Tuesday, May 24, 2005

How girls treat guys

Here's what I decided! If you read this, you have to leave a comment! Especially you, od pepson!!! Lol, jk. About the od pepson thing anyway. But you really do have to leave a comment, so make sure and do that!

I am really excited about school ending and especially about Seven Peaks! And I'm pretty happy because I get to go shopping to get a swimming suit after school today. Man, I love shopping...hahahaha!

So last night I had to work, and this ....ahem....one guy was there. We'll call him....Josh. Anyway, I flirt with him sooo much (like, way too much!), and I realized, "no wonder guys can't figure us out!" Because I like.....make him work for my attention, and that's stupid! I was wondering why girls always play games with guys, and I was a little bit disappointed in myself, and others, and just girls in general. Cause it's probably hard enough for them without having to figure stuff like that out, right? I would think so. We're complicated sometimes. And the dumb thing is, a lot of girls like it that way. So....idk. I feel a little bit bad cause I was being stupid, and now I just hope he doesn't hate me or anything like that. I won't see him for about a week though, so maybe things will just work themselves out until then. I hope so. Either way, I've decided to be more....not complicated. It's not like I really really like Josh anyway, but I still think I should be nicer to him.

So yeah, well that's all....


Hannah said...

Well, you know whats dumb... I do that too. And its not like I conciously do it, but now that you say it, I just realized that I do. haha. That is kind of dumb, and maybe I should work on that. Isn't this basically the whole "play hard-to-get" theory that many girls believe work? Making a guy really work for your attention? Yeah, so I wonder if it really does work though. Even if it does, I will try to stop. lol.

Roberto Lerma said...

well sometimes if a girl that likes someone doesnt act like it, and the guy likes her, then he just gets pushed away and thats a bad thing. and yes you girls are hard to figure out. yes i know your a guy jordan

Roberto Lerma said...

look at my blog on further thoughts on my feelings about women.