So. This year. There are a lot of things I want to improve in my life, and with a little inspiration from this post on BlackEiffel, I've decided to focus on a different element of my life each month to work on.

January: Because it seems like a good--and important!--place to start, I'm making a very conscious effort this month to improve the way I eat. Luckily, because the semester's started up again, my work schedule has changed to give me more free nights and time at home where I can begin to actually cook for myself. And I got a few cool appliances for Christmas that should help out as well.
In recent history I've been thinking a lot about the way our society has evolved to think about food. The way we treat it, the importance (or...unimportance) we place on healthy foods, our relationship with it...I've been thinking about it all. It's kind of exhausting to try to unravel the puzzle we've made out of something that should be so simple and basic. But at the same time, I feel there is not a more important topic for people to address. It's what I'm studying in school right now, and what I'll be going to grad school for in the next few years. As for myself, I've already become a pescetarian, and really healthy, conscious cooking at home is the next step.
A few caveats...
Donald and I tend to eat out A LOT. Which can be not only unhealthy, but expensive as well. So, only one, if any, night out a week.
Trying to cut back on cheese. This is so hard, because I love cheese, and it's in EVERYTHING.
I've found so many resources so far that are helpful.
First, Eating Well. Lots of interesting things if you take the time to look around. Namely this, which I made last night and LOVED.
Second, Whole Foods. I've found a lot of foods to be inspired by here, and to be honest, higher quality is definitely worth the price.
Friends/blogs/etc. Morgie always has interesting ideas to share with me, and definitely shares my passion for health.
Other areas I intend to work on include getting rid of the clutter in my life, as it's building up again, spending more quality time with the important people in my life, working on being a better member of my relationship, developing an effective and realistically manageable workout routine, and having a better plan for managing my money. It sounds like a lot, month at a time.
Love, Jennifer