Friday, November 04, 2005


Well, Halloween's over, but I will say it was pretty fun, although nothing major happened and also my mother wouldn't let me go trick-or-treating. But it was good anyway....I was a genie from the 70's and hammah was "little red riding from the hood". it rocked :)

So Halloween's over, and next we have Thanksgiving, and then of course Christmas. Is it purely coincidental that these approaching holidays and my increasing happiness are happening at the same time? I think not. I'm really excited about the holidays, namely Christmas, and that's a good thing because you know what, it makes me happy. so voila (wah-la ahem... lol). if you feel sad, listen to christmas music or something, cause man, it makes me feel good.

well, my homework's (finally) finished, so i'd best go read my BOM. lol, bom, not bomb. goodnight.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Bombs?! I think I'm going to have to call the cops for this. lol.
And yes, christmas is wonderful. I sure love it. And I'm pretty excited. woohoo.