Monday, October 02, 2006

In accounting

So here I am in accounting, sitting here because we were supposed to have a test today, but the juniors had an assembly sort of thing so no test. Which has happened twice today! First, for the first time EVER, no devil quiz in ednet history! And now accounting! Makes me very happy. :) Hmmm what else? Idk. Life is kind of...boring....ish....right now, just because nothing is happening. Although I will say, I LOVE love LOVE everyone i hang out with! This year we started hanging out with mike, spiva, besto, erin, britta, and sometimes kelsey more and it rocks. I love it. I definately agree with Brady when he says this winter will be amazing, because it will.

Lately i'm getting really scared of graduating! I still have this year and next, but I really like high school....and don't want it to end! I hate change! That's my biggest thing, I definately hate change, because most of the time I love where i am, and what i'm doing. No change. Lol.

On Friday I went with "maria" to this banquet sort of thing, which was a fundraiser for an organization called "the pregnancy resource center." It was interesting, lol. But the food was delicious! It was pretty cool though, we got to see a live's soooo cool. Makes everything that happens and puts everything I see now into a different perspective. So weird.

Well.........that's mostly all i got. I am soo bored.

Love, Jeb


Roberto Lerma said...

i am also very very scared to graduate, it makes me wanna get bad grades and get held back lol. and yes hanging out a lot more definitely rocks and this winter will be simply amazing....oh so 'maria' on myspace is morgan?

Roberto Lerma said...

oh and also, conisdering how long my blogs have been in the past month or so, i definitely should get a cake, because those are all good blogs. just dont' tell hannah you're making cake

Britta Nystul said...

Your blog owns. I hope you know you inspired me to start my own. I will tell you the address when it is up and running.
And I love that our little "cliques" have meshed and we have become one fantastic group that I just can't get enough of. I love you!
- Britta Marie