Well you can just break out the party hats, because this is officiall Blog #200. That's right. And I must admit, I'm in a somewhat uncomfortable mood, so to counteract this, I will think of the good things that I have. And those are all of you. Yes, yes. So the following is a list of all of you, the ones I love, and the great things you've done for me. Or maybe just why I love you. Anyway, happy 200.
Hannah: You've done a lot, a lot for me, which makes this hard to choose. But, I must warn you, my choice is not based on overall impact. It's just something that struck me as really sweet and selfless that I was incredibly grateful for. Remember that night, after the massage day with Morgan and her mom? And I was pretty disappointed because of something that happened earlier (which happened a lot) and we were just in my room, probably eating yogos or otter pops. anyway, an opportunity arose and you totally let me ditch you because it was important to me at the time. And this seems really stupid, but that was a big thing, because at that moment I realized that you really, really cared about my happiness. and that is worth the world.
Morgan: I love you because you always think of the really best, wonderful things to do for me. For example, back when I worked at Le Hub, I absolutely hated it. But the days when you would walk in, always with this perfect Morgan smile, it made me very happy. And you never ever come empty-handed. Like when you brought me a sobe, or like the day it rained and you, shirt spotted with raindrops, came to wftm with sunflowers. those are the things that mean a lot.
Britta: You always check in with me, and I've gotta say, it makes me feel nice. You always ask how i'm doing, and really, I know what you're actually asking. And I always feel like I can be honest with my answer. Did you notice how I used "always" a lot in this? That's because that's what you are; you are an "always" person, and I'm infinitely glad I can count on you like that.
Michael: I love you because you are much much "too nice". I have no idea who told you that, but I hope you completely ignore it. Seriously. The world could use a whole bunch more "too nice" people. It balances out the times when things get feeling "too bad."
Besto: No one is like you! Once you told me something like, "you can't expect him to stay single forever." And you were so right, because that's exactly what I had been doing. And I completely hated it that you said that, but I knew it was true. And I'm glad you are so ridiculously honest, because honesty is, well, a good thing.
Tyler: The very best thing you've done is accept me for me. And that is no small feat, lol. Like staying up forever because i had the terrible idea of cookies at one a.m., and then later eating them and pretending they weren't so bad. or playing ninjas on the hill. or bringing me cornflakes. and i'm hardly ever completely honest with anyone, but I was with you and to my surprise and delight, you showed me that that doesn't always end badly. Thanks.
Randi: Well, you really truly experience life fully, and I envy that. I've never seen you change to fit something that's not you, and I think that's great. Plus, you do look like a gummybear in goggles.
Erin: You're easy to talk to, which is always nice. I get the feeling that one of these days, given the right circumstances, I just might spill my guts to you. And no one could've pulled off the "jebby" thing and got that going except you.
Lurpie: I was really glad to know that you still remembered. And as for things you've done for me, at the very top of the long list is you not minding the phone calls and for the very first choir tour. both meant the world.
Enano: Yours is really, really easy. The bowling night, complete with snowy music and driving away. And you always, always make me laugh.
Brady: Thanks for the 2 a.m. night. And I have no idea why I said all that stuff, but you really didn't mind. I appreciate the philosophy and your trying to be a good person in the midst of a weird situation.
Lakey: Strange of me to use this word, but the best was the innocent way in which you approached it. Thanks for being the first.
Toni: Yeah, you'll never read this, but you definitely make the list anyway. I am still in love with the invented holidays and the knowledge that I never had a sister but actually did all along.
Love, Jennifer
"Caring about others,
running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact brings happiness." -Harold Kushner