! And also, does anyone out there realize exactly how long "It's a Wonderful Life" is? lol, but I do like the movie, even if it is insanely long. I cannot believe how amazing this Christmas was. Honestly. It rocked, even though it was a little bit weird not having my brother here for the first time. But, he's doing things that make him happy so...good. lol.
Good things about this week:
-no school
-tomorrow is offically music day
-kelsey is coming!
-break from my favorite water sport
-michael and besto's birthday
-playing with all my new toys!
yes, i think that about sums it up
Love, Jennifer
Good things about this week:
-no school
-tomorrow is offically music day
-kelsey is coming!
-break from my favorite water sport
-michael and besto's birthday
-playing with all my new toys!
yes, i think that about sums it up
Love, Jennifer
Friday, December 22, 2006
my wish list.

Dear Santa,
How are things at the North Pole? I hope you're doing fine, and Mrs. Claus as well. Now then, let's get down to business. I've been pretty dang good this year. Mostly. But considering all the BAD I could've done, specifically when "H" suggested it to me, yeah, I was pretty good. On that note, I'd like to suggest a few things you could stuff in your sack for me this year.
Please bring me...
*a new heart. a bulletproof one. it is unbreakable and tough but will still allow me to feel the good in life. please wrap it in gold paper. that would be sweet.
*a videocamera that will follow me, invisible, everywhere I go. it will catch all of the amazing moments on film, to be immortalized forever in the video of my life.
*a big jar of patience. patience with myself, with my friends, with my family, and oh yeah...with myself.
*a copy of The Plan. that's right. i don't know how close you two are, but if He'd be so nice as to give you a copy to give to me that would be greatly appreciated. that way, when something happens and i stand there thinking "what the....", I could just refer to the Plan and it would all be clear. maybe you could frame it for me.
*an invisible suit. for those times i just want to disappear. (i guess if i get the unbreakable heart, i might not need this huh?) i promise to use this for good. sometimes.
*an airplane, for travel. and a copy of the Plan for all the world leaders. "duh, you idiot. this is what you should be doing."
*time, wrapped in a red bow. it's rechargable for multiple uses, and comes with the wisdom it holds. for those days i have none of it left. i will never use my extra time for homework. i promise you that.
*the friendship we used to have. you don't have to wrap it, and it doesn't even need a bow. don't try to shine it and get the imperfections out; sometimes that's what i liked best about it. when you leave this under the tree, feel free to take the awkward feelings and resentment, the heartache, and the anger with you. you can destroy those. i don't want them anymore.
*some magic eyes. the kind that can see what's good for me and ones that won't get stuck on my own opinions. they can see through excuses and have a multiple-viewpoint option. somedays i really need a new outlook on things.
*a song extractor. this would be awesome. it should be able to pull the song that's inside of me out, because i can never write it. it's incredibly hard to capture, but this thing would do it. and it would be painless. no, wait, it would only hurt just a little, because a bit of pain makes for a good song.
*love, sweet love. and while you're at it, give a box of this to the rest of the globe, too. Because, after all, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love."
Take care and thanks for the good stuff,

Jennifer N.
Monday, December 18, 2006
life is not measured by
the number of breaths we take,
but by the number of moments
that take
I know the year's not over yet, but this is me getting that melancholy feeling I start to feel every end of every year. That's just me. I can't let things go. And I know that changing our calendars doesn't mean anything, but it feels like an end to me, and I hate change. I just don't want to let any of it go, you know? I'm the person who keeps every stub to every movie I go to with friends, and I take a zillion pictures, and I keep blogs like this going. Why? Cause I want something solid I can hold onto....I guess I want proof. Proof that my life really is what I think it is, that my memories are mine. I don't want to grow up. Because I LOVE LIFE. Do you ever feel just, really unexplainably happy about everything? I'm happy. But at the same time, I always wonder what's coming next. How will 2007 change me? I've hardly had a second to catch my breath this year, because it's all come at me so fast and so wonderfully. It was full of moments that took my breath away. I know you can't live in the past, but I need to keep in touch with it, I think.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
remember when
I totally stole this idea from hannah's blog, but I liked it a lot, so here's my version.
Remember When...
We drove around the hotpot really slowly trying to figure out if "the plan" was going to work
We watched Ocean's Eleven. Haha. ..watched.
You finally kissed me and I don't even remember driving home, that's how happy I was. It was in the moonlight.
We played Pirates in the park all afternoon. Those are some of the best pictures ever.
I finally found out what it means to love someone.
We watched the sun set. We talked about Africa and birds that attack and then...that.
We found the song by accident. I have never written anything so truthful. Whether people realize what that song's about or not.
We sat on Kelsey's deck after everyone else left and just talked about what we're made of.
It all came crashing down. It was raining that morning. I lay in bed for the longest time thinking about what it meant. Neither of us could say...anything.
I checked off one of the items on my list. haha. you never even knew there was a list. I still have the wristband.
We used to go to "fairy keen" after swimming every night. Ranch burger with cheese, yours no tomato, and a slush every time. Our booth. The fishing net that held Morgan's dog.
We used to stay up late every Christmas Eve in one of our rooms, way too excited to sleep. You always woke me up.
We stopped at the far wall during one of Becka's workouts. You looked exactly like a gummybear, and I told you so.
We all realized that mothers and "My Humps" definately don't go together. lol. And erin's mom goes with "sexyback".
We sat in the basement and played Straight Up. I learned a lot, you dog.
We accidentally killed that California Condor in my car door.
And then I had a Snapple Explosion at the stoplight.
We totally used to use basketball games to get close to our crushes.
It was just the six of us. And we were tight. I really, really miss that.
You brought me a sunflower you picked on the side of the road while I was working.
All of you guys came to see me when I worked at Le Hub. I gave you all free fries. Lol. You left me a bunch of stuff. I still have it all, in a lime green envelope labeled "This is some good crap." It is good crap.
We stayed up for an hour or two in the hotel room naming all of this kind of stuff. The stuff that we miss.
You went on choir tour and called me every night. I think it was then that I started to love you.
We used to play the Question Game on MSN every time.
We invented Super Death Chess.
We first realized how much fun it is to go underwear shopping. lol.
We first hiked up the mountain to the top part. I think we talked about drugs, lol. I thought I would marry him.
You taught me how to play "blood brothers." i forgot.
We played "Sodom, South Georgia" in my room and sang. Yellow by Coldplay.
I first got my license and I totally drove into the barrier at Smith's.
"Swing Life Away" was our anthem.
We'd talked for like an hour every night on the phone. You refused to hang up.
We all played when the circus came this summer. I threw up. Lol. You took care of me. I got a new definition of love.
They gave us paper napkin roses at EFY.
We played SCUM in their hotel room.
The lady in the parking lot after Death Cab FREAKED out as I backed up. Then we got stopped in the canyon forever. I think she fell asleep.
We played on her trampoline, and lay there in blankets looking at the sky and trying to figure things out.
We filmed the first part of the "Willard" spoof.
We watched The Shining and ate like 42 otter pops.
It took a LOT of courage to give a Christmas present.
I fell in love for the first time.
I hope I never forget any of these.
Love, Jennifer
Remember When...
We drove around the hotpot really slowly trying to figure out if "the plan" was going to work
We watched Ocean's Eleven. Haha. ..watched.
You finally kissed me and I don't even remember driving home, that's how happy I was. It was in the moonlight.
We played Pirates in the park all afternoon. Those are some of the best pictures ever.
I finally found out what it means to love someone.
We watched the sun set. We talked about Africa and birds that attack and then...that.
We found the song by accident. I have never written anything so truthful. Whether people realize what that song's about or not.
We sat on Kelsey's deck after everyone else left and just talked about what we're made of.
It all came crashing down. It was raining that morning. I lay in bed for the longest time thinking about what it meant. Neither of us could say...anything.
I checked off one of the items on my list. haha. you never even knew there was a list. I still have the wristband.
We used to go to "fairy keen" after swimming every night. Ranch burger with cheese, yours no tomato, and a slush every time. Our booth. The fishing net that held Morgan's dog.
We used to stay up late every Christmas Eve in one of our rooms, way too excited to sleep. You always woke me up.
We stopped at the far wall during one of Becka's workouts. You looked exactly like a gummybear, and I told you so.
We all realized that mothers and "My Humps" definately don't go together. lol. And erin's mom goes with "sexyback".
We sat in the basement and played Straight Up. I learned a lot, you dog.
We accidentally killed that California Condor in my car door.
And then I had a Snapple Explosion at the stoplight.
We totally used to use basketball games to get close to our crushes.
It was just the six of us. And we were tight. I really, really miss that.
You brought me a sunflower you picked on the side of the road while I was working.
All of you guys came to see me when I worked at Le Hub. I gave you all free fries. Lol. You left me a bunch of stuff. I still have it all, in a lime green envelope labeled "This is some good crap." It is good crap.
We stayed up for an hour or two in the hotel room naming all of this kind of stuff. The stuff that we miss.
You went on choir tour and called me every night. I think it was then that I started to love you.
We used to play the Question Game on MSN every time.
We invented Super Death Chess.
We first realized how much fun it is to go underwear shopping. lol.
We first hiked up the mountain to the top part. I think we talked about drugs, lol. I thought I would marry him.
You taught me how to play "blood brothers." i forgot.
We played "Sodom, South Georgia" in my room and sang. Yellow by Coldplay.
I first got my license and I totally drove into the barrier at Smith's.
"Swing Life Away" was our anthem.
We'd talked for like an hour every night on the phone. You refused to hang up.
We all played when the circus came this summer. I threw up. Lol. You took care of me. I got a new definition of love.
They gave us paper napkin roses at EFY.
We played SCUM in their hotel room.
The lady in the parking lot after Death Cab FREAKED out as I backed up. Then we got stopped in the canyon forever. I think she fell asleep.
We played on her trampoline, and lay there in blankets looking at the sky and trying to figure things out.
We filmed the first part of the "Willard" spoof.
We watched The Shining and ate like 42 otter pops.
It took a LOT of courage to give a Christmas present.
I fell in love for the first time.
I hope I never forget any of these.
Love, Jennifer
So Hannah's been being really whiny lately about me not blogging soon enough, so I hope you're happy Hannah. I'm blogging, lol.
Wow. I really have nothing at all to blog about. Kind of all I do is complain and "talk" (complain) about swimming, and I'm tired of both of those.
It snowed a bunch last night! I'm actually glad for this because at least now it's not all gross and melty-snowy slushy...ugh outside. Nice and pretty and white. And I'm pretty sure Berto and all those other crazy snowboarders/skiiers are freaking out. I would too if I snowboarded.
Well, that's pretty much all I can think of right now. I hate this. This blog sucks. It's like trying to make smalltalk with someone you don't even know and you have absolutely nothing to say. And now I'll end with an amazing quote by someone I can't quite remember.
"Rice is great when you're hungry and want 2000 of something."
I think I'll go wrap Christmas presents now. Hopefully tonight doesn't suck.
Love, Jennifer
Wow. I really have nothing at all to blog about. Kind of all I do is complain and "talk" (complain) about swimming, and I'm tired of both of those.
It snowed a bunch last night! I'm actually glad for this because at least now it's not all gross and melty-snowy slushy...ugh outside. Nice and pretty and white. And I'm pretty sure Berto and all those other crazy snowboarders/skiiers are freaking out. I would too if I snowboarded.
Well, that's pretty much all I can think of right now. I hate this. This blog sucks. It's like trying to make smalltalk with someone you don't even know and you have absolutely nothing to say. And now I'll end with an amazing quote by someone I can't quite remember.
"Rice is great when you're hungry and want 2000 of something."
I think I'll go wrap Christmas presents now. Hopefully tonight doesn't suck.
Love, Jennifer
Sunday, December 10, 2006
super memorization day
Today was officially "super memorization day". It sucked. I studied presidents and the constitution for like three hours. Again, it sucked. BUT, I am now totally prepared for the Devil History final on Monday. That's always a nice feeling, when you're actually prepared for the giant test your evil professor has planned out for you. Sigh. Who decided that school had to get hard all of a sudden? It wasn't me, that's for sure.
This weekend was pretty good. On Friday I went to the Olive Garden and to A Christmas Carol at the Hale Theatre. What a good play! I actually enjoyed it, even though I had to miss out on iceskating and stuff with everyone. Then yesterday, Hannah and Morgan and I finally went to the Orchard to take black and white pictures for Morgan's secret project. I think they'll be really cute, whenever it is I get to see them. We're basically professionals when you place a camera in our hands. After that Morgan and I finally (!!) made notecards for History at her house, then I went back to Midway to my ward Christmas party. Then Morgan and I met up again and went to Kelsey's for her beeday party, which was a lot of fun. Morgan, Enano, Brady and I ended up sitting outside on the deck looking at the amazing view a just talking for awhile. It was my favorite. I love all of them mucho mucho. Later everyone watched John Tucker Must Die, finally for me, which was good. So good weekend.
See everyone tomorrow
Love, Jennifer
This weekend was pretty good. On Friday I went to the Olive Garden and to A Christmas Carol at the Hale Theatre. What a good play! I actually enjoyed it, even though I had to miss out on iceskating and stuff with everyone. Then yesterday, Hannah and Morgan and I finally went to the Orchard to take black and white pictures for Morgan's secret project. I think they'll be really cute, whenever it is I get to see them. We're basically professionals when you place a camera in our hands. After that Morgan and I finally (!!) made notecards for History at her house, then I went back to Midway to my ward Christmas party. Then Morgan and I met up again and went to Kelsey's for her beeday party, which was a lot of fun. Morgan, Enano, Brady and I ended up sitting outside on the deck looking at the amazing view a just talking for awhile. It was my favorite. I love all of them mucho mucho. Later everyone watched John Tucker Must Die, finally for me, which was good. So good weekend.
See everyone tomorrow
Love, Jennifer
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Inspiration, anyone?
So tonight I decided we could all stand to be a little more selfish. That's right, I said it. Let's break all the rules. When did we decide that everythign had to be about pleasing other people? When did I stop taking days to just paint ridiculous and pompous pictures with ridiculous, pompous names to sell on eBay? Lol. Just for a moment, let's remember ourselves, and what's important to us, and *gasp do something to make ourselves happy. Pure, unrelated-to-anyone else happy. Show yourself that you are you and that's completely perfect. Take a moment to breathe. yay. i'm me.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Take my life.
Alright, so my new favorite band of the week is officially the Weepies. I love finding good new music. Makes me mucho happy.
Here's a question, faithful blog readers. Somebody said, "You can take my life, but you will never take my freedom." What would you say? "You can take my life, but you will never take my...." I would say, "You can take my life, but you will never take my memories."
Not a lot to say, except that I'm sooo excited for Christmas and all. Yay! I love giving gifts.llllooovvve.itttt. And just a warning, I've been in a super weird mood lately, so if I seem like a psycho, just don't worry. Lol.
Much Love, Jennifer
Here's a question, faithful blog readers. Somebody said, "You can take my life, but you will never take my freedom." What would you say? "You can take my life, but you will never take my...." I would say, "You can take my life, but you will never take my memories."
Not a lot to say, except that I'm sooo excited for Christmas and all. Yay! I love giving gifts.llllooovvve.itttt. And just a warning, I've been in a super weird mood lately, so if I seem like a psycho, just don't worry. Lol.
Much Love, Jennifer
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