Monday, March 26, 2007

this is it...

So I'm feeling slightly a lot sad. I found out tonight that my brother is leaving on Thursday. Like, this is it. This is THE move. He won't really live here anymore. He'll be in another state, and sure, he'll be back in a few months, but he won't live here anymore. You know? You know? And then it's just me. And despite how annoying he is, and the dumb stuff he does, and how he take all the hot water when he showers, he'll be gone. And I feel like I'm going crazy inside. It's hard to explain...

I wish I could have some kind of rational thought, but I just can't get my head around this. I just keep thinking, this is it. This is it.

Love, Jennifer

Sunday, March 25, 2007

i met him at a gas station

Hello BlogWorld,

This has been the most bizarre weekend ever. And I kid you not. I had a (bunch of) weird moment(s) last night, which I don't really want to blog about, and, well...yeah. But the thing is, they didn't upset me nearly as much as they should have. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

So I thought about life a lot last night. About how you always hear the cynical side of things in generalizations about life. How bad it is. How many crappy things happen. And I've always considered myself to be quite optimistic, and usually I see the best in things and people. But i kind of realized that, sigh.............they were right. The things people say about life, they're kind of true. Life really is that bad. Lots of crap really does happen. But no worries, I have not crossed over to the cynical side. I'm optimistic as ever, just now I have a lot more to try and be hopeful about.

Last night we all went to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Redstone, which is, by far, my favorite movie theater ever. Why? Because it has a boatload of memories attached, including many in the Coldstone next door. Like that time we got kicked out, and she actually told us this, because the owner thought we were going to rob the ice cream shop. Or when we watched Nacho Libre and all had to visit a chiropractor later because we got stuck in the front row, our necks at odd angles for an hour and a half. Or the meandering deer, or suicidal van lady. Or any of it. All of last summer. Everything that we were back then. And everything we are now, which is just as fantastic! So I love that place.

Today I am happy about: "special looks", hope, the hannalysis bed, getting homework done on time (for once), knowing i will get asked (phew), ice cream, nice weather, and finally getting to sing.

I am worried about: catching up on work this week, having no money, and my brother moving.

bad news: my hair is being horrible, i won't see my dad for like a week, and things could be changing.

good news: i got a free paintball gun today, I just may have found a song i finally want to write, and there's still an infinite amount of hope left in me.

Love, Jennifer

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mrs. Frowny Face and my Two Liters

I am extremely excited about this. As you have hopefully realized, my Blog has had a major makeover! Pretty sweet, right? I thought so.

So. Today's funny story...

I got a parking ticket last week, and had to go to the justice court to pay it, so after school today my mom and I went. We walked up and down this flight of stairs a bunch (it seemed like) until we found the lady. So we give her the ticket, and she punches in a bunch of stuff on her computer while chatting (and i emphasize chatting here) on the phone with her relatives or something. So then we have to go back downstairs to actually pay it, which we do (twenty-five dollars, I'll have you know). On the way out, I'm looking at the receipt we got, and I found it kind of odd that it said $370-$25=$345 balance. Odd. Lol, I don't remember my father owing over three hundred dollars to the heber city justice court.

So we go back inside, and ask the lady downstairs what that's all about. She puts on her best puzzled frowny face, and decides to "look it up." Bigger frowny face. She says "Oh, they have you down here for "selling over two liters of alcohol." I literally burst out laughing, and my mom kind of giggles, but the lady only keeps her frowny face on. I say, "I hope I got a lot of money for that." And then it's sort of an awkward silence while Mrs. Frowny Face figures out what to do. She prints some papers up, which we must tote back upstairs to Lady-still-on-the-phone, who is still on the phone with her relatives. When we explain what happened to my parking ticket, she gets an "oopsie" frowny face on, and prints some more papers, which we must then tote downstairs, in addition to the first set of papers we had, and once again, pretend like we're paying for the ticket we already paid for like fifteen minutes before.

In all of our trompings up and down staircases, I found it necessary to say that it would be good for kicks if they left me a parking ticket while we were in the building. That was before the alcohol fiasco. Later I realized that being blamed for pushing booze around the city was much more entertaining, if good exercise due to all the stairs.

Love, Jennifer and her Shiny New Blog.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


and one last thing......quote of the week

"sometimes bologna tastes good, but most of the time it doesn't." -my dad

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


bleah. i hate revelations.

containing my excitement

so today has been weird. i did that school thing, and then went to work, then home, determined to finish two and a half trig assignments that i've been behind on. But, I get home and what do I do? i eat dinner, read harry potter, then fall asleep at seven thirty to augustana! i am so lazy. bleah. so i slept for like three hours, now here i am, blogging.

you know why tomorrow will be good?....we will all be reunited again with our long-lost choir tour friends, who will dazzle us, i'm sure, with tales from the coast. also, i get to go to trig and add at least one more assignment to the pile. yahoo. also also, i may be going to pay my highly important and well-deserved Parking Ticket of Wonder. I can barely contain my excitement for all of this. Except the choir tour thing is actually good. lol.

so anyway, i feel weird now. Like a hermit or something. Because in the course of my day, certain people need to do certain things that i come to rely on, or the day gets thrown out of balance. such as today. and hannah and morgan were gone. so it was really weird. and then this sleeping thing, and.....ugh. anyway, all for now. much love.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

that kind of love

Today I volunteered at the Beehive House, which is basically a rest home. It was an interesting experience. I was kind of just helping clean up, and taking care of the elderlies, and was vacuuming some of their rooms out when I started to notice the pictures. There were pictures, in almost every room, of them, of their lives. Their families, and lovers. It hit something inside of me that I cannot explain. It made me really sad. But I guess that's just life, isn't it? What's that word....nostalgia. That's what I felt. And I've never even met these people before. There's just something about seeing someone in the last stages of their lives that makes you aware of how little time you truly have. And how incredibly important each moment is. Something about the place just kept puzzling me though, I couldn't understand it.

This lady, Alice, wanted some coffee, so I made it for her. I'm pretty sure it was not good coffee at all, but she accepted it and said it was good. That's just who they are. I kept wondering what kinds of things they knew that i didn't, not yet. I was out of my comfort zone for sure, but it was kind of good to see my life like that, in perspective. I washed dishes, and let them make phone calls, which, looking back, i don't think they are usually allowed to do (which is terrible! what??), I made coffee and hot chocolate, and vacuumed, and boiled eggs. And kind of wished I were as happy with my life as they are. There was a couple there, this old man and his wife, who he was trying to get to eat dinner. They barely spoke, but as I watched them, I got it. I kind of began to understand this small, old-person world. I got how important it is to love someone, and I don't mean your ordinary love, I mean the I-will-make-you-eat-your-tuna-sandwich-when-we-get-wrinkly-because-i-love-you-that-much,-always-and-forever love. Yeah. It reminds me of pretty much every death cab song ever, and it reminds me of what i want out of life. someone to feed me sandwiches when i forget to do it myself. Oh.

Love, Jennifer

just popping in

i have been such a slacker this week on my blog. oh well. it's been a kind of ordinary (kind of) week that hasn't given me much to blog about. however, after this weekend i'll have a ton of stuff. PREFERENCE! yahoo. well, that's about all i have to say. now i can feel better because i posted.

Love, Jennifer

oh, ps, i got a new ticket today. pssh. lol. i hate heber sometimes.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

hannalysis of the weekend. (i think i'm on Lovedrugs) lol.

here i am, at the end of a fantastic weekend.

friday was fun, in a crazy, interesting way. lurpe, britta, besto, and I were all at lurpie's house, playing around with paint on his computer. i drew the most amazing picture of britta! holding a hollow epiphone something something guitar! it was gorgeous lol. after a bit brady came over, and we all hung out in the little downstairs living room basically throwing things at each other and going insane. later tyler came too. i can't tell you anymore about it really, not because i don't want to, just because it is inexplicable. lol. honestly. it was really fun though.

saturday, morgan adn her mom took me and hannah with them to UCMT for massage practice day which translates to this: one-hour massages for $12. It was fantastic. We all came out feeling sleepy, completely clear in our state of mind, but foggy in the real world. Lol. I dropped something on my foot and forgot how to talk. Hannah laughed a bunch. That night I went to see Wild Hogs with Brady, Chisum and Jami. It was really funny.

Today was definitely not an ordinary day, but it's not really a day i blog about either.

Random facts from the weekend:

*Lovedrug is amazing music
*The word "Hannalyze" was invented
*she is the best because she doesn't mind that i ditch her for unexpected occurances.
*naked just has to "happen"
*life moves quickly
*i realized how much i like someone when i see them at their weirdest and don't care one bit. lol.

Love, Jebby (dedicated to Britta)
"Infinite happiness."

Thursday, March 08, 2007

.bringing back summer.

happy bringing back summer day!! today we all wore summery clothes and some of us even had sunscreen to feel just a little bit more summery. it was great....towards the end of the day it got really warm and beautiful outside! (probably due to our wanting summer so badly!) so pretty much i'm going to be wearing this stuff constantly now :)

this weekend will be great. tonight, choir concert, which i am infinitely excited for. tomorrow, breakfast with norgan at the hub, then eassssyyyy classes, where i'll basically do nothing. friday night, something fun i'm sure (open to consideration), and saturday $12 massages. can you think of anything better? I sure can't!

well, that's about all for now, I think. :) have a fantasmic day!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

50 reasons why...

I know they are my best friends because...

  1. she gives me the last bite of her good chocolate cookie
  2. we can talk about things like books
  3. they are the first people i call after all of the firsts
  4. i can cry in front of them
  5. and they will beat someone up for making me cry
  6. she doesn't care when i pound away on her piano for literally over an hour trying to learn something any self-respecting musician already knows
  7. the silences feel just fine
  8. she won't lie to me...even when it would sound better and be easier and maybe make me feel "better"...she knows in the end it won't
  9. we don't even need to speak in words anymore
  10. she knows the worst of me
  11. she counts me as family
  12. she knows what's important to me
  13. they can see through my very best fake happy days
  14. they know when i say "nothing" i mean..."everything"
  15. i don't have to say that stuff outright
  16. they still like me after i act like a big jerk for no reason
  17. she believes in me
  18. she gets how the little things matter
  19. they understand just how amazing rogue wave is
  20. we can be annoyed at literally everyone at the same time together
  21. and that makes it seem a bit better
  22. she understands my irrational emotions
  23. she knows what it sounds like when i'm trying not to cry over the phone
  24. we burn things together
  25. we get sick at the same time
  26. she likes my poetry
  27. she likes my family
  28. we could talk about the most unimportant things and they're still important
  29. she brings me people, and flowers, and surprises at work
  30. we hoard things together
  31. she understands when I have to do stupid things to "fulfill my life"
  32. she's always behind me, even when i'm wrong
  33. we make up words that actually get used
  34. she helps me understand....dun dun dun....him
  35. and then she helps me understand Him
  36. she likes it when i say dumb stuff because it makes life better
  37. she will break the rules with me
  38. she will feel bad for me even when i refuse to
  39. she's the one person i can actually tell what i'm really thinking...always
  40. she's willing to go health-nut with me
  41. she makes me feel better when i suck
  42. she makes me cookies
  43. she helps me understand love
  44. she knows when i would rather be alone
  45. she understands the importance of pleasing yourself too
  46. she GETS music
  47. she would do anything for me
  48. she doesn't care what my house looks like, despite what mothers may think
  49. we can laugh at things like "charlie the unicorn"
  50. she would never, ever try to change me.

Love, Jennifer

Blog (noun): "Internet Therapy"

So I went to the band concert tonight, which was kind of fun, actually. We (Me, Hannah, Erin and Britta) kept texting Mike and Besto and Randi, who were down with the band. Then, while they were playing, we called Randi to make her phone vibrate and make her freak out. It was great.

After it ended, Hannah and I went down to talk to everyone, and we found Mike and gave him a hug. Holy crap, I cannot believe how great guys look in ties and all. I mean---seriously good. Lol. Then the three of us started walking through the halls to get out, and we stopped at the library, where we put some change and a tattoo in the "return" slot. Michael said "Thank you, library!" and it was completely, completely perfect. My favorite moment of the day, for sure. And surprise, the middle school is a bazillion times nicer than the High School. Our school is so crappy...

So that basically sums up the day. Nothing too exciting. But it's a pretty good week, I must say. Not traumatic in any way so far, which I am always thankful for these days. You just never know.

Love, Jennifer

Monday, March 05, 2007

updated love list

So it looks like it's time for an updated "Things I love" blog. I love doing these.

  • Learning a new instrument
  • hoarding jellybeans
  • guys in ties
  • driving with nowhere to go
  • summer grass
  • empty baseball diamonds
  • finding new bands
  • trying on dresses
  • being loved
  • knowing you're not alone
  • smashing jars
  • the fourth of july
  • the process (i also hate it)
  • camping
  • ES's
  • taking pictures
  • having people like the pictures you take
  • saying something smart. lol
  • being immature
  • screaming at the top of my lungs when i drive on a bridge
  • mall pretzels
  • hope (i also hate this)
  • connecting with someone
  • playing straight up
  • plane rides
  • klondike bars
  • playing "hall chicken" lol
  • surprising people
  • staring at the city lights
  • writing...anything
  • hard workouts
  • running
  • swimming
  • "wunches"
  • stupid voicemail messages
  • "ugly plaid" shorts
  • paychecks lol
  • Britta hugs
  • ...his hugs
  • the way guys smell fantastic
  • how HE smells an indescribable way
  • seeing happy old people
  • wearing old giant hats
  • wearing heels
  • watching movies when i should be sleeping
  • fulfilling lives. (ha.)
  • the breakfast club
  • looking out my window at night
  • my cellphone
  • reading his name when a text comes
  • the smell of cut grass in summer
  • dusk in summer
  • everything about summer

well this seems good for now. yay list

Love, Jennifer

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Some Sylvia Plath

I feel super happy right now, because the giant weight known as Holm's Research Paper is mostly off my chest.

I was talking to Tyler about my favorite poet, Sylvia Plath, who is really depressing. But I feel good right now and still feel like liking her. I'm finding out a lot of it is about war. Anyway, enjoy. I don't even understand all of it.

Sylvia Plath

Compelled by calamity's magnet
They loiter and stare as if the house
Burnt-out were theirs, or as if they thought
Some scandal might any minute ooze
From a smoke-choked closet into light;
No deaths, no prodigious injuries
Glut these hunters after an old meat,
Blood-spoor of the austere tragedies.

Mother Medea in a green smock
Moves humbly as any housewife through
Her ruined apartments, taking stock
Of charred shoes, the sodden upholstery:
Cheated of the pyre and the rack,
The crowd sucks her last tear and turns away.

I Am Vertical
Sylvia Plath

But I would rather be horizontal.
I am not a tree with my root in the soil
Sucking up minerals and motherly love
So that each March I may gleam into leaf,
Nor am I the beauty of a garden bed
Attracting my share of Ahs and spectacularly painted,
Unknowing I must soon unpetal.
Compared with me, a tree is immortal
And a flower-head not tall, but more startling,
And I want the one's longevity and the other's daring.

Tonight, in the infinitesimallight of the stars,
The trees and the flowers have been strewing their cool odors.
I walk among them, but none of them are noticing.
Sometimes I think that when I am sleeping
I must most perfectly resemble them--Thoughts gone dim.
It is more natural to me, lying down.
Then the sky and I are in open conversation,
And I shall be useful when I lie down finally:
Then the trees may touch me for once, and the flowers have time for me.

Sylvia Plath

It is no night to drown in:
A full moon, river lapsing
Black beneath bland mirror-sheen,

The blue water-mists dropping
Scrim after scrim like fishnets
Though fishermen are sleeping,

The massive castle turrets
Doubling themselves in a glass
All stillness. Yet these shapes float

Up toward me, troubling the face
Of quiet. From the nadir
They rise, their limbs ponderous

With richness, hair heavier
Than sculptured marble. They sing
Of a world more full and clear

Than can be. Sisters, your song
Bears a burden too weighty
For the whorled ear's listening

Here, in a well-steered country,
Under a balanced ruler.
Deranging by harmony

Beyond the mundane order,
Your voices lay siege. You lodge
On the pitched reefs of nightmare,

Promising sure harborage;
By day, descant from borders
Of hebetude, from the ledge

Also of high windows. Worse
Even than your maddening
Song, your silence. At the source

Of your ice-hearted calling-
Drunkenness of the great depths.
O river, I see drifting

Deep in your flux of silver
Those great goddesses of peace.
Stone, stone, ferry me down there.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

days like today

I had a cool moment today. You know those people that you know, but you don't really know, maybe because you grew apart, or you're simply a totally different person from them, so it's not like your lives overlap all that much? I ran into one of those today, we'll call him AH. I was walking out the HS door to go to seminary, and he was coming in. He saw me, and held the door for me. As I walked by, I looked at him, and he had this huge smile on, which made me smile. He said, "How are you, Jennifer?" and honestly, I was like stunned, because he remembered my name, you know? So that was about it, you know, just one of those "moments" but it totally made my day. I felt like I was in an announcements commercial for the school, that's what it felt like. We haven't spoken for like two years, I bet, and we're nothing alike, but for the moment I realized we are exactly the same. High School is HARD. Nomatter who you are. On days like today, when life feels ugly, it's nice to know someone remembers your name.