Monday, July 25, 2005


I'm home! Which, I will admit, isn't bad, but I'm really sad that EFY's over. It's hard to get used to being on your own again, and still having this amazing feeling, but knowing that you'll have to work on your own to keep it. If that made any sense. I really really loved EFY! It was probably the best, no, second-best thing I've ever done. Lol. But it was still really perfect. Our group was the best! I was really surprised to be around guys who were good, 24/7. Even considering how I live in Utah! And they were all really cute. The dances were soooo much fun, I just wish school ones were like that. But a really good part is that my dad is going to pay for me to go next year! Woohoo, even better! And yes, I did find a huge crush there.... :D

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Waterfight, and My Pretty Band-Aids

So, listen, I'm not one of those sissy fru-fru people who pass out when they have to get a shot. I just don't exactly enjoy them, you know? But here's the problem with today's vaccination. I had been mentally preparing for ONE shot, not three. So that sucked, big time. They were for hepatitis a, b, and a tetanus. Those hurt, by the way. But I did survive, and now I have two pretty blue and yellow bandaids on my arms. What a reward. Lol, oh wait, I suppose the award is not getting the disease, right? However you want to look at it!

Also, the fammy and I decided that 'surprise visits' are pretty good things. Stupid me, I picked, literally, the hottest point of the day to bike a couple of miles to Morgan's house. Oops. But again, I also survived that. It was worth it, though. We had a 'waterfight' which was actually just me, Morgan, and Hannah jumping on her trampoline while her brothers squirted us with the hose. Hey, it was really hot, okay? Hahaha! So we plan on doing stuff like that more often. Woohoo. And also, I got a good amount of exercise to balance out all of those fruit snacks. Lol, good thing...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

2:35 AM

I have this realllly bad habit of staying up wayyy too late, I'm realizing. It's like two-something and I'm still up, doing nothing at all, really. It's stupid, but I still can't sleep. Probably because it's soooo hot right now. This afternoon it was 104 degrees, and it's still pretty hot. It sucks. But it's probably better than rain or something. Well, I'll be at EFY in a few days, so that'll be really good. OH. And if Hannah or Morgan read this, ask me about the really good dream I had, involving someone, (haha) and the lake. It was good. Unexpected, but good. I love that, when you have a great dream, but never would've thought of it on your own. Well, I should probably go.

Monday, July 04, 2005

It Took Forever

Well. It's been like a freakin month since I've written anything. Nothing huge has happened...except for my "fiancee" got back! Lol he was gone FOREVER, so I was really happy to see him. Even though he's not really my fiancee, but still, he's my favorite. Tomorrow should be fun. I'm going to do some stuff tomorrow morning, then hopefully the entire 'fammy' will get to hang out for awhile that night! Anyway, it should be fun. Other than that, nothing huge's been happening. I've talked to Kyle Bee some, and even Killian's called, so that's good. You know what I want more than anything right now? To be able to drive. That would be perfect. Maybe Nathan'll start driving us around? Hmm what do you think?