I'm really really sad to see this week go. Looking back tonight, I realized that nice feeling I've felt all week, it's the summer feeling. You know,
the summer feeling. It's been really nice, but I guess I'll have to get back to reality come monday, right?
Today we all went to Enano's to watch the BYU vs. Utah game. It was intense....I'm pretty sure certain members of certain teams' fanclubs had a few heart attacks. Lol. It was great. We were all divided on the couches according to which team you were rooting for. Britta, Tyler, Hannah, and Berto were for BYU, while, Enano, Lurpie, Randi, Erin, and Spiva were for Utah. I was kind of impartial on the matter, so I sat somewhat in the middle, and had a fun time freaking out along with everyone else. In the end, BYU won in this freak twist of events, which Britta and her followers were infinitely happy about. So that was nice. Also, we played Super Death Chess. The showdown was probably the most amazing so far in SDC history.
After that we went to Lurpie's, where we watched Anchorman. Um. Lol, that's about all I have to say about that. Lol. movie. Then we somehow got ourselves into going to make a fire at Kelsey's house. It was sooo cold, and Randi, Morgan, and I were in flipflops. Crazy us. We couldn't feel our toes after like, two minutes lol. Something called for all of us to trek into the darkness through the brush to get to the dried up pond, and when I got back, something kind of hurt on my foot, so I looked down, and found like, a million little plant spines coming out of my foot. It was a little scary.
I tried to pull them out, but there was no light outside, so I went inside to try. No go. I had like one left, but it was teeny and I didnt' want to break it, so I kind of gave up. But it hurt like no other. Everyone felt really bad cause I'm dumb and walked through brush with flipflops, but I just felt bad that they felt bad. Wasn't their fault lol. Morgan thinks they were probably poisoned. Haha. Just kidding.
After that little incident, we mostly stayed inside, doing tricks (ha), playing on the phone, and telling stories and jokes. Mucho bueno. I got to know Kelsey somewhat, which I was very happy for. She's great. I love meeting new people.
The end. So that was today, pretty much. I went swimming this morning. Lol, mostly I just played with my flippers.
Love, Jennifer
"Heart is a strong word, but I really, really, really don't love you."