Thursday, December 29, 2005

Almost New Year's

It's almost New year's, and I'm pretty excited about that! It's good to have a week off, but honestly, it's been booooring. I havent' really done anything at all, and I'm going nuts. Maybe I'll (, no, I WILL) get all of my homework finished today. Well...most of it. But I definately have to finish my first roll of film, and definately algebra 2, and at least one poem. Guess what, I used to like poetry. Now that's been ruined as well. Oh well.
At least I finally got rid of my ancient nokia and got a new cell phone. if i may say so, it kicks butt. INCLUDING that of Hannah's and Morgan's cell phones. So HA.
Love, Jennifer


Hannah said...

you wish your phone kicked my butt! lol. even if my phone was dead, it would still be better. so take that....

Roberto Lerma said...

you guys argue too much

Jennifer said...

you complain about us arguing too much.

Hannah said...

quit telling people that they complain about us arguing too much. and quit telling on me.... kkkhhh.... over.... lol. :)